Why Silat?

almost forgot my password for a moment or two,

why do any martial arts at all ? well seems to answer

that best with a question why not ? 1 reason anyone

except the pain and injuries , what is martial art ?

its not like a painting centuries old that is the same long

after the artist, who painted it , in that sense does it exist

if all the martial artists were taken to another planet by

space warriors , but who would that leave if it even included

the worst with the best does't every one have hundreds of

hours of video exposure, movies ufc tv etc who isn't a backseat

martial artist these days , some walk away from just one

weekend seminar and change their name to chuckie chan seagal,

or watch slow motion in slower motion episodes of the old kung fu

series next day they are swinging a staff like the grass hopper was

shown by master poe , are they now a new martial artist, the point is

sure everyone is a painter too with a

brush only their skylines look like

blotches and trees like stick man

octopuses, but who can't paint

still who again would call themselves

painting artist after a seminar or two

Its an art almost without boundaries

beyond concise definition , or a guy

takes lessons for a few years as a teen

is he a martial artist for life now, maybe

there exist no martial arts with out

the martial artist ,but what is the

prerequisite for this wide spectrum

a martial artist is someone who laughs

in the face of full speed force at their face

and plays with it like a piro with fire like

a lion tamer calmly taunts the ferocious

lions, fact is they make it look like anyone

can not be instantly eaten if they tried it,

how much

class resistance is needed to foil their every technique

a beginner tries, if everything is fully resisted

nothing works right , but if it does somethings

wrong , this technique has seven moves yeah

,boolsht , all have 1 the first move, theres is rarely

ever a hundred percent resistance except when

2 students might get into a fight mode mid technique,

it happens , in any class though in the street its the norm

so how real it is is gauged by levels

of resistance in training style ,to learn

another has to let you do the moves,

once you learn, their role then is to not

let you, so a martial art , separates itself

at this phase , you could

say it starts with countering the counter

realizing their counter is inevitable no

matter the move, the newer students

say what do I do now, exactly this is where

it gets tricky ,where the art of it really starts

where it goes from checkers to chess, the expert

plans on your countering the first ten

or so things they do , automatically , though their

intent is its done in two moves or less , but

for them the strategies, are two sides of the same coin

though only most everyone may share the second.

just as every chess players goal is the capture of the king

yet that is just the martial part , before the art.
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Seems theres a big difference being a practitioner and a martial artist

the latter requires an understanding of all martial arts , the sophistication

doesn't exist in proficiency of executing clever technique , but more of

more cleverly countering them , being expert at ones art alone does not

make one a martial artist, this is the homework , really who cares if techniques

are effective within the style , there's no bad martial arts just bad practitioners

but most any martial arts class training will make one healthier stronger and more

flexible , at worst they will definitely be able to run away faster and with better wind

after practicing all those reps of fast flashy kicks , in class,

even if that's all they do , but again , still the golden rule of all

martial artists " never underestimate an opponent" , no matter

what they've trained, martial arts styles are all connected

at the show down , every style is surrounded by all other forms

boxers strike like lightning , at any standing distance, so if A is a

master grappler and B a seasoned boxer ,A has to get past the

flying fists to even begin to do their thing , that is the prerequisite

to get to their grappling territory, and if B has a friend quick with their

boots any where near its not going to go so well for the ground

expert , thats what they leave out in UFC , if the minute they went to

the mat they got kicked it would be a brand new reality challenge ,

BUT GETTING PAST a fast fist to the chin is the key that opens their door

likewise the boxer is a stranger to the ground, so the most crucial

practice for the grappler is getting past everything they do standing

but do we ever see that , no they have one standing attack counter

for every ten minutes of rolling around , oh they are hell to pay

good at what they do , in their element , but their instinct is

ingrained to the tackle reaction , but then its pretty safe

to say you never want to box a boxer back , what if they

are a savate expert , is the boxer going to start with a kick

it would be an unretractable mistake . but the boxer has

the advantage over both , at the point it goes from words

to action , cause where two face off its from in his prime range

blah blah , blah , hands rise Pow ! how it happens ,

so ones silat savate grappling and silat boxing and silat karate

and kun tao counters, must be, at the top of the training awareness .

