The Rush Limbaugh media lynch mob

Poor Rush. The all powerful Left wing Conspiracy attacks yet again. Thank the man Jesus that this has nothing to do with the reputation he cultivated coming back to bite him.
Poor Rush. The all powerful Left wing Conspiracy attacks yet again. Thank the man Jesus that this has nothing to do with the reputation he cultivated coming back to bite him.

Rush Limbaugh makes money when people are talking about him. This entire episode is free advertising for him, no matter how it turns out. And IMHO, that is by design.
Rush Limbaugh makes money when people are talking about him. This entire episode is free advertising for him, no matter how it turns out. And IMHO, that is by design.

Maybe. Rush has been ridiculously wealthy for a long time. At this point, sure, the publicity is undoubtedly giving him a ratings surge, but he may be looking for something more than money. Owning an NFL franchise may give him a level of power/achievement that he could not achieve from broadcast revenue alone.
Scrappleface: Limbaugh sparks NFL to ban divisive 'trash talk'.
Maybe. Rush has been ridiculously wealthy for a long time. At this point, sure, the publicity is undoubtedly giving him a ratings surge, but he may be looking for something more than money. Owning an NFL franchise may give him a level of power/achievement that he could not achieve from broadcast revenue alone.

I have never heard a fabulously wealthy person decide to stop accumulating it. It's how the wealthy keep score. Nothing against it, I'm not grousing. I'd love to be one of them.
I have never heard a fabulously wealthy person decide to stop accumulating it. It's how the wealthy keep score. Nothing against it, I'm not grousing. I'd love to be one of them.

Oh...sorry, I didn't mean to imply that he wants to stop accumulating wealth.

What I meant was, there is more prestige in being a mega-millionaire broadcaster that owns his hometown NFL team than there is in being a mega-millionaire broadcaster alone. I suspect that is driving him more than just the desire to see his own ratings surge. :)
Oh...sorry, I didn't mean to imply that he wants to stop accumulating wealth.

What I meant was, there is more prestige in being a mega-millionaire broadcaster that owns his hometown NFL team than there is in being a mega-millionaire broadcaster alone. I suspect that is driving him more than just the desire to see his own ratings surge. :)

Oh, sure, I get you. Well, I don't doubt you're right. However, I suspect he also saw this as a win-win. He gets publicity no matter what happens to his attempt to buy ownership in a team. And if he gets slammed, it's fodder for his shows and outrages his fans against 'dem dems' even more (if such is possible). I would not put it past him - manipulator that he is - to have figured this out as a fun pasttime - messing with liberals for fun and profit. We used to call it Operation Mindf@&k in the Marine Corps. Wind somebody up just to enjoy watching them go right out of their minds.
It's a shame the focus has been on two alleged comments not attributed to Rush when one doesn't have to reach far back to find actual comments he's made that are indeed racist. I heard this one just the other day and found online with no problem...

Limbaugh: "n Obama's America, the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering"

September 15, 2009 2:13 pm ET
From the September 15 edition of Premier Radio Network's The Rush Limbaugh Show:

If the terribly awful monopoly liberal media truly wanted Rush to fail in his bid, why did they give play to Sharpton and Jackson? Sharpton and Jackson have damaged their own cred many times, and I do not believe that they have the ear of all liberals in America.

The reason, I think, is quite simple. Limbaugh is a freak show. So are Jackson and Sharpton. The only reason to invoke the latter in a discussion of the former is to grab a bunch of reactionary -- and stupid -- quotes. The same crap plays equally well on both Fox and CNN.

I knew from the moment that Rush's name came up in this story that the media were going to get it wrong. The question that was framed was whether black players would work for Rush -- a very good example of how far the media is behind on this issue. The very question presupposes that non-African players would work for Limbaugh, or that this might conceivably be the first time that a loud-mouth bigot owned a professional sports team franchise.

Is Rush the victim of a left-wing media conspiracy? He thinks so -- he's always the victim of such a conspiracy, and that brings hits and subscriptions to his website and listeners to his broadcasts and subscribers to satellite radio.
That, he said that about a video of a white kid beaten up by a group of black kids on a school bus with the rest of the mostly black kids on the bus cheering the beating on. It was said in jest, and to make fun of, the supposedly "post-racial" Presidency of Barrack Obama, with whom you must agree with, or be KNOWN as a racist.
Media Matters isn't known for honesty or context...
That, he said that about a video of a white kid beaten up by a group of black kids on a school bus with the rest of the mostly black kids on the bus cheering the beating on. It was said in jest, and to make fun of, the supposedly "post-racial" Presidency of Barrack Obama, with whom you must agree with, or be KNOWN as a racist.

Oh, so it's OK because he was making a joke. This is where Rush gets a pass. The excuse for Rush is that he's an 'entertainer,' some kind of satirist, maybe a Sam Clemens. The reality is that millions of people sit down and listen to his wind every day and take it very seriously. People disagree with the President every day, many right here on this forum, which does not make them racist. Limbaugh can criticize the President's policies, which is his right as a citizen and a broadcaster, but he chooses to resort to cheap stereotyping 'Raht on, raht on.'

FWIW I don't believe that Rush's apparent bigotry should prevent him from owning an NFL franchise. There's no law against being a bigot, and without the appeal that low-brow comments like Rush's hold for millions of listeners, he'd be out of a job.
Media Matters isn't known for honesty or context...

So they have something in common with Rush. Seriously, MM hosts that clip on their website. I'm sure it's readily available all over the web. I googled the key phrases from memory -- having heard it on TV recently -- and it came up on MM in a second.
Shook my head at this excerpt from the article posted earlier (be the change you want to see in other people):

"ItÂ’s gotta be dealt with at the top, because it simply is classless."


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