Why I shouldn't be a blue belt

I come from a non-belted system and the approach is different is different from me. It's like

Belt color doesn't factor in other skill sets and abilities that someone may have. People often get caught up on the belt instead of the skill. That's why why the white belt belt pranks work. If the had focused on the skills then they would quicky understand that the person they were rolling with has skills beyond the white belt definition.

When I did training with Tony, I didn't ask about his belts or ranks because it's his skill set that I have to deal with and the approach that he may use. To this day I still don't know the level of his skills other than it's not beginner level.

I have a new muay thai sparring partner that has been feeding me punches, kicks, and knees. I don't know anything about his skill level beyond what he shows me.

The only thing I know for certain is that if I raise my skill level that I'm currently showing then he will either match what I give or he won't. It's the same for me. I will either match his skill level or I won't.

A white belt prank in A traditional kung fu school would be like a joke that goes over their heads.

I know that belts are important to people. I get it. I really do. I still have my white and yellow belt that I earned when I was a kid. But I wonder if the experience and how one feels would be different if there was no belt color and the beginner beat the intermediate.
I agree and one of the benefits of sparring a lot is that you deal with the person not the belt
I think the point I was trying to make is that sometimes the person with less skill/experince can still tap you out
Exhibit J
Rolling with a blue belt, get him into turtle. Try to roll to the back (just the basic one). He doesn't budge, I still roll, and I end up in side control.

We laughed and laughed at how bad that attempt was.

Exhibit K (for the defense)
Rolling with a black belt. He has me in side control. He's got his hips down so there's no chance of getting a knee on his hip, so instead I'm trying to get a leg into quarter guard. I managed, for a split second, to get my bottom knee under his leg. That's the closest I've ever gotten to getting in quarter guard against him. I call that a win.
Exhibit M
Rolling with a brown belt a few days ago. He catches me in a particularly embarrassing idiot sweep. He hooked my ankles with his feet, sat up and bonked me in the forehead with his palm, and I just fell over.

It took me a couple of days to realize what this reminded me of: faith healers. He touched his palm to my forehead and I just keeled over.

Yesterday I was talking to another brown belt about it. He said, "So he got you with a ki technique?"

I then told him about sparring with kids in TKD, and sometimes if I timed it just right, I could get them to fall over with a kiyhap.

Exhibit N
An hour later, I'm rolling with the other brown belt. As I reach for a collar grip, he shouts at me. Scared me half to death.
I hope it was strong enough to make him tap!
I did tap a purple belt once with this technique. He was knee-on-belly, I let one rip. He kept digging, I let another rip, then he tapped.

Yesterday I don't know what was wrong with me, but at one point I cleared the mat.
Exhibit O
Trying to enter SLX against a brown belt. I tried to shrimp. I missed the ground.

Exhibit P
About to be Kimura'd. Grabbed the nearest thing I could to protect my arm from being isolated. Submitted myself with the ol' D twist.
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Exhibit Q
Yesterday, someone made me verbally tap. Not out of any pain, but because I was startled.

My opponent was doing the overhook from guard, and I was so focused on defending my arm. He transitioned to a punch choke. He didn't quite have it, but as soon as I felt his fist on my neck I let out a little yelp of surprise, and he thought he hurt something.
Exhibit Q
Yesterday, someone made me verbally tap. Not out of any pain, but because I was startled.

My opponent was doing the overhook from guard, and I was so focused on defending my arm. He transitioned to a punch choke. He didn't quite have it, but as soon as I felt his fist on my neck I let out a little yelp of surprise, and he thought he hurt something.
We all have to learn to avoid the "surprised yelp" tap. I still have to work to suppress it occasionally. It's good because it teaches us to develop the poker face that we want in a real fight.
We all have to learn to avoid the "surprised yelp" tap. I still have to work to suppress it occasionally. It's good because it teaches us to develop the poker face that we want in a real fight.
There's also the Brazilian tap....
A tap that's so small, so well hidden that no one sees it and it's entirely deniable :)
This one was included in the evidence, but rejected by the prosecution, so it does not have an Exhibit letter. However, it is worth noting for the record.

Today, I was rolling with a brown belt. Here was my thought process. Am I actually passing his guard? I think I'm passing his guard. Yep, definitely passing his guard. How did he get on my back?
We all have to learn to avoid the "surprised yelp" tap. I still have to work to suppress it occasionally. It's good because it teaches us to develop the poker face that we want in a real fight.
I go the other way and do constant banter.
I go the other way and do constant banter.
I do that as well. I make my training partners laugh quite often, especially the upper belts.

Sometimes with me.

Sometimes at me.

Either way, they're laughing.


Out of curiosity DB, what rank are you in BJJ? I know you've been doing it a lot longer than me.
I do that as well. I make my training partners laugh quite often, especially the upper belts.

Sometimes with me.

Sometimes at me.

Either way, they're laughing.


Out of curiosity DB, what rank are you in BJJ? I know you've been doing it a lot longer than me.