why does rush limbaugh still have a job?

you & i don't agree often TF, but you pretty much nailed every problem i have with obama as well.

know something funny?

I never listened to Rush before the this last election.

Now? he spends as much time bitching about the republicans, and how they screwed it up by being too much like dems as he does bitching about the obamasiah

and he is right both ways
Elder, it is illegal for him to go around the bankruptcy court, offer the creditors .29 cents on the dollar and take over a company.
Elder, it is illegal for him to go around the bankruptcy court, offer the creditors .29 cents on the dollar and take over a company.

Which part? It wouldn't be illegal in the case of say, FIAT's takeover of Chrysler-deals like that are cut in mergers and accquisitions all the time. If it's not illegal for a private corporation or private person to do so-and it's not-how is it illegal for the government? if the creditors took .29 on the dollar, it was because they feared getting less -as in, maybe, nothing-in bankruptcy.

I mean, it stinks, for sure-but it's not illegal.
those deals are done through legal negotiation.

not through brute force governmental tactics.

I dont know the details, but i heard something about it, lemme see if i can find it.
I have to say that I'm not sure what the American government is up to is illegal.

It has been in progress for quite some time and there has been a degree of orchestration of events behind the scenes to make it more probable but that is just the political manipulation to which the Western nations have prostrated themselves now. It's possibly immoral but it's not, economically, illegal.

Democracy is a front for the Big Money Men. It's as simple as that. Labour, Conservative, Liberal, Democrat, Republican ... not a ha-poth of tar between them in reality.

Look at the garbage floating to the surface of the media in Britain right now. Have politicians suddenly become heinous and self-serving overnight? Of course not. They have ever been that way.

It is just that now is the time that the aforementioned Big Money wants Labour out of the way for a bit in Britiain whilst they get on with fanning the flames of totalitarian, intolerant, fascism. In the States, they want you a little more Socialist and at the same time a little more divided against yourselves - so you get the Rep-Dem Shuffle, an oratory President with black skin (to upset the racists) and just a frisson of Rationalist vs Fundamentalist Christian to keep you off-balance.

There's not a lot we can do about it, other than not play the game and keep our eyes open for the routes that don't end up with us on the wrong end of Big Brothers microscope.
It is just that now is the time that the aforementioned Big Money wants Labour out of the way for a bit in Britiain whilst they get on with fanning the flames of totalitarian, intolerant, fascism. In the States, they want you a little more Socialist and at the same time a little more divided against yourselves - so you get the Rep-Dem Shuffle, an oratory President with black skin (to upset the racists) and just a frisson of Rationalist vs Fundamentalist Christian to keep you off-balance.
It depends which side of the fence you're on, when you determine which side is fascist. Looks like the Brown administration want total control over business and of course there's the freedom of speech issuue in Britain. Brown should maybe grow a beard and start smoking cuban cigars, you don't get anymore totalitarian this his crowd.

When it comes to the Republicans, the trouble is not that they are too conservative. The trouble is that they're not conservative enough. John McCain cannot be described as a conservative. he has spent more time in Ted Kennedy's back pocket than a hip flask, and that's saying something.

When the repubs get back to their conservative roots, they'll get their base back, period.
Twinnie, a few months ago you were the loudest voice in the chorus shrieking that whatever the President does is legal. Were you hysterical with panic then? Or do you only smile when a White hand holds the whip?
I think you missed the thrust of my point, YL.

Oh ... and there was freedom of speech in England for over-educated peasants like me? I must've missed that. We have a tradition of riot and strike - is that it :lol:?

Mind you, to call myself a 'peasant' is to overstate the matter. I made it all the way from a Manual Working Class semi-skilled labour background to an Intellectual Working Class Skilled Labour present. All it took was more letters after my name than are in it :D. If I ever inherit my earldom things will change ... (in common with many old English families I have 'noble' lineage - only a couple of hundred people with more direct claim in front of me :)).
please post a link to me saying that about taking over private businesses.

go ahead and TRY

and it might very well be legal to do it, legalities are always open to interpretation.

but it is damned sure a BAD thing to be doing.

BTW- you can accuse me of racism all you want, no one takes you seriously anyway. And you can do it with safety, since you are on the other side of the country. But we both know you wouldnt say that to a person's face would you?

RIGHT out of Alinky's "rules for radicals"

the tactic of ridicule

Twinnie, a few months ago you were the loudest voice in the chorus shrieking that whatever the President does is legal. Were you hysterical with panic then? Or do you only smile when a White hand holds the whip?
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How is Amtrack's profitability?

Hardly an indication of its legality, which was the issue under discussion, Don. :rolleyes:

In fact, it's more of a reflection of the public's ambivalence towards rail travel in this country.

Gents, I highly recommend all those getting worked up and sharpening their keys, take a few minutes to pause, catch their breath and relax a bit before continuing to post...

The heat notices are backing up and I'd personally rather finish watching Scooby Doo than spending my night discussing who's getting LARTed.

K? Thanks.
it's not one of the episodes with scrappy in it, is it? otherwise i think MT drama would be much less annoying.

Naw, Scooby Doo and the Samurai Sword. See, it i somewhat martial arts related, lol!
Then, it's on to Futurama.
you two can pat each other on the back and talk about how the GOP is dead all you want, your entire party is doing the same thing.

it doesnt make it true. In fact, it reminds me of the ugly chick telling herself how hawt she is, over and over

pathetic, really.
Hey, relax, Twin Fist. Calling me a pathetic, ugly chick is uncalled for (although I will grant you that I would make a very ugly woman).
The pelosi matter is, as usual for democrats, blatant hypocracy. She KNEW about waterboarding, she LIED about knowing, and has gotten busted for it.
The point, if you cared to actually read it, is that she should absolutely be investigated (and held accountable if it's found that she's done something wrong). The only people saying otherwise are people who are politically motivated.
The GOP got lazy, and became too much like democrats, they spent like democrats, and the people got tired of it.
If by lazy you mean corrupt and incompetent, I'm with you. The Democrats are often both of those, too.

And then the rest was you trying to change the subject...
those deals are done through legal negotiation.

not through brute force governmental tactics.

I dont know the details, but i heard something about it, lemme see if i can find it.
From what I understand, it's the hedge funds that are causing all of the problems. Greedy people working only marginally within the law artificially manipulating the market. But I'd welcome more educated information. It is, frankly, a little above my head.
i dont get that either. Rail travel is fun, and relaxing

I agree, but there it is. Amtrak ridership was up 6.3% last year though, and Amtrak could be profitable, if not for Congressional interference.

Hey, blame it on Eisenhower-he's the one who gave us our great Interstate highway system.....:lfao:

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