but what do you style s do pitched with a style that 's focused solely on that

tedious ground sweeping, , silat would seem the closest thing

if one did that thousands of times a day they'd be one tough mf

for one just free falling flat to the ground beats the sht outta ya

then there's all the endless spinning , and jumping up fast seems

people would remember to forget to go back to a class that

did only that , before they can be kicked punched or grabbed

they are already falling and they only want the leg on the way

and let that ground they thought their best friend , become

their worst enemy speeding up behind them , as bad as it

feels flopping half flat to the ground ,its way worse thousand times

to be ground swept theres just no easy way to fly up and land

a quater second later flat on your back, even if you go slower

gravity is gravity , well this is one martial art that would

have the falls catch up from all that shock and self inflicted impact

thats why all martial arts seem to have it , but not only it

again silat is ground kinda art , so it shows up quite allot .

So there's that to despair over , as well , so an art is only

as strong as its holdup to comparison, to see ones art in

all martial arts is too have a very deep rooted art , then its

not really your art now it you owe so much of its understandings

and practical applications to all the myriad of counterings for

other arts out there .

All martial artists on a high level , are sharing in the same art

they all drop their students instantaneously some a bit faster
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since all martial arts are physics of motion

physics of motion must be all martial arts

all martial motions , rule one , across the

board , like rock climbing or scaffold walking

don't fall, rule two there's always more than one,

to kick you when your down

to rule three they always have a hidden shiv in hand

can't train all the time in your style and expect to be

exempt from the rules , can't say oh gasp they have a blade

say lets see yeah we did knife defense techniques in last sat

class after the grappling between the combo practice ,

all that rolling bag work training calisthenics trading techniques

back and forth, all obsolete ,all riding now on recalling those

few training techniques or those what if there;s more than

occasional one classes

rule 4 no rules beyond the doe jo , to rule 5 there are no blade counters

for the ones never seen , so here all those here comes the blade now trading disarms

games or techniques are useless , say one joins a new ma club , one night they lock the doors

hand half the class real knives and say ok slashing but no stabbing you know some one's

gonna get stabbed , but that thought alone facing the common great equalizer that renders

mountains of rolling and tumbling material pointless ,

now the ninety pound weakling invading your space , has just turned your black belt pretty

yellow and his little friend , cause there's as the other we don't see , who are all armed too

Rule 6 when training always be untouchable , now there's a a swell set of rules

for an ideal do jo , that is , its ones choice we can train most or least for the best

or the worst case of scenarios, the choice is up the the various style club heads ,

so we know its not how hard one trains. or how smart one trains, or how smart one

hardly trains, but how hardly one smartly trains the most ,

just as every carnival had its magician , one made his lively hood by slight of hand

so just what is slight of hand trickery some call them the jurus , as once the tiger

engages his expectations, are set, in stone ., but no one's a real tiger wanna learn

the way of the tiger get a play full cat , a clip , they put a small house cat up against a king cobra

and then a diamond back , snakes never had a chance, gotta small lightning quick black cat

the other day it was attacking the string moves that blow jackie chan out of the water

and even put a great Bruce Lee to shame

once had a small calico cat had her kittens between the houses ,along comes this big skinny stray retriever

towards the kittens , she got up on her back two leg s with paws stretch wide and ran at that dog

like a grizzly bear hor about ten feet , the dog ran when he saw that
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some martial arts are Volkswagens others are Maserati,'s

only they all come to the student unassembled in a box

they don't drive out the dogo in a car the first day

and no one can put it together for them , the teacher

only provides the instruction manual , one cannot

watch a video and build a car , before understanding

how the whole thing fits and functions together

the teacher can open the box and spread the

pieces and components out on the floor

the hardest arts have the fewest student

not everyone can assemble a Maserati

then after one does , that still does't make

one a formula 1 race car driver, you have

to put the car together , before learning how

to operate it with any skill , many are so thrilled

just getting the box of Maserati materials , and the

assembly instructions they may not even

open the box , how can one teach amother how to

build and fly their own rocket ship until one has built one

and flown one themselves , then most will never be rocket

scientists, that is it may take a plumber a dozen lifetimes to grasp

the complexity , even if they are supplied the material and instruction

blueprints , in silat you work with motions so what ever motion come

you welcome , the art of channeling and directing force when it comes in

you pull when it goes back you push you have to use the force relish in it

thats why the old masters are so hard to hit , and you never know what t

hey are going to do , because they are only using what you do against you

Ali ways the greatest cause almost no one could hit him , no matter how strong

or hard and quick they punched, because they trained to hit , someone

hitting them , not someone who trained how not to get hit its much easier to hit

than not get hit , if one was good enough at it , one wouldn't even need to learn how

