Why Mitt Romney Is the Worst Possible Candidate for Women

As to abortion, the democrats are focusing on that this time around, and their allies in the media keep trying to focus the discussion on that even though this is an election based on the economy. Why is abortion important to conservative Republicans, because it involves an innocent human life that will be ended depending on decisions politicians make. It is kinda important to some people, since the government gets to mandate when "life," begins.

legimate rape cannot result in pregnancy,

For example, the above quote came from one guy who didn't handle the question well. The democrats and their media allies tried to make it the only answer that all republicans believe because obama has screwed up the economy. Keep women agitated about false issues like free birth control, not access, but free birth control, and abortion that even if Romney is elected and manages to appoint two conservative, originalists to the court and a court case makes it to the supreme court on abortion, and Roe v.Wade is finally overturned...the net effect is that each state will get to decide. Yeah, that makes everything the democrats are using to scare uninformed women untrue...

I'd like to see pro-choicers asked any of these 10 questions in a live debate and see what kind of soundbite we could get from them...


NASHVILLE (BP) -- Debate moderators and reporters love to ask pro-life candidates hard questions about abortion. Curiously, they don't do the same for pro-choice candidates.Here are 10 questions you never hear a pro-choice candidate asked by the media:
that a board of politicians gather to determine law for contraceptice, yet no woman is even allowed to speak much less be a board member,

You aren't talking about Fluke, are you?
As to abortion, the democrats are focusing on that this time around, and their allies in the media keep trying to focus the discussion on that even though this is an election based on the economy. Why is abortion important to conservative Republicans, because it involves an innocent human life

But that's a matter of opinion, and they don't respect the opinions of the strong majority who disagree (at least in some circumstances).

For example, the above quote came from one guy who didn't handle the question well.

That guy went on to explain that he had spoken about it with physicians and knew it to be true. It wasn't a mistake, or mishandled--he was simply ignorant, and trying to base law off his ignorance of science and and off his religious beliefs. We've seen (Walsh, Mourdock) that he's hardly alone. Ignorance of science and imposition of religious law is their platform.
Keep in mind who is focusing on abortion and birth control this election...the democrats...why? Because their plan for the economy is wrecking it and one of their major support groups is young unmarried women, so, to keep women going to the polls, as the democrats say "to vote against their own interest...the economy," they create the false war on women meme to confuse the pretty little things.:angel:

Nobody held a gun to the heads of the old white men who have made statements about rape and pregnancy.
So "The GOP" is defined by the stupid statements of the politicians the media decides to parade on the screen?

And the Dem's don't say/do stupid things on an individual basis????
Of course there are Dems that make stupid statements. However, when the party platform is very conservative, then you have more that one Repblican making ultra-conservative asinine statements in a election cycle, it is news...especially when a couple of those politicians are making blatantly false or anti-science statements while sitting on the House Board of Science and Technology.

I have not seen or heard of any Democrat canidate make any public statements that are close to some of the nonsense that has come out of some of the Republican politicians. Admittedly, one of those politicians, Todd Akin, is running for my Senate representative so maybe I noticed the ignorance a bit more than normal.
They just haven't covered obama's lies about the killing of our ambassador in Bhengazi. Yeah, it isn't on quite the same level as the guy in Missouri talking about rape, I mean, only four people died after all.
<sigh> Stop being ridiculous. Obama killed no one. Also, the Benghazi thing is not a panecia to every dang issue you feel like your getting the negative end of.

Some Republicans are saying some stupid stuff, "Benghazi!" does not change that. There was a big storm that did a lot of damage, "Benghazi!" doesn't change that either. My Chiefs really suck this year. Yelling "Benghazi!" at the TV won't change that either.

There are many things that are news worthy. They all get news coverage, including your fetish issue Benghazi.
I have a suggestion for you Mr. Cihak. Given the impression I have garnered from your very occasional posts on the matter, I would not advise that voting to re-elect President Obama would be a suitable choice for you; just a hunch there.

However, to keep banging on about it is very rude and I do wish you would stop. I've taken you off Ignore as I really do not like to actually 'ignore' peoples views but, come on now, we get it, okay?

It might sound insane but there are far more important things, as ordinary people, to worry about than who wins a largely 'ornamental' election.
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I was sitting in saturday morning men's bible study last week, and one of the oldest guys there (pushing 90) says 'The problem with the government is that we don't have a secular government anymore. Everyone wants to shoehorn their religion into everything. You can't get christians (being the various denominations) to agree on what the Bible says, then we don't need to be telling everyone else how to live.'

You can get them to agree on what it says....it is that people desire to use it or interpret it for their own "ideas"
I have a suggestion for you Mr. Cihak. Given the impression I have garnered from your very occasional posts on the matter, I would not advise that voting to re-elect President Obama would be a suitable choice for you; just a hunch there.

However, to keep banging on about it is very rude and I do wish you would stop. I've taken you off Ignore as I really do not like to actually 'ignore' peoples views but, come on now, we get it, okay?

It might sound insane but there are far more important things, as ordinary people, to worry about than who wins a largely 'ornamental' election.

I've had him on ignore for a long time now, it's pleasant. I'm a bit argumentative now and again ( thought that would make you all splutter over your coffees lol) but I've found you cannot debate with some people.
I've had him on ignore for a long time now, it's pleasant. I'm a bit argumentative now and again ( thought that would make you all splutter over your coffees lol) but I've found you cannot debate with some people.
You're argumentative?
So "The GOP" is defined by the stupid statements of the politicians the media decides to parade on the screen?

These were scheduled campaign events (at least for Akin and Mourdock)--they wanted the media there.

And the Dem's don't say/do stupid things on an individual basis????

Not statements of scientific ignorance and hateful insensitivity like this, no. Individual? This is straight out of their platform. They're in line with their party's policy.
They know what's best for you. After all, they're' the party of individual liberty and responsibility.
These were scheduled campaign events (at least for Akin and Mourdock)--they wanted the media there.

Not statements of scientific ignorance and hateful insensitivity like this, no. Individual? This is straight out of their platform. They're in line with their party's policy.

Not statements of scientific ignorance and hatefulinsensitivity like this, no. Individual? This is straight out of theirplatform. They're in line with their party's policy.[/QUOTE]
when all else fails even when their statements are presented in print or videothey just deny it????? Newt just this morning was interview about his statementafter the debates that Romney was unfit to lead he sat there and said I neversaid that gee so nothing you or Ryan or Mitt matters you just change or denyyou ever said it no problem with lying to your face. Media parade why is itparade to make public their written platform, voting record or recorded videoof their statement especially on a large state or national venue? I

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