Who is the craziest person you know in the martial arts?

There was a guy out of New York back in the seventies, Ron. Used to enter breaking competitions, went by the name of Master Breaker.

You know how a lot of tournaments are held in gymnasiums? First time I saw him - his name was called to break and he jumped off a seat in the balcony and landed like Iron Man the first time he shows up in the movie. Go to the 1:20 mark -

And Ron was a big man, the floor actually shook. Talk about making an entrance to a breaking competition.

So he jumps of the balcony, lands like Iron man, marches into the breaking area and address the judges with a BOOMING voice like he's yelling at the devil himself. "Judges, YOU know my name! I am here to break!" And then he just smashed the crap out of everything.

This is him when he was a lot older, but still smashing stuff.

Finger through the Coke can guy?
There was a guy out of New York back in the seventies, Ron. Used to enter breaking competitions, went by the name of Master Breaker.

You know how a lot of tournaments are held in gymnasiums? First time I saw him - his name was called to break and he jumped off a seat in the balcony and landed like Iron Man the first time he shows up in the movie. Go to the 1:20 mark -

And Ron was a big man, the floor actually shook. Talk about making an entrance to a breaking competition.

So he jumps of the balcony, lands like Iron man, marches into the breaking area and address the judges with a BOOMING voice like he's yelling at the devil himself. "Judges, YOU know my name! I am here to break!" And then he just smashed the crap out of everything.

This is him when he was a lot older, but still smashing stuff.

Man, he looks pissed at those blocks. Great performance.
I don't personally know them, but I'd say it would be Ashida Kim, Frank Dux, George Dillman, Chosan Ninja, and their ilk. Because I think they actually believe the fairy tale nonsense they spew.
I don't personally know them, but I'd say it would be Ashida Kim, Frank Dux, George Dillman, Chosan Ninja, and their ilk. Because I think they actually believe the fairy tale nonsense they spew.

Gee, I forgot all about those guys. Yes, very good points. I must be getting too old, how does one forget Frank Dux?
Ive met him. He makes an excellent tuna sandwich and a chicken soup to match. Perhaps one day you too shall Know of what i speak. It is a very long journey to a remote location in the Pacific Ocean.

Can’t wait to get back...
Independent, 3rd party validation & proof that invites from @Buka are real, and can be claimed. Fantastic. Maui is great, everyone should go, more than once.

Craziest guy I know is a guy named Zane Davidson, still lives in the Springfield, MO area. Zane was a shreeded-up, good-looking (think male dancer physique) type, who also happened to be a Shotokan BB when I met him with my TKD/HKD BBs in hand. He was working at a local Springfield bar/nightclub called Starzz. It was a new club, and I'd been working at the "main" college bar called Grafitti's for a couple years. Same age guys, doing the same young guy job part time while going to college. Well, I was in undergrad, he was in the police academy.

He opened his own school, I tought there for a minute with him, then left Springburg to get myself down to Houston. One time before I split he came over to my apartment to show off his new Sig Sauer (no clue if I'm spelling that right, I do't do guns y'all). He wanted to show me the handgun, talk about it, it was his nifty new thing. He even pulled the slide to get a round in the chamber, showed me the safety on/off rocker button thing, put the safety on and put it to his head and pulled at the trigger. Idiot. Or crazy. Or crazy idiot. I know enough about gun safety to know that THAT was probably Not taught to him at the police academy.

While working, Zane had this thing about being touched. He would totally, completely flip out if someone touched him. He actually started fights when someone would sort of accidentally brush him or bump him. Again, crazy idiot. He'd "win" most of those fights, because he was sober and generally they were not, but a needless risk, for both him & the bar. He ended up leaving that bouncing job to be a small-town cop.

Then he got into BJJ, then reffing cage fights, then progressed into reffing MMA fights... and got Hugely fat, like 350 or so at 6'1".

Now, he's married, takes way too much of the pharmacy and is a bodybuilder with about 5% bodyfat at about 270, and has no teeth in his upper jaw because of all the fighting and getting them knocked out. I'd bet that probably 90% of the scraps Zane got into were avoidable After the initial dust-up and raised voices.
That was Billy Blanks. Billy did the craziest, and most unusual, breaks I've ever seen. He could break pretty much anything.
That is not the guy I was thinking about. The guy I was thinking about did those breaks at XMA events. This guy (starts at 2:37):

Oh, man, I’ve some really strange people in the Martial Arts world. What kind of crazy we talking about?