to hit , the art of evasion is much more complex than the art of confrontation

of course its an imperfect art as anyone can get hit sooner or later , so both arts are

complementary some just collect boxes and are experts at knowing all the parts

inside them with ut ever putting anything together as knowledge only guru's

or just blueprint robbers from the arts
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seeing a technique watching a video greatest way to learn

from a screen so easy as a b monkey do monkey see,

can watch and practice a thousand video techniques a

day , and when soon through mail the instructions

to assemble the tight wire and the unicycle arrives,

who wants to know the do's but not the don'ts as

first thing about riding a unicycle you need a

unicycle , or all those riding techniques are

irrelevant ,

What it is , like one starts out with a big empty circle

then fills it in with mistakes its easy to learn three ways to

do a move in six minutes , but its not the perfection that

makes you fall off the high wire , I don't know I'm no unicycle

expert but it seems there are allot more things you cant do

than things you can , to keep the wheel on the wire ,

so its an ocean of error around a deserted island of perfection

say to take in the moves is to know only one way to do it, that's

the right way, we see it in a class looks easy enough try it and

in don't work , the reason is simple lies in the principle of

countless imperfect possibilities, start with a rope end with a thread

an expert knows most what they are not supposed do the novice

only knows what they are supposed to do , so they fall off

like approaching billiards all is organized and orderly then the

break happens all chaos breaks loose from out of the haphazard

chaos, strategy to align the strikes sets its course and skills

call all the shots, its now a science a pool shark sees no guess work

its all mathematics geometrical physics ,

so learning a technique knowing it and understanding it are three different things

so what plus why equals how , all the wrong ways out of the way leaves only the

right ways , with always a better way so all techniques and arts are incomplete

its like to know how to win ones argument one must know the opponents

but no one knows what anyone will say or do next this throws all the fixed

techniques out the window , all technique breaks down to a conflict of

micro increments, of motion , every opponent creates new holes in the

technique theory for applications to patch
seeing a technique watching a video greatest way to learn

from a screen so easy as a b monkey do monkey see,

can watch and practice a thousand video techniques a

day , and when soon through mail the instructions

to assemble the tight wire and the unicycle arrives,

who wants to know the do's but not the don'ts as

first thing about riding a unicycle you need a

unicycle , or all those riding techniques are

irrelevant ,

What it is , like one starts out with a big empty circle

then fills it in with mistakes its easy to learn three ways to

do a move in six minutes , but its not the perfection that

makes you fall off the high wire , I don't know I'm no unicycle

expert but it seems there are allot more things you cant do

than things you can , to keep the wheel on the wire ,

so its an ocean of error around a deserted island of perfection

say to take in the moves is to know only one way to do it, that's

the right way, we see it in a class looks easy enough try it and

in don't work , the reason is simple lies in the principle of

countless imperfect possibilities, start with a rope end with a thread

an expert knows most what they are not supposed do the novice

only knows what they are supposed to do , so they fall off

like approaching billiards all is organized and orderly then the

break happens all chaos breaks loose from out of the haphazard

chaos, strategy to align the strikes sets its course and skills

call all the shots, its now a science a pool shark sees no guess work

its all mathematics geometrical physics ,

so learning a technique knowing it and understanding it are three different things

so what plus why equals how , all the wrong ways out of the way leaves only the

right ways , with always a better way so all techniques and arts are incomplete

its like to know how to win ones argument one must know the opponents

but no one knows what anyone will say or do next this throws all the fixed

techniques out the window , all technique breaks down to a conflict of

micro increments, of motion , every opponent creates new holes in the

technique theory for applications to patch
You have posted a series of responses here - all very hard to read. Why the double-spacing, no capitalization, and odd line breaks?
You have posted a series of responses here - all very hard to read. Why the double-spacing, no capitalization, and odd line breaks?
Actually now is an improvement than what was usually being posted several years ago...

Sent from my BV8000Pro using Tapatalk
If it was easy everyone would be trying to read it , why spread pearls to

swine , Oh wait everyone is trying only 68 000 or so swine views

too feel sorry for , having to dig through the labyrinths of metaphors

But then darn it all to heck !

