Why Ann Coulter is great.

Why do people still use the term communist to describe themselves and some of their political parties? Why do democrats still use the term democrat to name their political party? Shouldn't these names be cast out of polite society?
American conservatives, believe in strict checks and balances on the government, a small government and the rights of the individual. These are the opposite of what the various types of socialists believe.

As I stated before, conservatism and liberalism are independent of any particular set of conservative or liberal beliefs. A small government and respect for the rights of the individual was the belief that coined the term liberalism! It was promulgated by thinkers like John Stuart Mill. In colonial America, conservatism meant monarchism. Free market thinking was also once a liberal idea.

Conservatism and liberalism/leftism are contextual. Thus it does you no good whatsoever to compare the beliefs of the Nazis and modern American conservatives directly and then claim that Nazism has nothing to do with conservatism. Looking to the past or future is part of the very definition of conservatism, it is not some surface aspect for you to gloss over so you get to claim that your political opponents are Nazis.

If your simplistic thinking was true, then modern American conservatism could be the only marker of conservatism for all places and all times. This is so obviously false that I'm surprised any thinking individual could promote it.
Why do people still use the term communist to describe themselves and some of their political parties? Why do democrats still use the term democrat to name their political party? Shouldn't these names be cast out of polite society?

Why do people still use the term communist to describe themselves and some of their political parties? Why do democrats still use the term democrat to name their political party? Shouldn't these names be cast out of polite society?

The fact you say there are actresses in these shows indictate that you are watching fiction, I hope one of these shows wasn't the Tudors as that is very much a work of fiction with a young actor playing the elderly Henry.

Marxism is what it says on the label....Marxism, it's a 'brand' if you like of communism. There are many 'types' of communism, in fact where you get people you will always get various thoughts on things. It's what thinking people do, think things out and come up with their own ideas.
The ice cream comment doesn't hold true either because ice cream isn't always what it seems, some don't even have cream in them therefore aren't ice cream. Another erroneous argument I'm afraid.
Tez, did I make up the fact that socialism was considered a necessary but intermediate step to true communism?
Tez, did I make up the fact that socialism was considered a necessary but intermediate step to true communism?

It may be thought that by some but not all socialists, you generalise far too much. My father was a lifelong supporter of the Labour Party, he was a socialist but never in all his long years did he consider himself or ever contemplate being a communist.
If I stated all American were bigots the downpour of scorn and flame would descend on my head but you feel free to label people as you think fit, you really need to stop doing that if any meaningful discussion is to take place.
Tez, did I make up the fact that socialism was considered a necessary but intermediate step to true communism?

Have a look at Canada, the UK, most of Europe, the Scandinavian countries. All socialists. Have been for a long time. Will be for the foreseeable future. I don't see any of those turning communist anytime soon.

Explain Canada. We have a Conservative government in a socialist country.
Remember, it was stated that religion killed more people, I responded, that no, more people were killed by socialists and atheists. Thomas Sowell talks about the democratic left, like in the countries you mentioned, and the totalitarian left, the ones who murdered those people. That's all. The religion killed more people statement is not true, that's all. Other than soccer, I like the people in those countries. Really, I am not into sports of any sort, so not liking soccer isn't really not liking soccer by itself.
THey won't turn communist because socialism doesn't work. Why would you go all the way over the edge with communism?
THey won't turn communist because socialism doesn't work. Why would you go all the way over the edge with communism?

We seem to be going along just fine, thank you. The last recession was not as long or as deep up here. So, yes, socialism does work.
Yeah, it may only take another 100 million or so dead people to get it juuust right.
Ramirez, remember, the statement was that religion has killed more people than any thing else. I looked up some quick stats on the inquisition and historians put their murder total at around 31,000 to 130,000, with a lot of the deaths ocurring from medieval prison conditions.
THe atheists of the various socialist movements racked up a murder rate of over 100 million people, around the globe, not just in Europe.
Also, the inquisition was in the way distant past when everyone was less civilized and people were violent and cruel as a common practice. Just watch any one of the cable shows, Rome, The tudors, and so on to get a taste of what it was like back then.(I know, they are television, but they show the cruelty of the times)
The communists, nazis and fascists, were just 70 years ago and they were modern nations, not medieval barely literate populations living in horrible conditions. The past religous persecutions do not compare with the modern socialist murders of the 20th century.

