why does rush limbaugh still have a job?

Don't go there, alright? We just retired a President and VP who said that failing to support them was treason and terrorism. Political opponents - not terrorists - were investigated, had the IRS sicced on them, got wiretapped, were denied the right to travel freely and a number of other things.

I would love to see some actual evidence of any of that having happened
For the record and to advocate for Da Debol ... Obama won't be repealing the Patriot act and intends to keep wire taps in place.

Just sayin'.

yes, uneducated idealism usually loses to educated reality. All i mean by that is he was free to say he would do whatever.....then after the election, when he got to see the ACTUAL security briefs, his common sense took over.

either that or the CIA showed him some film of the JFK shooting, from an angle never shown in public, and let him know to STFU and stay out of thier ballpark....
either that or the CIA showed him some film of the JFK shooting, from an angle never shown in public, and let him know to STFU and stay out of thier ballpark....

THose'd be the ones from the George H.W. Bush Collection. :lol:
i've been curious about this for a while. how did he maintain any sort of credibility with his fans after it became public that he was addicted to oxycontin? i mean the stuff is essentially heroine. it just seems inconsistent for a far-right, tough on crime, pro-drug war media figure to still be singing the same tune after that came out.


You got it all wrong, its the Dems doing it, what could serve their cause better. Between him and Cheney, the Dems have it good.
guys, guys, guys...this is a guileless question. we're all human, we all **** up. getting hooked on hillbilly heroin seems like a bigger screw up than most, & i was just wondering how he maintained his fan base. i'd ask the same if a controversial liberal got busted for embezzlement or something. that's why this is in the locker room & not political debate.

i've been curious about this for a while. how did he maintain any sort of credibility with his fans after it became public that he was addicted to oxycontin? i mean the stuff is essentially heroine. it just seems inconsistent for a far-right, tough on crime, pro-drug war media figure to still be singing the same tune after that came out.


Because it's very common to abuse oxycontin and get addicted to it which results in a far easier reason for people to forgive. AND he admitted the sin and cleaned up.
Funny thing,

His dad and brother etc. are hard core democrats. Being from the Jackson/Cape Girardeau area it is amazing how ones family can think a guy is of "No account" and still make it so far.
You are either ignorant, or a liar. He only has one brother, David, and he is far from being a hardcore democrat.David Limbaugh (born December 11, 1952) is an American political commentator and author.
Limbaugh was born in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. He has a bachelor's degree in political science and a Juris Doctor (J.D.) from the University of Missouri. He also served in the National Guard for six years. He is perhaps most notable for writing columns which are carried by Townhall.com, WorldNetDaily, and The Washington Times.
One of his uncles AND one of his cousins (to cover the etc in your post) were appointed to Federal Judgeships by republican presidents Reagan and Bush (43). That hardly makes them sound like hardcore democrats...
Don't go there, alright? We just retired a President and VP who said that failing to support them was treason and terrorism.
Do you ever get tired of twisting the facts, and you know, making things up?
Kindly post a link to where either Bush or Cheney specifically said either of those things. You know what, you can't, because it didn't happen. Oh, by the way, "We just retired" is that like some kind of code for "After being elected to and serving two terms in office, being prohibited from serving a third by Constitutional amendment?"
Political opponents - not terrorists - were investigated, had the IRS sicced on them, got wiretapped, were denied the right to travel freely and a number of other things.
Wow, sounds almost like Martin Luther King Jr during the Kennedy administration...
Or, gee, FILEGATE...
It is funny how you don't consider Clinton's signing of the Brady Bill as egregious a loss of liberties as wire tapping...
It is funny how you don't consider Clinton's signing of the Brady Bill as egregious a loss of liberties as wire tapping...

Don, rather then pointing the finger out, why don't you tell us why you defend...

Ah screw it.