Just wrote a whole streaming page , went and hit full screen gone

lost it all , now I gotta recall, it all , not worth it to me

hate that , Oh easy to say the

same damn thing but with different words , Why study silat

seems its the most prone to deception style out there

with its origins tribally fragmented over vast jungle

islands .

Anyway seems the most likely to be about bulsht , it was

practiced not called silat , but simply survival

There are no rules , In silat fight club .

Sht not even close to the same words I wrote before

so what you don't know what I wrote before either

I could say they were the same ,just like I can say

say , Yeah this technique is silat passed down out

of the jungles of some island centuries ago , same thing

Any way you don't go sign up first then say now can I see the

teacher , No you see them move , and you say holy sht wtf

was that , If you see three or four big tough looking fckers

wearing the same sweat soaked shirts , all be told to strike

them , with full force at once and a few seconds later

he's standing there laughing and they are piled and

tangled on the floor also laughing , Whats in a name

its all the teacher, then you have to wonder ? how

much is the art and how great is the teacher , if its a system

of principles that require the most effect with the least effort

it might or might not be silat , Or rather one of its many

styles . Every torch passed down, eventually becomes a candle .
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Why martial art ? we study and train for decades , confrontations last
seconds , most can count them on one hand thats one 99.999 percent
of the time training, the learning part distracts the mind and allows
the arms and legs to flail about vigorously In short it makes us feel
more alive, like any enjoyable athletics

It tricks the mind into getting off the couch because we are always learning
once the learning current slows the fun's over turn out the lights , its one eye on
the training the other on the clock. again , for one to declare , I'm a silat man
or a kun tao woman or a karate whatever ,is to become victim to ones own
limitations, some styles are shallow some are deeper , some teach more universal
principles , like a race mechanic understands how all engines are put together
the drivers dont , observing every style holds a potential stepping stone to better
understanding our own style , there is only one martial art , that comprises and
contains all styles and systems

So some we have to laugh at some we praise and copy some we examine to learn
counters against . as long as anyone out there is doing something tricky we have never
seen there is something new to learn . Whether they know it or not , not as mere style
practitioners but as martial artists, all are and will always be infinite beginners.
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There is something very
important now, to turn and
direct efforts and greater
focus of attentions towards.

That being the massive sheer responsibility
those with any direct line connectivity
into any rare traditional system, passed down
and handed up, through history, bear to
keep the art alive.

How it is so vital to once the basics are understood to
seek and find some trusted outsider to share all ones
knowledge with, at every stage, the blessings and benefits
are multi fold particularly in terms of the arts preservation

Any teacher whatever level only requires one devoted
student to keep the art alive in them . as it demands that
one continuously go back and re examine all their teachings
from basics to present.

Frail as each snowflake, is unique, fragile as a smoke-ring
around the dragonfly wing, well almost , You are the art,
You are a fck en guardian of the art. as You may need it
at sometime to survive, so too, it needs you ,

for its continuance of survival .

Say you and all involved in your system
crash-landed on the moon then the art
,what art, there is no art, like no movie
without projector, kept alive only by the
collective perfection of each practitioners,
best recollection.
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some day might go back a read what I wrote not today. martial arts are visual

until the motions become invisible okay microscopic and internal in origin thats

how a master can do in 2 or 3 motions what it takes a student to do in 10 motions

many things need to be explained just in order to see them . see a guy flopping around

in all directions hear them all say yeah it takes over a life time study to learn it all

like looking at the waves on the surface of the sea thats all you see yet the depths are

unknown till you dive down in to it only then can you begin to see into the hidden depths .

the deeper you go the more you realize its bottomless . a micro universe an onion with infinite skins
almost forgot my password for a moment or two,

why do any martial arts at all ? well seems to answer

that best with a question why not ? 1 reason anyone

except the pain and injuries , what is martial art ?

