So I got kicked out of my martial arts school, what next?

Because my system is still quite young i don't as yet have a formal curriculum. I am in the process of recruiting a 25 year old young man. He is much stronger than me, but i have persuaded him to take up Jojutsu. We will see.
I challenged someone to a fight, and they didn't like that. Also i was spouting off too much on the net, and they didn't like that. Anyway to cut a long story short, i've been banned, and consequently forced to award myself my own black belt. This is not up for debate. What i would like to know if anyone else on here has been though a similar experience, and whether anyone has any suggestions for how i can get my application to be reaccepted in to the club, passed? Thanks.

Obviously you have internal demons that manifest themselves in your training.....I also suspect this challenge was not the first issue you have had in the school....I have seen individuals get expelled for similar reasons, rightfully so...if you can't control yourself internally, I suspect you have control issues within your material and with others......sounds like you need move on to find a new school

As to your self promoted black......adds to the odd story you are depicting....personally I don't yourself Santa if you wish...

again, I am not sure what you were/are looking for here....not sure you will get much validation outside of we are sorry you have issues...good luck to you and your travels...
I'm no expert. In fact I'm bloody ignorant about mental health issues. I've been told by other equally ignorant buggers that I'm probably OCD (and maybe a bit ADD) so Wing Chun is a good fit for me. Also, my desire to cross train in FMA and independent streak pretty well made me persona non grata with my first sifu. So maybe I can relate just a bit.

Anyway one thing I do know is that a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia is very serious. My nephew (the one people said was a lot like me) was diagnosed with schizo-affective disorder. The best doctors and meds didn't help ...enough. He is no longer with us. So honestly, I wish you the best in this lifelong battle. I don't care to comment on your black belt or your martial system. I just hope you can eventually manage your illness. That's all.
To find a positive recommendation in all this - I am reminded of Bruce Lee, to whom ego and drive (and sometimes lack of respect) were not unknown to his master. He left his own master and school, and basically founded his own style, studied other arts on his own, and trained often on his own, until others joined him in his studies and system with out a system. Belts were unimportant to him - only his own style and what worked for him. Forget the school and rank - and go on your own.
John - do you have a hard time picking up social cues? I know another schizophrenic person who's that way, and based on this thread I think you have the same issue. If you told some guy who works at your college that you gave yourself a black belt, he most likely said he "recognized" it because he wanted to be nice to you and didn't want to get into an argument. That doesn't mean that he really thinks you do have one, or that he has the authority to give you one, and if you've never trained with him than he doesn't know what your skill level is anyway.

From what you say, it sounds like you were kicked out of your old school for fighting and trash-talking. That kind of behavior isn't civil and is going to cause problems for you whether you're at that school, another school, or teaching your own invented martial art somewhere. It could potentially get you fired or kicked out of college, too. I think you should talk to your therapist/social worker about this and find ways to work on improving this behavior. Then maybe start over fresh at a new school where they don't know what you did before.
Because my system is still quite young i don't as yet have a formal curriculum. I am in the process of recruiting a 25 year old young man. He is much stronger than me, but i have persuaded him to take up Jojutsu. We will see.

So you have earned extremely low ranks in several different arts, invented your own art with a nonsense name, and self-promoted.
Yeah. That's going to work out well.

I think the Meme tgace posted just about covers it.
His name is Daz by the way,

That narrows it down a bit. :)

i challenge them by refusing to put my martial education above that of my university one. So for example, when i have essays due, i don't attend class period.

I managed to do two university courses (a 4 year degree plus a double major) part time whilst working a full time job and still managed to train 2-5 nights a week. If you want something bad enough you can find a way to make it work.
it's all good touch of death. i actually would like to post links to my literature, but i don't want to get banned again? Do you know of any rules i will be breaking by doing thus?

Honestly John, this is the rule you've already broken. You were banned from this site, both for your benefit and the sites. A loophole was created when the site changed to it's new software, but the fact remains that you were banned. Don't be surprised if you find that situation resumed.

As for the rest of the thread… John, you have some real problems with reality here… which is a big part of your mental illness. Please realise that I'm not judging you or belittling you for this… but it does create a particular situation. Due to the nature of your illness, honestly I would recommend you get out of the idea of martial arts entirely. Focus on getting well… or, at the least, making your illness more manageable. Presently, all it's doing is feeding your delusions. I believe that you believe everything you've said here… and the number of issues with it are too much to go through.

I wish you the best, but feel that this is not the environment for you.
Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate that many people on this site, maybe even the majority are opposed to my membership of this place. To say nothing of my claim to being an expert in the martial arts. I understand that it is possible to do a degree and martial training at the same time. Yet to do this all with my illness becomes a little more problematic. They have the power to put me back in hospital merely on risk alone. Can i be kicked off this site for merely being a threat, and not doing anything?
No, John, we're not "opposed to your membership", you're a banned user. You were banned for your paranoid delusions about the staff and running of the site, beliefs about persecution, and disrupting the site. You are far from an expert in anything like martial arts, for the record, although that's a symptom of the issue, not the issue itself. As for doing both at once, sure… many have (including myself)… but you are not suited to martial study, based on your posts and reports about your own learning style and issues.

Again, I wish you the best, but you are simply not suited to this site, in my opinion.
To find a positive recommendation in all this - I am reminded of Bruce Lee, to whom ego and drive (and sometimes lack of respect) were not unknown to his master. He left his own master and school, and basically founded his own style, studied other arts on his own, and trained often on his own, until others joined him in his studies and system with out a system. Belts were unimportant to him - only his own style and what worked for him. Forget the school and rank - and go on your own.
That' an interesting perspective and on point....
The Bruce Lee story is highly interesting. How he got his big break is really fascinating & exciting.
Banned user? He has been banned from his martial arts school as he has himself has said, but if he was banned from martialtalk it would say so.

Yes, he was banned from this site (permanently) back in 2012 when he first arrived here. He was only present on the board for a week or two before he was removed, due to a range of factors that don't need to be re-entered into. When the site underwent it's software change, a number of "permanent bans" were removed, effectively allowing the posters to return despite being banned. John himself knew he was banned, and referenced it himself. He has since been re-banned (permanently).

When it comes to "it would say so", not so much… with the new software, moderators and higher can see an indication (a line through the name of the poster), but mentors, regular members etc don't see that… the only way to check is to try to open the members profile page (not the pop-up). If the member is banned, you get an "Error" message and cannot access the page information.
I challenged someone to a fight, and they didn't like that. Also i was spouting off too much on the net, and they didn't like that. Anyway to cut a long story short, i've been banned, and consequently forced to award myself my own black belt. This is not up for debate. What i would like to know if anyone else on here has been though a similar experience, and whether anyone has any suggestions for how i can get my application to be reaccepted in to the club, passed? Thanks.

Honestly, it might be easier to find a new school than to try to rejoin your old one. Also remember that respect is a big part of many martial arts, so treat your seniors/teachers and classmates with respect and patience!