YL, I believe that we may use a different 'dictionary' when it comes to politics and the terminology of the systems of governance.
I am just a humble peasant. I know you have aristocratic stock and are a scholar of the highest caliber, so maybe this lowly peasant shouldn't be, in any way debating you.
That being said, you yourself use the words Fascist and Totalitarian freely, when you know the people who you refer to or "Big Money" are no such thing. Using your argument, these people are also stopped by the House of Lords from creating such a system.
Let's take a look at Brown. His hero's are Marx and Lenin, on an autocrat (as Brown yearns to be). As you know fascists have autocratic leanings.
Fascists lean towards social and economic suppression. If that is the case, we can see the draconian taxes (including inheritance tax) that Brown is trying to use to "level the playing ground". Then with the suppression of the right to free speech, social regimentation is quite apparent.
He even put a stop to a general election, knowing quite well that if it had happened, he would have been kicked to the curb. This is a method of suppressing opposition, another fascist tendancy. Need I say more.
First you say that you have freedom of speech. Then you say it's ok for Kilroy to be punished for inflamatory rhetoric, which one is it....Oh I know, it's ok to say anything you want as long as it fits your particular model.