its not like a painting centuries old that is the same long

after the artist, who painted it , in that sense does it exist

if all the martial artists were taken to another planet by

space warriors , but who would that leave if it even included

the worst with the best does't every one have hundreds of

hours of video exposure, movies ufc tv etc who isn't a backseat

martial artist these days , some walk away from just one

weekend seminar and change their name to chuckie chan seagal,

or watch slow motion in slower motion episodes of the old kung fu

series next day they are swinging a staff like the grass hopper was

shown by master poe , are they now a new martial artist, the point is

sure everyone is a painter too with a

brush only their skylines look like

blotches and trees like stick man

octopuses, but who can't paint

still who again would call themselves

painting artist after a seminar or two

Its an art almost without boundaries

beyond concise definition , or a guy

takes lessons for a few years as a teen

is he a martial artist for life now, maybe

there exist no martial arts with out

the martial artist ,but what is the

prerequisite for this wide spectrum

a martial artist is someone who laughs

in the face of full speed force at their face

and plays with it like a piro with fire like

a lion tamer calmly taunts the ferocious

lions, fact is they make it look like anyone

can not be instantly eaten if they tried it,

how much

class resistance is needed to foil their every technique

a beginner tries, if everything is fully resisted

nothing works right , but if it does somethings

wrong , this technique has seven moves yeah

,boolsht , all have 1 the first move, theres is rarely

ever a hundred percent resistance except when

2 students might get into a fight mode mid technique,

it happens , in any class though in the street its the norm

so how real it is is gauged by levels

of resistance in training style ,to learn

another has to let you do the moves,

once you learn, their role then is to not

let you, so a martial art , separates itself

at this phase , you could

say it starts with countering the counter

realizing their counter is inevitable no

matter the move, the newer students

say what do I do now, exactly this is where

it gets tricky ,where the art of it really starts

where it goes from checkers to chess, the expert

plans on your countering the first ten

or so things they do , automatically , though their

intent is its done in two moves or less , but

for them the strategies, are two sides of the same coin

though only most everyone may share the second.

just as every chess players goal is the capture of the king

yet that is just the martial part , before the art.

almost forgot my password for a moment or two,

why do any martial arts at all ? well seems to answer

that best with a question why not ? 1 reason anyone

except the pain and injuries , what is martial art ?

its not like a painting centuries old that is the same long

after the artist, who painted it , in that sense does it exist

if all the martial artists were taken to another planet by

space warriors , but who would that leave if it even included

the worst with the best does't every one have hundreds of

hours of video exposure, movies ufc tv etc who isn't a backseat

martial artist these days , some walk away from just one

weekend seminar and change their name to chuckie chan seagal,

or watch slow motion in slower motion episodes of the old kung fu

series next day they are swinging a staff like the grass hopper was

shown by master poe , are they now a new martial artist, the point is

sure everyone is a painter too with a

brush only their skylines look like

blotches and trees like stick man

octopuses, but who can't paint

still who again would call themselves

painting artist after a seminar or two

Its an art almost without boundaries

beyond concise definition , or a guy

takes lessons for a few years as a teen

is he a martial artist for life now, maybe

there exist no martial arts with out

the martial artist ,but what is the

prerequisite for this wide spectrum

a martial artist is someone who laughs

in the face of full speed force at their face

and plays with it like a piro with fire like

a lion tamer calmly taunts the ferocious

lions, fact is they make it look like anyone

can not be instantly eaten if they tried it,

how much

class resistance is needed to foil their every technique

a beginner tries, if everything is fully resisted

nothing works right , but if it does somethings

wrong , this technique has seven moves yeah

,boolsht , all have 1 the first move, theres is rarely

ever a hundred percent resistance except when

2 students might get into a fight mode mid technique,

it happens , in any class though in the street its the norm

so how real it is is gauged by levels

of resistance in training style ,to learn

another has to let you do the moves,

once you learn, their role then is to not

let you, so a martial art , separates itself

at this phase , you could

say it starts with countering the counter

realizing their counter is inevitable no

matter the move, the newer students

say what do I do now, exactly this is where

it gets tricky ,where the art of it really starts

where it goes from checkers to chess, the expert

plans on your countering the first ten

or so things they do , automatically , though their

intent is its done in two moves or less , but

for them the strategies, are two sides of the same coin

though only most everyone may share the second.

just as every chess players goal is the capture of the king

yet that is just the martial part , before the art.

right time

right place

right structure

right motion

only you choose / control , your timing , position , structure , and motion
almost forgot my password for a moment or two,

why do any martial arts at all ? well seems to answer

that best with a question why not ? 1 reason anyone

except the pain and injuries , what is martial art ?