I don't know why you keep conflating atheism with this bete noir you have created called "socialism"...which as most posters have pointed out are called either fascism and/or communism traditionally. The Italian fasicists by the way were Catholic.

so explain to me a couple of things, Orthodox Christian Serbs and Catholic Croats were at each other's throats for centuries, the only "Christian" good times were under communist Tito, communism went away and they went back at each other's throats. See, in place with no Jews, Hispanics, blacks the zany Christians can still improvise

Then again we have the foremost Christian in the world Pope Pius XII who somehow didn't see fit to condemn Hitler, the Nazis, Germans etc. even while they dragged off Jews to gas chambers from right under his window....and spare me the apologists on how he secretly saved Jews or had other considerations because of Catholics in Germany....he should have used his balls for something other than altar boys and done something substantial.

And how about those peaceful Christians in Ireland until recently, two flavours of Christianity almost indistinguishable from each other and those peace loving Christians still managed to bomb and shoot each other.

In fact I am having a hard time taking this love of humanity that you are professing when the OP in this thread was about the raging hard on you have for Ann Coulter who suggested that we invade Muslim countries, kill their leaders and forcibly convert them to Christianity....got to love that peace loving right winger, the milk of human kindness just flows through her.
I believe my point still stands. Socialists over 100million murdered, Religion?
I don't know why you keep conflating atheism with this bete noir you have created called "socialism"...which as most posters have pointed out are called either fascism and/or communism traditionally. The Italian fasicists by the way were Catholic.

so explain to me a couple of things, Orthodox Christian Serbs and Catholic Croats were at each other's throats for centuries, the only "Christian" good times were under communist Tito, communism went away and they went back at each other's throats. See, in place with no Jews, Hispanics, blacks the zany Christians can still improvise

Then again we have the foremost Christian in the world Pope Pius XII who somehow didn't see fit to condemn Hitler, the Nazis, Germans etc. even while they dragged off Jews to gas chambers from right under his window....and spare me the apologists on how he secretly saved Jews or had other considerations because of Catholics in Germany....he should have used his balls for something other than altar boys and done something substantial.

And how about those peaceful Christians in Ireland until recently, two flavours of Christianity almost indistinguishable from each other and those peace loving Christians still managed to bomb and shoot each other.

In fact I am having a hard time taking this love of humanity that you are professing when the OP in this thread was about the raging hard on you have for Ann Coulter who suggested that we invade Muslim countries, kill their leaders and forcibly convert them to Christianity....got to love that peace loving right winger, the milk of human kindness just flows through her.

Damn good post! Just one thing, the Christians in Northern Ireland are actually still bombing and shooting each other, it hasn't stopped, it just doesn't get as much publicity these days.

Seems to me that Billcihak is calling everyone he doesn't agree with a 'socialist' and he doesn't agree with so many people simply because he is uneducated. Either that or he is trolling here with his constant posts about the Right. I'm tending to believe he is winding people up now with his posts and disrailment of other peoples threads.

There is no discussion now it's just the constant repetition of 'the socialists kill people' 'the socialists hate religion' etc etc all posted with the assurance of a child who discovers it can play with it's own faeces.
Still only posts in the study, no martial arts posts at all, so a troll?
The Study:For the serious discussion of non-martial arts topics including world events, social and political issues, or other items not covered in the other forums. Topics in here should stay focused on their topic, with new threads created where topics split.

-social issues
-political issues
-world events

Hmmm, I think I post on those things here in the study.

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