Anti-bully bullies christian students...


Trapped = Can't get away

Power Gradient = one side has the power and the other has none, leading to greater imposition of dominance over the victim

Aren't you a policeman, Punisher? Or am I getting mixed up? It's just that I would've expected such concepts to be especially clear to one whose profession involves the socially sanctioned execution of such as part of their duty (I don't mean that to sound insulting, tho it does read that way :o).

The concepts are very clear to me. It's just that many times they are defined with words that mean different things to different people, so I wanted them to define the words how they thought they meant. Anytime people talk about emotional issues they use words that will mean something different to different people so you can have a whole audience listen and make them think that they are speaking to them (Listen to any political speech and the words they use ie: "hope").

So to put the shoes on the other foot, you have an authority figure giving a speech and going on an anti-gay rant. When you attempt to leave, you are yelled at again by the speaker for leaving. Do you think that they media would call that person's behavior "bullying"? Not that the person is or isn't a bullly, but that the specific behavior could be construed as bullying behavior. In this case, I think that the behavior was an attempt to bully to get those kids to stay and listen to what he had to say.
The audience had three choices, they could stay and listen, they could walk out or they could heckle. Now whether here we've brought up a generation of stroppy kids or a generation of confident ones all of whom watch comedians like Jimmy Carr, I can't imagine kids here being harangued in this way without some very pithy comments heading back to the speaker. perhaps the Brit teenager is more gobby than his American counterpart but I could only see this ending in a battle of one liners here!

Not so far from the truth here as any teacher here will tell you.
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It was definitely not Dan Savage's shining moment. I was disappointed in him. Normally he is better than this, and his It Gets Better program is quite good all around.


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The guy is a weirdo. Just give him time and he'll do something really stupid...

In my Sudafed-induced delirium I decided that if it's terrorism Bauer wants, then it's terrorism Bauer is going get -- and I'm just the man to terrorize him. Naked, feverish and higher than a kite on codeine aspirin, I called the Bauer campaign and volunteered. My plan? Get close enough to Bauer to give him the flu, which, if I am successful, will lay him flat just before the New Hampshire primary. I would go to Bauer's campaign office and cough on everything -- phones and pens, staplers and staffers. I even hatched a plan to infect the candidate himself. I would keep the pen in my mouth until Bauer dropped by his offices to rally the troops. And when he did, I would approach him and ask for his autograph, handing him the pen from my flu-virus incubating mouth.

“I wish the Republicans were all ********** dead.”


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