OK, in terms of pure reason and logic they are separate concepts to be applied. As soon as you apply them to a system, the qualities of the system determine whether there is a relationship between them, and the strength of that relationship.
Intrinsic alone maybe was not the right word, let me rephrase: 'Effectiveness is so strongly related to efficiency in the context of martial arts, that not to consider the relationship would be deterimental when developing a new martial arts system'.
In terms of martial arts on the scale of one movement, efficiency and effectiveness can remain separate. But under application in the context of an entire martial they become strongly related. So strongly in fact, that it is difficult to promote one without the other.
On the scale of one movement, you can be really efficient, minimising the amount of energy used to achieve whatever movement you desire. But if that movement is ineffective in contributing to the uptimate goal of overcoming an opponent, then on a macro scale the energy of that movement is wasted and therefore the macro level system is inefficient. Energy is used that does not contribute to the overall purpose.
So anyway, while I acknowledge in pure form that the concepts are seperate and discrete, it depends on your frame of reference. Micro or macro.
I'm not contesting separate concepts, I'm contesting separate application to a macro system without acknowledgement of the relationship.