why does rush limbaugh still have a job?

no no steve, it was just a metaphore. you aint ugly, or fat. Not really what i would call "hot" per se, but what the hell, you do BJJ and I know what THAT means.......;)

Hey, relax, Twin Fist. Calling me a pathetic, ugly chick is uncalled for (although I will grant you that I would make a very ugly woman).
Twinnie, a few months ago you were the loudest voice in the chorus shrieking that whatever the President does is legal. Were you hysterical with panic then? Or do you only smile when a White hand holds the whip?
What a despicable comment! Why was a racial component brought into this thread?
From what I understand, it's the hedge funds that are causing all of the problems. Greedy people working only marginally within the law artificially manipulating the market. But I'd welcome more educated information. It is, frankly, a little above my head.

There are a ton of threads in the study where the problem is dealt with in detail, so here's a brief summary.

Greedy, power mad, people who control both parties removed regulations and manipulated the financial system so that they could earn interest and control every dollar created. People like these people removed banking regulations that allowed fortunes to be made by sheer hocus pocus. This was accomplished through a financial instrument called a derivative, which is a highly leveraged bet for or against something that could happen in the future. These derivatives were used as assets by major banks and the banks lent money against these assets at insane rates of up to 35 dollars for every dollar they had on the books. This was only possible because the same people (same people above too) who control bond/debt rating system also controled the banks and mutual funds. When the derivatives backed by mortgages went bad, the small amount of assets that the banks actually had to lend against dissappeared. Thus the banks where insolvent and could no longer lend and no new money could enter the economy. The economy cannot function without new money because old money is destroyed when debt is payed off. Stocks dropped like a rock, people lost a **** load of money, more derivatives went bad, eventually mutual funds, other retirement accounts, and insurance pools were decimated. A total of 60 trillion dollars "disappears" from the world economy. The hocus pocus paper was sold to banks, mutual funds, retirement accounts by people who run both parties, rated the bond/debt, and ran said banks and funds. In the end, all of this amounts to a fancy form of theft.
I dont live on your schedule

just saying

and I dont have a ton of time right now, so lets say I cant find it, or it turns out to be bogus.

if it is legal to totally bipass the bankruptcy court, it is certainly a bad idea.
I think you missed the thrust of my point, YL.

Oh ... and there was freedom of speech in England for over-educated peasants like me? I must've missed that. We have a tradition of riot and strike - is that it :lol:?

The freedom of speech issue I'm talking about refers people like Robert Kilroy-Silk. I believe that either you or Tez sent me a link about him. He is a bit nutty and angry, but the CPS were going to prosecute him for comments he made regarding arabs. I admit that they dropped the charges, but it is a bit scary to think that you can be charged for speaking your mind in good old Blighty.

Then there are things like draconian taxes, including a crippling inheritance tax designed to gradually, over generations redistribute family wealth to any cause the government sees fit.

I just believe that fascism goes both ways. At least Mussolini got the trains to run on time. I've had some shocking experiences on British rail.
YL, I believe that we may use a different 'dictionary' when it comes to politics and the terminology of the systems of governance.

Academically, having studied politics and international relations in times gone by, it bugs me when things are 'wrongly labelled', so I have to bite my tongue sometimes when "Facism" and/or "Communism" and/or "Democracy" etc are used as 'shortcuts' to demonise or support a point of view. Mussolini was indeed a decided flavour of fascist; we have yet to have such a government here and hopefully, with the help of the Crown and the Lords, we never shall.

But thems' the breaks on the wonderful Interwebs.

As to Kilroy, well, if you break laws regarding inspiring racial hatred, whilst appearing on the BBC, then it's not a surprise that there was some discourse about legal charges. He's doing alright for himself in the European trough now, so I wouldn't worry too much about his welfare.

Freedom of speech comes with a high degree of responsibility and in any nation is likely to be curtailed to a greater or lesser extent depending on who you are and what position you hold. In Britain, it's always been a lot more restricted than many believe - but as I said, we have a noble tradition of riot and strike to draw on when our 'betters' scorn us too mightily :D.
YL, I believe that we may use a different 'dictionary' when it comes to politics and the terminology of the systems of governance.


I am just a humble peasant. I know you have aristocratic stock and are a scholar of the highest caliber, so maybe this lowly peasant shouldn't be, in any way debating you.

That being said, you yourself use the words Fascist and Totalitarian freely, when you know the people who you refer to or "Big Money" are no such thing. Using your argument, these people are also stopped by the House of Lords from creating such a system.

Let's take a look at Brown. His hero's are Marx and Lenin, on an autocrat (as Brown yearns to be). As you know fascists have autocratic leanings.

Fascists lean towards social and economic suppression. If that is the case, we can see the draconian taxes (including inheritance tax) that Brown is trying to use to "level the playing ground". Then with the suppression of the right to free speech, social regimentation is quite apparent.

He even put a stop to a general election, knowing quite well that if it had happened, he would have been kicked to the curb. This is a method of suppressing opposition, another fascist tendancy. Need I say more.

First you say that you have freedom of speech. Then you say it's ok for Kilroy to be punished for inflamatory rhetoric, which one is it....Oh I know, it's ok to say anything you want as long as it fits your particular model.
literary genius of the last legionaire aside, what exactly is suposed to be so bad about what Don said? It certainly wasn't nearly as insulting as, or blatantly false like what telner had said about the previous presidential administration.
the attacks on Pelosi are a joke, because what the Republican party has become is a joke. Rove: joke, Cheney: bad joke, Gingrich: old and tired joke. They attack because they have no answers, and the CIA under Cheney's watch was likely guilty.

It sure is a good thing we're all using facts now instead of personal attacks.

Please note the heavily laden sarcasm
Twinnie, a few months ago you were the loudest voice in the chorus shrieking that whatever the President does is legal. Were you hysterical with panic then? Or do you only smile when a White hand holds the whip?

Wow, if you were twinfist, somebody would probably think that was a racist post and a personal attack.
Wow, if you were twinfist, somebody would probably think that was a racist post and a personal attack.

You might want to take note that the last post on this thread was months and months ago and any such issues have likely been officially settled. No need to stir up old stuff - but if you have more information to contribute to the thread, by all means please do.
I know it's an old thread, but unfortunately, this is still just as much an issue today. Blame it on the fact that I'm stuck at home with the swine flu, and probably more than a little irritable. At my taekwondo school, I find myself having to bite my tongue often when I hear ignorant and/or deliberately false statements like those. I guess reading them here last night was a little too much. Sorry if I offended you.
No, you didn't offend me, just saying, it's kinda old to be digging up without some kind of current event update, know what I mean?

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