Yeah, I'm like.... I knew someone in the martial arts who was a paranoid schizophrenic with auditory hallucinations. Very well-behaved otherwise, but uh, that was interesting. There's also a lady that I took a couple classes from who, it turned out, had been fired from her prison guard career due to her fondness for, uh, fraternizing with the inmates. Or the stalker who sent my other half threatening text messages. Oh, and I remember one time I was taking part in a demo at a local city festival, and some dude came up and tried to demand that we publicly acknowledge him, because he's Supreme Chief Grandmaster Some Name with a 14th Dan in Rex Kwon Do or whatever, some made-up art. I've seen lots of different kinds of crazy, most of them not good.
That is not the guy I was thinking about. The guy I was thinking about did those breaks at XMA events. This guy (starts at 2:37):

That was fun to watch. Those are the kind of guys I never want to let get their hands on my face or head.

What Billy did was more difficult. He would suspend a can from a string, so it was free hanging. Usually from the basketball rim in a tournament gym during breaking. Then he'd speed poke it with his finger and pierce it. But THEN.....he'd do it with an empty can. And pierce that. Still blows my mind. He said it was easy, just a speed break.

One comment to anyone who ever finds themselves involved in a breaking demo or competition like the one shown in that clip. Get those children the hell away from breaking. This is one of the more irresponsible things I've seen in a long while. In breaking, stuff goes flying all over the place. That was seriously stupid on the part of the competitor, the judges, anybody and everybody involved.
That is not the guy I was thinking about. The guy I was thinking about did those breaks at XMA events. This guy (starts at 2:37):

The drink cans are something of a trick. They are much easier than you may think. Especially the Coke can which is already under a lot of pressure. Try them; I think you will be surprised. There is more hazard in cutting your hand/finger rather than not doing the "break".
I had a teacher for a brief period who I believe was actually mentally ill. It tended to come out in really weird ways. I guess I’m not gonna say much more because in hindsight it was actually very sad. i don’t want to name him on the forums here, it would be bad form, I guess.
That was fun to watch. Those are the kind of guys I never want to let get their hands on my face or head.

What Billy did was more difficult. He would suspend a can from a string, so it was free hanging. Usually from the basketball rim in a tournament gym during breaking. Then he'd speed poke it with his finger and pierce it. But THEN.....he'd do it with an empty can. And pierce that. Still blows my mind. He said it was easy, just a speed break.

One comment to anyone who ever finds themselves involved in a breaking demo or competition like the one shown in that clip. Get those children the hell away from breaking. This is one of the more irresponsible things I've seen in a long while. In breaking, stuff goes flying all over the place. That was seriously stupid on the part of the competitor, the judges, anybody and everybody involved.
A suspended can or an empty can, especially a thicker one from back in Blanks' heyday would be impressive. Holding a full can in your other hand is a "trick". Similar to how easy it is to knock the bottom out of a partially filled glass bottle with a palm heel.
A suspended can or an empty can, especially a thicker one from back in Blanks' heyday would be impressive. Holding a full can in your other hand is a "trick". Similar to how easy it is to knock the bottom out of a partially filled glass bottle with a palm heel.

I tried that break no fewer than a hundred times with every kind of bottle I could find. I never did it, not even once. Billy used to laugh his butt off. Oh, man, not even once.
The drink cans are something of a trick. They are much easier than you may think. Especially the Coke can which is already under a lot of pressure. Try them; I think you will be surprised.

I have seen him do it with an empty can as well. I have tried it, unsuccessfully several times. It is quite hard to do. I haven't tried it with a full can though.

There is more hazard in cutting your hand/finger rather than not doing the "break".

Not to mention that it is a waste of a perfectly good can of Coke.
An empty can, any kind, suspend from a string. Pierce it with a finger thrust.

Go ahead, I double dog dare you.
I tried that break no fewer than a hundred times with every kind of bottle I could find. I never did it, not even once. Billy used to laugh his butt off. Oh, man, not even once.
The more stories you tell about Billy, the more I think you must have had a lot of fun with that guy.

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