Aloha Braddah, Rush has a job because I listen to his stinking radio show. LOL!
Last year's syndication deal will reportedly bring Limbaugh $400MILLION, if you don't think ClearChannel and all those client stations will take in many times that, you're crazy...
Rush has a job because people listen to him, and advertisers buy time on his show. If he wasn't in demand, it would be different. His family, and all the other stuff, is pointless clutter. Personally, I find him to be little more than an opinionated windbag with as much value as Stern or Powter.

Don, is it possible for you to debate without insults, baiting, and out right jerkness, or, should I expect you'll be taking a prolonged forced vacation in the near future? Just wondering.
Rush has a radio show because he voices a much-stifled emotion for many of us - he gives hate a voice.

We have to let this happen because we do not live in a police state - where we CAN speak against the president, where we CAN speak out against tyranny, against the use of torture by our executive branch, against political corruption.

Rush Limbaugh can have a radio show because gays can march in pride and Nazis in Skokie.

It is ... he is ... part of who we are. Like it or not.
Don, is it possible for you to debate without insults, baiting, and out right jerkness, or, should I expect you'll be taking a prolonged forced vacation in the near future? Just wondering.

I would encourage anyone to use the RTM feature if you find a post violates the rules.
Don, is it possible for you to debate without insults, baiting, and out right jerkness, or, should I expect you'll be taking a prolonged forced vacation in the near future? Just wondering.
Is it possible for some to debate without distortions and outright lies?
Is pointing out that Rush Limbaugh only has ONE brother who is a conservative writer insulting? Or was it pointing out that to claim that, one would either have to be ignorant of the facts or be lying about them?
Actually, I think they worked out something so the nazi's didn't march in Skokie....but the points still valid. Also, yeah, report the posts.

Standard stuff here: Stick to the topic and don't be rude jerks when replying. Y'all know the drill.
Rush has a radio show because he voices a much-stifled emotion for many of us - he gives hate a voice.
He does indeed! Hatred of IDEAS, not of people.Oh, that isn't what you meant, is it?
We have to let this happen because we do not live in a police state - where we CAN speak against the president, where we CAN speak out against tyranny, against the use of torture by our executive branch, against political corruption.
Yeah dissent sure was patriotic when Bush was in office, here and now in the Obama administration... not so much...
Rush Limbaugh can have a radio show because gays can march in pride and Nazis in Skokie.

It is ... he is ... part of who we are. Like it or not.
To require such fealty to power in the name of patriotism was once repugnant to the left. Now, with the right guy in charge, apparently it can once again be embraced.
Change, indeed.
Oh for crying out loud, Don. Your Decider, the Commander Guy, demanded that people hired for the Justice Department tell their interviewers why they were personaly loyal to George W. Bush.

Typical Republican nonsense and their only trick - stir up mindless fear and then find something, anything no matter how remote that allows them to tar the Enemy (there is never normal opposition; it's always Good vs. Evil) with the brush that's blackened them. You guys really don't have anything else. It's hardly worth the poor dead electrons to keep spouting the same thing.

Shrub was AWOL and couldn't be bothered to finish the nice, cushy safe hitch in the TAG. So the Greedy Old Plutocrats come up with a packet of pure lies to besmirch the honors due to an actual war hero.

Bush demanded personal loyalty oaths from new DoJ hires and signed loyalty statements from people who tried to attend his political rallies - G-d's own truth as I found out when I went to one. So you come up with some anonymous idiot who has an Obama fetish.

Bush, Cheney, Yoo, Mukassey, Gonzalez, Rumsfeld et al. took a dump on the Constitution, declared it null and void in secret, wiped their butts on the Bill of Rights, tortured, kidnapped, murdered actual prisoners of war, probably murdered a couple hundred in secret prisons. But the only thing that's important is that Nancy Pelosi might, according to CIA types with a vested interest in the outcome, have known something about these disgusting war crimes.

Your Beloved Party has turned into a One-Note Johnny. And it can't even hit that note.

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