Why Silat?

uh,nothing personal meant to anyone ever,this aint about issue's unless you wanna make it about issues.lets see how tough you can write, who can knuckle out that knock out - paragraph? on your blood stained key board
its good to always practice basics that way the basics are allways in a state of improvement.the basics grow with your skill and understanding. the basics of now is what puzzles you at the moment
if nothing's puzzlling you Get out! run ! dont look back, its not silat
anyone knows everything revolves around the point of contact and no two points of contact are ever exactly the same.unless your fighting a robot but
not a very sophisticated one.
also silat makes you feel good physically.how can it not.the freedom of motion opens circullation and energy channels.for me at times, very hard to start training, but almost always I dont want to stop , I have to tear myself away from it ,with twice the resistance it took to over come to begin in the first place.some thing about being in continuous motion, very energizing and habit forming.the value of a school is the incentive to keep up with at worst, conquer at best, all the other students. self defense as the only motivation isnt enough incentive to replace the sporting mock animosity a school can provide.
In the first motion of the first juru is the key to the entire system.. also , never honk at anyone on the street unless your ready to fight! especialy if just your luck they happen to be going to the same parking lot you are.if as soon as they spot you they start swearing,at this point do not stop and attempt to humer them! any rational only fuels their rage!next time just smile , ignore them go in the store.
point being, if someone does something stupid and dangerous on the road
they are very likely very stupid and dangerous in other environments as well.I dont know what happened, he got out of his car walked toward me
maybe five feet away put his hands up like he was going walk in and shove me I just stood there then he just stopped All I know is I was far more relaxed then Ive ever been in these kinds of situations I was so calm it scares me to think about it It must have scared him to.he never came any closer and it dissolved into a minor argument.But thats just another way of using silat.all I know I couldnt have felt so relaxed if I didnt know how much the art's motions demand it.just an oddity for the silat twilight zone.
Personally I love that close in manipulation and leg destructions.
Those are the very things that impress me the most about Silat. I've seldom watched/seen a Silat practitioner execute their techniques w/out me being impressed with the contact manipulation, the destructiveness AND having sympathy pains in my knees and ankles as I watch the 'attacker's' lower limbs get torqued, twisted, yanked, kneed and stomped on!!!!

Your Brother
Thats where all the sick timing comes into play, you might buy a moment with a high attack and in that near gone moment ,you set up and execute a step,or a stomp, sweep etc.then with their un willing cooperation you can go where they are going in the way you choose to go.
Inspiration might be the most important drive. what inspires you to do your thousand plus sapu's a day, besides the fact you might have a hell of a sapu
at the end of the year.your favorite teacher will always be your foremost inspiration.

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