Planned parenthood stung again


Lifetime Supporting Member
In the latest effort by Lila Rose and her merry band of citizen journalists we find that planned parent hood is trying to save its government money by claiming they provide mamograms to women, and that losing government funding will curtail that practice. The sting shows that the local abortion clinics do not provide mamograms at all. Lila Rose called 30 different clinics in 27 states and was told they did not offer mamograms to women. Here is the article and the sting.

From the article:

Just a few weeks ago, on national television, Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards said thisabout Rep. Mike Pence’s amendment to defund Planned Parenthood:
“If this bill ever becomes law, millions of women in this country are gonna lose their health care access–not to abortion services–to basic family planning, you
know, mammograms.”
Yet this is blatantly false.

We got a tip from former Planned Parenthood director, Abby Johnson, that Planned Parenthood does not provide any mammogram services. Just to be sure, our investigative team called up 30 Planned Parenthood
clinics in many major metropolitan areas. Every single one of the clinics told our actor that no, they do not provide mammograms. “We don’t provide those services whatsoever,” one staffer in Arizona said.
Another in Wisconsin remarked, “We are just a surgical center, we don’t really do health services.” In Overland Park, KS, at Planned Parenthood’s “Comprehensive Health Center,” they said, “We don’t
actually have a, um, mammogram machine, at our clinics.”
In the latest effort by Lila Rose and her merry band of citizen journalists we find that planned parent hood is trying to save its government money by claiming they provide mamograms to women, and that losing government funding will curtail that practice. The sting shows that the local abortion clinics do not provide mamograms at all. Lila Rose called 30 different clinics in 27 states and was told they did not offer mamograms to women. Here is the article and the sting.

From the article:

Just a few weeks ago, on national television, Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards said thisabout Rep. Mike PenceÂ’s amendment to defund Planned Parenthood:
“If this bill ever becomes law, millions of women in this country are gonna lose their health care access–not to abortion services–to basic family planning, you
know, mammograms.”
Yet this is blatantly false.

We got a tip from former Planned Parenthood director, Abby Johnson, that Planned Parenthood does not provide any mammogram services. Just to be sure, our investigative team called up 30 Planned Parenthood
clinics in many major metropolitan areas. Every single one of the clinics told our actor that no, they do not provide mammograms. “We don’t provide those services whatsoever,” one staffer in Arizona said.
Another in Wisconsin remarked, “We are just a surgical center, we don’t really do health services.” In Overland Park, KS, at Planned Parenthood’s “Comprehensive Health Center,” they said, “We don’t
actually have a, um, mammogram machine, at our clinics.

it might be more economical to outsource mammograms to the specialized centers in town than to buy their own expensive machinery.

and here a little from your trusty neighborhood Wiki on the funding of PP...

Planned Parenthood has received federal funding since 1970, when President Richard Nixon signed into law the Family Planning Services and Population Research Act, amending the Public Health Service Act. Title X of that law provides funding for family planning services, including contraception and family planning information. The law enjoyed bipartisan support from liberals who saw contraception access as increasing families' control over their lives, and conservatives who saw it as a way to keep people off welfare.[32]
In the 2007–08 Annual Report, clinic income totalled $374.7 million and miscellaneous operating revenues $68.9 million.[33] Approximately two-thirds of the revenue is put towards the provision of health services, while non-medical services such as sex education and public policy work make up another 16%; management expenses, fundraising, and international family planning programs account for most of the rest.
Planned Parenthood receives about a third of its money in government grants and contracts ($349.6 million in the 2008 fiscal year). A coalition of national and local pro-life groups have lobbied the federal government to stop funding Planned Parenthood.[34] Federal legislators have also proposed laws that would ban Planned Parenthood from receiving federal money for any purpose.[35] By law, Planned Parenthood cannot allocate any federal funding for abortions.[34] Some abortion opponents, like Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana, have argued that allocating money to Planned Parenthood for the provision of other medical services "frees up" funds for abortion.[35][36]
Planned Parenthood is also funded by private donors, with a membership base of over 700,000 active donors whose contributions account for approximately one quarter of the organization's revenue.[33] Large donors also contribute a substantial portion of the organization's budget; donors have included the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Buffett Foundation, Ford Foundation, Ted Turner Foundation, the Cullmans and others.[37][38][39][40] The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's contributions to the organization have been specifically marked to avoid funding abortions.[37] Some, such as the Buffett Foundation, have specifically marked funds for abortion services.[37] Pro-life groups[who?] have advocated the boycott of donors to Planned Parenthood.[41][42]
At, media matters claimed that mamograms were provided by some clinics in texas, however, it appears to not be the case.