its not like a painting centuries old that is the same long

after the artist, who painted it , in that sense does it exist

if all the martial artists were taken to another planet by

space warriors , but who would that leave if it even included

the worst with the best does't every one have hundreds of

hours of video exposure, movies ufc tv etc who isn't a backseat

martial artist these days , some walk away from just one

weekend seminar and change their name to chuckie chan seagal,

or watch slow motion in slower motion episodes of the old kung fu

series next day they are swinging a staff like the grass hopper was

shown by master poe , are they now a new martial artist, the point is

sure everyone is a painter too with a

brush only their skylines look like

blotches and trees like stick man

octopuses, but who can't paint

still who again would call themselves

painting artist after a seminar or two

Its an art almost without boundaries

beyond concise definition , or a guy

takes lessons for a few years as a teen

is he a martial artist for life now, maybe

there exist no martial arts with out

the martial artist ,but what is the

prerequisite for this wide spectrum

a martial artist is someone who laughs

in the face of full speed force at their face

and plays with it like a piro with fire like

a lion tamer calmly taunts the ferocious

lions, fact is they make it look like anyone

can not be instantly eaten if they tried it,

how much

class resistance is needed to foil their every technique

a beginner tries, if everything is fully resisted

nothing works right , but if it does somethings

wrong , this technique has seven moves yeah

,boolsht , all have 1 the first move, theres is rarely

ever a hundred percent resistance except when

2 students might get into a fight mode mid technique,

it happens , in any class though in the street its the norm

so how real it is is gauged by levels

of resistance in training style ,to learn

another has to let you do the moves,

once you learn, their role then is to not

let you, so a martial art , separates itself

at this phase , you could

say it starts with countering the counter

realizing their counter is inevitable no

matter the move, the newer students

say what do I do now, exactly this is where

it gets tricky ,where the art of it really starts

where it goes from checkers to chess, the expert

plans on your countering the first ten

or so things they do , automatically , though their

intent is its done in two moves or less , but

for them the strategies, are two sides of the same coin

though only most everyone may share the second.

just as every chess players goal is the capture of the king

yet that is just the martial part , before the art.
Click to expand...

almost forgot my password for a moment or two,

why do any martial arts at all ? well seems to answer

that best with a question why not ? 1 reason anyone

except the pain and injuries , what is martial art ?

its not like a painting centuries old that is the same long

after the artist, who painted it , in that sense does it exist

if all the martial artists were taken to another planet by

space warriors , but who would that leave if it even included

the worst with the best does't every one have hundreds of

hours of video exposure, movies ufc tv etc who isn't a backseat

martial artist these days , some walk away from just one

weekend seminar and change their name to chuckie chan seagal,

or watch slow motion in slower motion episodes of the old kung fu

series next day they are swinging a staff like the grass hopper was

shown by master poe , are they now a new martial artist, the point is

sure everyone is a painter too with a

brush only their skylines look like

blotches and trees like stick man

octopuses, but who can't paint

still who again would call themselves

painting artist after a seminar or two

Its an art almost without boundaries

beyond concise definition , or a guy

takes lessons for a few years as a teen

is he a martial artist for life now, maybe

there exist no martial arts with out

the martial artist ,but what is the

prerequisite for this wide spectrum

a martial artist is someone who laughs

in the face of full speed force at their face

and plays with it like a piro with fire like

a lion tamer calmly taunts the ferocious

lions, fact is they make it look like anyone

can not be instantly eaten if they tried it,

how much

class resistance is needed to foil their every technique

a beginner tries, if everything is fully resisted

nothing works right , but if it does somethings

wrong , this technique has seven moves yeah

,boolsht , all have 1 the first move, theres is rarely

ever a hundred percent resistance except when

2 students might get into a fight mode mid technique,

it happens , in any class though in the street its the norm

so how real it is is gauged by levels

of resistance in training style ,to learn

another has to let you do the moves,

once you learn, their role then is to not

let you, so a martial art , separates itself

at this phase , you could

say it starts with countering the counter

realizing their counter is inevitable no

matter the move, the newer students

say what do I do now, exactly this is where

it gets tricky ,where the art of it really starts

where it goes from checkers to chess, the expert

plans on your countering the first ten

or so things they do , automatically , though their

intent is its done in two moves or less , but

for them the strategies, are two sides of the same coin

though only most everyone may share the second.

just as every chess players goal is the capture of the king

yet that is just the martial part , before the art.
right time

right place

right structure

right motion

only you choose / control , your timing , position , structure , and motion
Why are you talking to yourself?

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