Why does martial arts attracts so many nerds? In particular karate and kung fu?

Why are self defence experts attracted to so much hypobole?

It is all so serious. They live in the same world, walk the same streets but they see danger everywhere.

It is like when they tell you they always sit with their back to a wall at a cafe.

Who is getting randomly attacked like that.

For example I don't know of a single stabbing done by one of those blow you up knives. People are just buying them because they are cool.
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Just clarifying since i didnt initially read the article, to make it aware that the geeks he mentioned are not what we think of as geeks.
In general the people that stick with kendo or fencing also arent the nerds that OP was talking about (the parts about obese or frail), since for the most part doing those sports/activites will help with the fitness.

It is people who are fixated on the romance of self defence rather than the practicality.

Because discussing which gun you carry when going to the gym is more fun than fire extinguishers or tire pressures.

And while it is not super practical. It also generally isn't super harmful either.

Unless you go too far. But that is true in either mindset.
For example I don't know of a single stabbing done by one of those blow you up knives. People are just buying them because they are cool.

Holy cow....why am I just hearing about this.

That knife is awesome......I kinda want one just for s**** and giggles
Why are self defence experts attracted to so much hypobole?

It is all so serious. They live in the same world, walk the same streets but they see danger everywhere.

It is like when they tell you they always sit with their back to a wall at a cafe.

Who is getting randomly attacked like that.

For example I don't know of a single stabbing done by one of those blow you up knives. People are just buying them because they are cool.

The older I get the less I give a rat's ash about anything. But being situated in a public establishment where I can see the entrances when I need to is just good habit in most cities I'm in. As is noting the exits, and where the money is kept, in any building upon entering. Locking doors and profiling every single person I ever see - it's not even conscious, it just automatic, haven't actually thought about it when doing it in decades. And I love it.

You know why? Because I don't not get involved. I wish I didn't, but alas, I do. It's a pain in the butt but what can I say? It's the American way, baby.
The older I get the less I give a rat's ash about anything. But being situated in a public establishment where I can see the entrances when I need to is just good habit in most cities I'm in. As is noting the exits, and where the money is kept, in any building upon entering. Locking doors and profiling every single person I ever see - it's not even conscious, it just automatic, haven't actually thought about it when doing it in decades. And I love it.

You know why? Because I don't not get involved. I wish I didn't, but alas, I do. It's a pain in the butt but what can I say? It's the American way, baby.

I have mabye clamped five guys in my lifetime sitting down relaxing in a public establishment.

Not sure if it is worth setting up for it. One thing I have learned is youraverage duche bag isnt a swat team or hit man. There is usually so much preamble that I have plenty of time to set up.

Having said that. I don't leave my valuables out near an access way. Which I see people do a lot.
When I started kung fu 2000, a large portion of the class were in IT.

Including myself. :D

But I got into it as a combination of being into martialarts since 5years old, I'd done Judo and karate, and that school seemed to have a good combination of live training and drill based training.
yeah.I think 100% of these knives are used for this.

And i still dont know what they were designed for. I dont think there has been a stated purpose for them by their makers. :p

Edit: Just opened the presented link, i swear i have read from this site before or one with a very similar format and way of doing things. Actually it might have been this exact article im not too sure. :P
One article Marc MacYoung has written that I always read over and over is this.

Violence Geeks

Indeed I notice compare to other physically intense hobbies and sports such as football, the martial arts attracts a disproportionate number of nerds as does the RBSD community.

By nerds, I don't mean some random guy who plays Dungeons and Dragons or watches Star Wars but guys big into nerdy stuff such as obsessing over who would win Superman or Batman and knowledge of obscure details of the Star Trek universe alongside often lacking basic social skills. Often also quite obese or really frail and skinny.

What theories do you have?

In addition I notice karate and kung fu attracts the highest proportion of nerds even within the martial artists community? What is it with these two styles that get the level that say Muay Thai doesn't?

I think "nerd" culture has grown and is more mainstream now. Just look around and see how many people you see in comic/scifi/fantasy shirts, compare that to 20 years ago. There are just more "nerds" then there were before.

FYI, there is NO debate on who wins between Batman vs Superman. Batman beat the **** out of Superman in The Dark Knight Returns comic. Feel free to read it ;)
Listen up, semi-nerd, I'll throw one of my astronomy books at you (you'll be safe, they're awkward to throw) and dazzle the bejesus out of you by reciting pi to fifty places.

And, yes, I still do that to impress women who don't even know I exist.

I think "nerd" culture has grown and is more mainstream now. Just look around and see how many people you see in comic/scifi/fantasy shirts, compare that to 20 years ago. There are just more "nerds" then there were before.

FYI, there is NO debate on who wins between Batman vs Superman. Batman beat the **** out of Superman in The Dark Knight Returns comic. Feel free to read it ;)

I just don't understand why anyone would voluntarily subject themselves to DC when we have Marvel.
I think "nerd" culture has grown and is more mainstream now. Just look around and see how many people you see in comic/scifi/fantasy shirts, compare that to 20 years ago. There are just more "nerds" then there were before.

FYI, there is NO debate on who wins between Batman vs Superman. Batman beat the **** out of Superman in The Dark Knight Returns comic. Feel free to read it ;)
Or more t-shirts ? That and a goOd half of Hollywood's outout is superhero based, so its more main stream, or is your defintion of nerd only baed on them wearing super hero t shirts, ive seen hells angels wearing them, they dont ussualy count as being nerds
I was gonna' correct the pi, because the first thirty places I've had burned in since the burned out sixties. The rest, all by memory, not by doing the math, is the last decade.

I don't think I even remember the math anymore. Circumference, diameter thing?