So I got kicked out of my martial arts school, what next?

I challenged someone to a fight, and they didn't like that. Also i was spouting off too much on the net, and they didn't like that. Anyway to cut a long story short, i've been banned, and consequently forced to award myself my own black belt. This is not up for debate. What i would like to know if anyone else on here has been though a similar experience, and whether anyone has any suggestions for how i can get my application to be reaccepted in to the club, passed? Thanks.
I hate to break this to you but Black Belts means, someone important thought you deserved it, and self awards will usually be met with a snicker. However, congratulations, I'm sure you feel you deserve it. :)
Sorry touch of death, you don't know who thought i deserved squat okay? And what about the previous poster who said my qualification was as good as any of your grades? Martial arts isn't a hobby, it's a way of life!
As to my purpose of rejoining the community, i could lie and say i wanted to say some martial adventure stories with other like minded individuals, whereas my true purpose, via means of hegemony theory, is to take over the site head by head and martial art by martial art, convert and convince you that you are all mere wheels in my world beating cog, and then use that information to take over the martial world! BWAHAHAHAHA
Cool. My cousin is delusional too. :D
I do know who thought you deserved it, and that was just you. I have a friend with a similar problem. He even came to me for promotion, but if our teacher doesn't think he is ready, I don't either. Your way of life is that of a brown belt until you can truly find someone willing to attach his name to your promotion. :)
I do not intend to be disrespectful, but I simply do not understand what the OP is asking/wanting from the community.
How about some sharing of experiences and feedback for the future?
BTW: My current school tried to run me out for NOT fighting. They didn't label me mentally challenged. They called & treated me like a sissy.
It's blogs where I get labeled as delusional.
With google, facebook & the iphone, the human race has come a long way you know.....:android:
EDIT: For Drop Bear, replace 'come a long way;' with 'evolved highly.'
I challenged someone to a fight, and they didn't like that. Also i was spouting off too much on the net, and they didn't like that. Anyway to cut a long story short, i've been banned, and consequently forced to award myself my own black belt. This is not up for debate. What i would like to know if anyone else on here has been though a similar experience, and whether anyone has any suggestions for how i can get my application to be reaccepted in to the club, passed? Thanks.

I've taught martial arts for forty years and you sound like and look like the type of person I would not teach.
John, the reason why people are criticizing you promoting yourself is because you said you promoted yourself:

Anyway to cut a long story short, i've been banned, and consequently forced to award myself my own black belt. This is not up for debate.

and now you say:

i am not a dojo stormer, and my dan grade was bestowed on me, not self awarded.

Which is it?
Hi touch of death, well i had a discussion with a local dan grade martial artist (he does mma), and he agreed on the award. His name is Daz by the way, further than that i don't know what else you want me to do? I would like to have stuck to one of these schools for long enough to grade to 1st dan, however i challenge them by refusing to put my martial education above that of my university one. So for example, when i have essays due, i don't attend class period. Consequently i have been given the boot and no this is not the first time. But my recovery from mental health does form a part of my martial curriculum, as does my blogging, as does my books. It all goes in to the mix. Now i will politely ask you to stop challenging my rank. The authorities keep a close eye on my every move these days. You might say that that is because i am a risk to myself and others, but i prefer to consider myself lethal, and consequently high profile. nice one.
Blindside, it is possible to attend clubs for long enough to earn their trust and then be booted for disgressions be they cyber or otherwise. the idea of a dojo stormer conjurs the image of some troubled individual who hijacks clubs, which if you knew me hopefully you could understand that when i join a club,i try to commit to it 100%. However even this can't get in the way of my education. As to aiki i look like the kind of person you would not teach huh? really why is this, because i have a mental illness, and have spent years in mental institutions struggling with reality? Fair enough. It is actually illegal to discriminate against people in todays society, certainly here in Britain, on the grounds of (mental) health. but you will always get difficult people like yourself, who fail to comply huh?
Hi touch of death, well i had a discussion with a local dan grade martial artist (he does mma), and he agreed on the award. His name is Daz by the way, further than that i don't know what else you want me to do? I would like to have stuck to one of these schools for long enough to grade to 1st dan, however i challenge them by refusing to put my martial education above that of my university one. So for example, when i have essays due, i don't attend class period. Consequently i have been given the boot and no this is not the first time. But my recovery from mental health does form a part of my martial curriculum, as does my blogging, as does my books. It all goes in to the mix. Now i will politely ask you to stop challenging my rank. The authorities keep a close eye on my every move these days. You might say that that is because i am a risk to myself and others, but i prefer to consider myself lethal, and consequently high profile. nice one.
Well, anyone who is not on some list by now is just lazy. Unless that friend of yours awards you the rank it isn't real to the martial arts world, but I would never tell you not to wear a black belt because, who knows, you could unveil that threat. :)
Touch of death, i am fairly sure that the people i meet and have dealings with are real, and in the real world. But I can't remember surnames always. The name of the black belt who agreed to my dan rank is Daz. Also the name of the ex uk army jujitsu black belt who taught me some sword moves is Dave. I appreciate that you will probably want me to tell you the names of my old judo aikido and wado ryu karate senseis next, but for the decency of privacy i will have to refrain from telling you that. like i said, well i have said enough.
Touch of death, i am fairly sure that the people i meet and have dealings with are real, and in the real world. But I can't remember surnames always. The name of the black belt who agreed to my dan rank is Daz. Also the name of the ex uk army jujitsu black belt who taught me some sword moves is Dave. I appreciate that you will probably want me to tell you the names of my old judo aikido and wado ryu karate senseis next, but for the decency of privacy i will have to refrain from telling you that. like i said, well i have said enough.
If you can't remember the names of your teachers, that is all I need to know. :)
Touch of death, i remember the full names of both of my aikido teachers. the dan rank who agreed on my grade is a security guard at the university i go to. and his name is daz, as i already told you. i have never been in the dojo with him. yet he agreed to my grade. please stop challenging my rank. do you feel threatened when i claim this position? Why is that? Because you feel i may have something? I guess so!
What's more i have written four books on my 'style'. It is easy to self publish a book these days. How many have you written?
it's all good touch of death. i actually would like to post links to my literature, but i don't want to get banned again? Do you know of any rules i will be breaking by doing thus?
Touch of death, i remember the full names of both of my aikido teachers. the dan rank who agreed on my grade is a security guard at the university i go to. and his name is daz, as i already told you. i have never been in the dojo with him. yet he agreed to my grade. please stop challenging my rank. do you feel threatened when i claim this position? Why is that? Because you feel i may have something? I guess so!

So some dude who you have never trained with says, "sure I agree that you are a shodan" and you think this has any value? I wouldn't take rank from some guy I never trained with, in fact won't take rank from guys who I don't regularly study with. Do you understand why people are skeptical? "Daz" doesn't help your case in validating your rank.