Why Silat?

Once I had a teacher, under my present teacher and he would often talk about training to make his and our higher teacher,feel proud I guess it was the way he would say it, like he were about to take an oath of honor "come on guys lets reallymake him feel PROUD" .that hit me hard then and it still does.For a long time I kinda had that take what you can grab and get attitude.plundering thru it for my own purpose's.actually now I have come appreciate what he said more and more with each day.nothing lasts foerver and nothing is impossible
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merry natal dan hari libur setiap orang Joyeux Noël et Bonne vacances tout le mondemerry christmas and happy holidays iederGlædelig jul og glade feriedage hverVeselé Vánoce a šťastný svátky každý圣诞快乐,每一个节日快乐saoire na Nollag agus sásta Merry gach ceannkislap sa christmas at happy bakasyon sa bawat isamerry vacanze di Natale e felice ogni unomerry christmas and happy holidays alleСчастливого Рождества и праздники каждогоvacaciones de Navidad alegre y feliz a cada uno
In the art of silat, there is only one option,and that option, stands alone
as the full, body, bulk and cornerstone, of the art and, that is to go in and bring them to you,but this can occur in any order, so you could break it down, into two options, and four variables, in any order,or to put it blunt
hit em, while they are in motion, if your feeling tired dont be affraid to stretch them out far as possible,heavy, blunt, objects, are easier to move that way,timing takes anticipation,and patients,train, with purpose and dignity,to be a warrior is to protect the weak and defend what is just honest,and fair,and to mis quote some one from somewhere "there are wolves and there are sheep and between them you have the sheep dog,be a sheep dog"
silat, is full of microscopic, details, here's a little thing that helped me immensely, do your jurus ,say tick,tock,like you are a clock,so the beat is the same between all motions great and small,play with the motions fast, but, always go slow to practice,by the way what I write is for anyone,
not just big headed wise guys,
its almost, as if the jurus ,are only, the background, to contain the infinite in betweens,beginners,will think, in terms of jurus, where experts,will only think, in terms of what they see in between, and I should know, because Im no expert, because ,I do go to one
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the way I see it, its all about, using the jurus for spring like momentum,
to land, and take off, loaded from where ever you are, like using the same
mechanics from a karate double reverse punch only starting from a twisted
structure only at the last second, you switch the feet, to give it spine
cracking power, your own if your not careful, its like a series of awkward
shifts, that compound, as they unfold
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the jurus , that great pit fall quagmire of burning maze we have to pass thru
physical twisting contorting confusions , fumbling for understanding , you
can not do your jurus until you make the body into a high performance juru machine , bottom line if your a hundred and fifty pounds you want to hit with
the power of a three hundred pounder , then focus on endless meticulous details , in other words prerequisite study the short root motions of power torque force , all the time ,take one strike out of the jurus and do it thousands of times a day then when you do this your building jurus muscle or your exercising your jurus muscles to extreme , we are all scrapping for scraps and scrambling for crumbs like archaeologists piecing dinosaurs, trying to piece busted puzzles that were whole far away and long ago ,when the art was all, for life or death, held secret and kept sacred,
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from,out,of,nowhere,in,any,fight,and,we,only,expect the worst
from the best
boy,did,I phuckkk,up,I,couldn't,leave,bad,enough,well,alone,I,didn't,realize,I was making,a,trail I,tried,deleting,best,I,could,do,was,edit,sorry,to,Indonesia,to,all,the,styles,that,were,once,but,
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Well,now,the,way, I see it as,I look back to the most golden moments,
of my training were,moments,of,supervised,insanity,starting,when,I,showed,up,to,

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