Purple Belt
Actually I'm curious as to why he keeps calling Hitler and Mussolini leftists despite massive evidence to the contrary.
just a guess.
Neither of them appear to know/understand the term "authoritarian" regarding governments and social/political movements. There can be authoritarian-ism both of the right and of the left. The construct is rarely used in general discussions but its indispensible when analyzing political movements. As a political system in the Soviet Union or Mao's China, one finds hideous, bloody authoritarianism of the "left". In Franco's Spain or the generals' Argentina and Chile in the 20th century, one finds hideous, bloody authoritarianism of the right.
I notice when the perpetual argument occurs, as currently on MT, with significant verbal heat, little light and great confusion regarding social-ism, fasc-ism, marx-ism with no mention of authoritarianism and its cousin totalitarianism. Seems to always indicate poor thinking and inadequate undergraduate education.