Rush Limbaugh Isn’t the Only Media Misogynist

Someone else's comments I found interesting. Summary:

...enough with hauling out our own nasty little prejudices to try to tell each other why Limbaugh is bad. Isn’t it about damned time we just call him what he is–a selfish, lying, exploitive creep who makes his living by damaging our country and our democratic processes? Isn’t it enough to do that without having to turn ourselves into pale copies of him and suggest that maybe we agreed with him a little bit all along?

Some thoughts of mine: Rush did not engage in a tossed-off, one time insult. He engaged in a protracted, multi-session tirade (likely) designed to poison the well of discourse on the matter. And he went and picked a fight with a group of people who are savvy enough to know how to hit back, at a time when they are under extremely heavy assault by the regressive elements of our society. And then he had the gall to issue an 'apology' that read, "I'm right, you're wrong, so very sorry. Your bad!" Therefore, I don't feel bad that he's losing the fight he went and picked. Not at all. (For the record, I wouldn't mind Maher or Sharpton shutting up, either, but I'll work with what I got.)
Someone else's comments I found interesting. Summary:

Some thoughts of mine: Rush did not engage in a tossed-off, one time insult. He engaged in a protracted, multi-session tirade (likely) designed to poison the well of discourse on the matter. And he went and picked a fight with a group of people who are savvy enough to know how to hit back, at a time when they are under extremely heavy assault by the regressive elements of our society. And then he had the gall to issue an 'apology' that read, "I'm right, you're wrong, so very sorry. Your bad!" Therefore, I don't feel bad that he's losing the fight he went and picked. Not at all. (For the record, I wouldn't mind Maher or Sharpton shutting up, either, but I'll work with what I got.)

That's kinda how you could tell his apology was ********. He didn't apologize for slandering the woman or calling her a slut, he apologized for the words he chose. I hope his sponsors pull their advertising anyway, get him off the air.
That's kinda how you could tell his apology was ********. He didn't apologize for slandering the woman or calling her a slut, he apologized for the words he chose. I hope his sponsors pull their advertising anyway, get him off the air.

The liberal news sites put the count at 20 sponsors pulled so far, including 2 who claimed not to be paying enough attention to their buying agency in the first place, and at least one radio station. The more neutral news sites have a slower cycle, and are still behind.