Like mmhafiz, I also learn Silat Cekak Ustaz Hanafi
In this silat
- there is 21 buah, no bunga, no tari
- only one stance, the neutral stance where the pesilat just stand up straight and waits for attacks.
- no sidestepping to dodge. all buahs are done in a way you can advance forward. no backing off. hence very effective in tight spaces e.g. corridors, aeroplane, ship,
- parrying techniques based on salaah (muslim prayer). The kaedah A, B, C, D based on Du'a, Qiam, Ruku', and Takbeer respectively.
- from the parrying techniques it extends into 20 different buah
- learning the buahs has 3 stage - Peringkat Asas (Basic), Jatuh (Takedown), Potong (Recounter - countering if your opponent attacked with a silat cekak's buah).
- the nature of silat is defensive, most of the time you wait to be attacked and
simultaneously parry and execute your buah.
"cekak menyerang, cekak menangkap"
- since it's defensive silat basically there's no sparring (since neither side will attack)
- if in real fight you desperately need to attack, use buah number 21, Buah Serang, which will sure-hit the opponent even if blocked or dodged (unless the opponent also practice Silat Cekak, he knows how to counter)
“Jika elak pasti kena, dan jika tepis pasti dimakannya."
- to learn this silat you must be a muslim.
The good thing about this silat style is its simplicity and effectiveness, also the training duration is quite short, that is 6-8 months, with two 2-hour session a week (4 hours per week),
This silat greatly emphasizes using attacker's momentum to counter and clever use of leverage. Many takedowns and locks are done with simple push to back of knees.
After you finish the 21 buah syllabus, there is Peringkat Umum (General Stage), where you are taught to defend against other martial arts e.g. other silats, Tae kwon do, Judo, Tomoi (a muay thai-like art), etc.
Also defense against weapons (knives, katana, sticks, etc), ground fighting are taught here.