There is, I agree.Well now you've got me curious. I laid out several components of my perspective. I wonder which part(s) you disagree with so strongly.
My first point was that there is a wide spectrum of fighting ability.
Of course not, I mean, really, who would?Most people, even if they are untrained, unathletic, and lacking in general fighting spirit, can win a fight against someone who is much smaller and weaker and doesn't have some other exceptional compensating attribute. As an extreme example, even a relatively wimpy 20 year old man can generally beat up a 10 year old girl without much trouble. Do you disagree with this part?
I do not, no. (As a side note, I find Adesanya an interesting fighter. I would have liked to have trained with him.)At the other end, most people, even if they are trained, skilled, and mentally tough, are not prepared to handle fighting elite level professional fighters. I think most people on this forum (myself definitely included) would be quickly destroyed in a match with Israel Adesanya. Heck, some of my training partners are current or retired professional fighters and I would be surprised if any of them could last a full round with Adesanya. Do you disagree with this part?
That's a person who can't fight. In my opinion, of course.In-between those two extremes, there is a pretty much continuous range of ability. There are people who can do well in a fight against an untrained, inexperienced person of their own size and strength, but who will fall apart against someone with a bit of skill or superior physical attributes.
The one that mentally folds....can't fight. Now, this is in my definition of it, I'll get to that reason bu the end.There are people who have natural aggression and experience in street scraps who can often overwhelm opponents who have some martial arts training or some advantage in physical attributes, but who will mentally fold when they run into a tough, skilled, trained fighter who can take their shots, stay cool, and fire back.
There are individuals with remarkable physical attributes who can defeat even many tough skilled fighters just through sheer physical superiority. There are other individuals who are lacking in skill or physical attributes but have a mindset which will keep them fighting against anyone until they are dead or unconscious. There are people who can do okay in low-level amateur fights, but who would be quickly smashed in professional competition. There are fighters who can compete at the professional level, but will get quickly knocked out if they run into an elite opponent. Do you disagree with this part?
Not really, no. But you are framing the statement to bolster your opinion, which is fine. It just differs from mine.
This would be a longer conversation. Got to hand it to you, though, you're presenting this in a way a really good trial attorney would. Rather impressive, I like it.I also expressed my observation that given this huge range of possible fighting ability, different people draw the line in different places between those they consider "can fight" or "can't fight." I've heard people use "can fight" to describe someone who can do well against the average untrained person. I've heard other people use "can't fight" to describe someone who never proved themself in professional competition. Do you disagree with this part?

Do you think that actually most people in the martial arts community have an agreed upon standard and that I've just missed hearing about it?
Now you're just doing nice stand up comedy! Using the term "martial arts community" and the word "agree" in the same sentence.....bwahahaha.
Or do you think there is one correct place to draw that line and anyone who draws it in a different place is just wrong? Or do you think that there is a correct way to define "can/can't fight" which isn't purely dependent on one's place on that spectrum of fighting ability (such as basing the judgement on one's fighting spirit rather than one's physical ability)? I'm interested to know.
It would be like asking "how do you describe love?"
I haven't had the pleasure of meeting or training with you. But if I was to bet, and I do rather enjoy gambling, I'd bet the house on you.If it helps, I'll offer myself as an example. I give you my word that it will not hurt my feelings if you or anyone else judges that I "can't fight." I think I have a fairly realistic idea of where I fall on the general scale of fighting ability. I'm just curious as to what criteria you (or anyone else that wants to chime in) would use to judge whether I can or can't fight.
I know! It really is something those first few years when dealing with the nervousness and adrenaline when competing in a ring. Like everything else, the moire you do it, the easier it gets - at least the breathing and dealing with adrenals.I'll leave aside my general training background. You've seen it. Anyone else who wants to see it can check my past posts. My years of training and ranks certainly don't prove anything about my fighting ability. We've all seen high ranking individuals with limited ability. I'll just list my experiences which seem to potentially offer more direct information regarding whether I can fight.
1) Before I switched from the Bujinkan to the "combat sports" side of martial arts (Muay Thai/BJJ/etc). I worked retail and had a handful of fights attempting to apprehend shoplifters or evict banned individuals from the store. All of these I won or held my own without taking damage. I'd guess that none of my opponents had any training or had exceptional physical attributes, although several were bigger than I was. I had a few other instances where I avoided the physical confrontation because I judged the situation to not be in my favor. Looking back: a) the me of then didn't really know how to fight by my current standards - 58 year old me of now would easily smash mid-20s me of then, b) if I were in that situation today I wouldn't initiate those fights to protect the property of a corporation that wasn't paying me to do so and wouldn't have backed me up if I had gotten in legal trouble.
2) In my mid-30s I had a couple of amateur kickboxing matches. Lost the first by TKO against a much more experienced opponent, but kept getting up until the ref stopped the fight. Won the second by TKO against an opponent who had one more fight than me. I was supposed to have an amateur boxing match, but my opponent got scared and bailed at the last minute so I had an exhibition Muay Thai match with my instructor instead. It was really more of a hard sparring session, since neither of us was trying hard to knock the other out. I believe the me of now would beat the me of then in a kickboxing match. I don't have nearly the cardio I did back then, but my skill and my ability to control my adrenaline would probably compensate. (Me of then was gasping for air after 3 minutes of fighting because of the adrenaline dump.)
An't that the truth. If we only had a dollar for each and every one of them. Man, we'd have a sheet load of dollars.3) I've competed in a number of grappling (Judo/BJJ/Sumo) and weapon (SCA/HEMA) competitions over the years. Not exactly what I would call fights, but I've demonstrated the ability to take some punishment and keep going. The only tournaments I've placed in were a couple of golds and a couple of silvers in Judo and in BJJ in the white belt division when I was in my 30s. I don't compete in BJJ anymore because I just don't have the conditioning to do ten minute rounds against opponents who have the same skills I do and are 30 years younger. (I still roll with other black belts in the gym and do okay, but there's a difference between technical sparring for the purpose of learning and a competition where they will bring all their physical attributes to bear.)
4) I've sparred in the gym with a lot of people over the last 30 years, from complete newbies to current and retired pro fighters, under a wide range of rules (grappling/boxing/MMA/weapons/etc).
Again, I've never trained with you. But also again, I'll put the money down on you. And I do not make foolish bets.These days I try to work at light to moderate contact. (I can actually handle full contact psychologically much better than I used to, but I also don't heal as fast as I used to and I'm trying to avoid any more concussions than I've already had.) My experience is that I can handle newbies (even those with superior physical attributes) pretty easily. I can do well against most trained martial artists who aren't experienced fighters. I do okay against most amateur fighters, but would probably gas out and lose via cardio in an official MMA match. I can even hold my own against some of the professional fighters in friendly light sparring, but I'm very aware that in a real fight the strength and conditioning difference would be overwhelming and I would get smashed quickly.
So, given all that, can I fight?
I've lived in a small world. All I can base my opinions on are where I've trained and who I've trained with and learned from. The question of whether someone can fight came up often with much discussion. TO A MAN it was you can fight or you can't. With the occasional "it ain't rocket science" thrown it.From the perspective of an elite MMA fighter? Probably not. I wouldn't last a minute in the UFC. Even in a low-level amateur fight I'd need to win by submission or knockout in the first minute or two in order to avoid gassing out and becoming too exhausted to defend myself.
From the view of students at my gym who have only been training a year or so? Sure, I'm a badass.
From someone else's standpoint? Who knows. It depends on what criteria they apply.
What are your criteria?
I am honestly amazed though, that there's any question about this. To me, it's the only absolute in Martial Arts.