In a bid to discredit the Live Action’s investigation of Planned Parenthood as a “hoax,” Media Matters forgot that fact-checking matters most.
Says Media Matters:

This is false.
Live Action called two clinics in Waco, in addition to the one in Tucson, Arizona (heard on tape in the video below) and were told that no, the clinics do not provide mammogram screenings. In fact, Planned Parenthood clinics in Texas are not licensed to have mammogram machines:
Of the 14 Planned Parenthood abortion clinics in Texas, not a single one has either license or equipment.
At, media matters claimed that mamograms were provided by some clinics in texas, however, it appears to not be the case.

In a bid to discredit the Live Action’s investigation of Planned Parenthood as a “hoax,” Media Matters forgot that fact-checking matters most.
Says Media Matters:

This is false.
Live Action called two clinics in Waco, in addition to the one in Tucson, Arizona (heard on tape in the video below) and were told that no, the clinics do not provide mammogram screenings. In fact, Planned Parenthood clinics in Texas are not licensed to have mammogram machines:
Of the 14 Planned Parenthood abortion clinics in Texas, not a single one has either license or equipment.

Well, the machinery is an X-Ray beast. Dealing with those is expensive up front, plus you need to have the qualified personel to operate it. I can see where a planned Parenthood clinic does not have one. Especially when most of their customers come in for other things than breast exams.
After all, mammograms are not common for women under the age of 40 unless they have a family history.
I find it interesting that while trying to cut funding to Planned Parenthood, at the same time the house is trying to fund other women service providers that concentrate on preventing abortion. While I have no problems with preventing abortions, I do have problems with the 80% misleading or directly false information those clinics have been providing women. The info comes from a non-partisian study. So according to many of the right wing in the house, funding cannot be given to Planned Parenthood because they have mispoken or outright lied and they do abortions, which is still legal. But it is okay to fund clinics that don't do abortions, yet lie to the women they serve. More nonsense.
Technically, that's not a 'sting', that's an 'exposé'. A sting is when you entrap someone into saying or doing something that they'd not choose to do if they knew about your plans (give incriminating information, hand over money, etc). An exposé is when you reveal duplicity which has already occurred.

Why is it important? Well, even when one is in basic agreement that the organization in question has lied, as in this case, one hates to be associated with dolts.
noone appreciates your comments more than I do Bill Mattocks, you are a special guy.
The clinics providing abortions and the clinics providing other basic services are not usually the same places.

That may be true, but then begs the question as to why they didn't direct them to the location that they recommend for outsourcing. (Maybe they did, but they did not mention so in the article) Not only that, but this person said that they do provide those services, which, apparently, they do not. That would be a lie no matter which way you slice it.
That may be true, but then begs the question as to why they didn't direct them to the location that they recommend for outsourcing. (Maybe they did, but they did not mention so in the article) Not only that, but this person said that they do provide those services, which, apparently, they do not. That would be a lie no matter which way you slice it.

It depends on what the question was.
Semantics is everything some times.
It depends on what the question was.
Semantics is everything some times.

"Does Planned Parenthood provide services such as mamograms?"
"Do you provide services such as mamograms?"
"Does Planned Parenthood provide services such as mamograms, at this location?"

Answers can all be truthfull yet different.
"Does Planned Parenthood provide services such as mamograms?"
"Do you provide services such as mamograms?"
"Does Planned Parenthood provide services such as mamograms, at this location?"

Answers can all be truthfull yet different.

yep. my brain does not function well in such ways, but I am sure it can be worded so the only logical answer is nefarious in this context.
Technically, that's not a 'sting', that's an 'exposé'. A sting is when you entrap someone into saying or doing something that they'd not choose to do if they knew about your plans

Thats a great definition. If you have ever seen dateline nbc's To Catch a Predator (about people looking for sex with minors) that's a sting. Your definition is spot on.
STING: 3. To cause to suffer keenly in the mind or feelings.

Planned parenthood stung again.

Noone can argue with that definition of the situation with planned parenthood.
Yeah, they don't need the government money we give them. If they need to make up the difference, they should just charge more to end the life of an innocent human being.