The Study:For the serious discussion of non-martial arts topics including world events, social and political issues, or other items not covered in the other forums. Topics in here should stay focused on their topic, with new threads created where topics split.
-social issues
-political issues
-world events
Hmmm, I think I post on those things here in the study.
The word here though is 'discussion', you don't actually discuss. You post a link up, lecture us on the evils of socialism as you see it, there is no discussion. No witty banter back and forth, no searing insights, no brilliant's just 'socialism is bad'. My dear boy, it's boring! that's about the worse sin you can commit in my eyes in the study, being a bore. Something controversial is fine as long as it's not insulting anyone but really, the same post time and time again, it's just passe now. No offfence intended of course old boy.