Why Ann Coulter is great.

:) She doesn't bother me. I think she's kind of hot. She's clearly also smart and sharp witted.

I also think she doesn't believe most of what she says. As I said before, she's playing a game that she's very good at playing. But it's still a game.

Maybe at the start of her career...but as Vonnegut pointed out be careful of the masks we wear because we become the mask....I think she has been playing the right wing bat guano mad neo-con so long she has become exactly that.
:) She doesn't bother me. I think she's kind of hot. She's clearly also smart and sharp witted.

I also think she doesn't believe most of what she says. As I said before, she's playing a game that she's very good at playing. But it's still a game.
She's OK, but, she needs a sandwich or something, I shouldn't be able to count her ribs through a loose sweater...
Coulter is great, simply because she drives the left barking mad.

Took the words right out of my mouth. In the end, that's all that matters. Honesty, integrity, honor, rigorous thought, consistency...none of that matters to you as long as The Left is upset.

See also: Sarah Palin.
I'm not trying to change your mind, just stating facts.

LOL....not sure why he thinks he is so important that either you or Darksoul would waste your time trying to convince him otherwise of Ann Coulter....the very fact he cleaves to her opinion makes it a lost cause, or that he thinks his OP was so great that you need to address it.
One of my favorite Ann Coulter quotes goes something like this, "If the main stream media insists that we refer to Islam as a religion of peace, it would be a big help if they stopped killing people." It is not an exact quote but it catches the spirit of the column.

As compared to the millions, if not BILLIONS of people killed by christianity? You know, the crusades, the killing of Muslims in the former Yugoslavia, the massacres in Afghanistand now and everthing else.

That quote is just propaganda to salve the conscious of Americans as they try to stamp Islam into the ground. If Americans want Muslims to stop killing them, they should pull back to the borders and leave the rest of the world alone.
Actually the biggest body counts so far are awarded to the various socialist and atheist movements of the 20th century. These movements killed a lot of people around the planet and their totals are going to be difficult to beat. One hopes, anyway.

Pagans helped a little as well.
Actually the biggest body counts so far are awarded to the various socialist and atheist movements of the 20th century. These movements killed a lot of people around the planet and their totals are going to be difficult to beat. One hopes, anyway.

Pagans helped a little as well.

Actually totalitarianism all throughout history is the source of the greatest mass murders in history, religious or otherwise.
An old argument.
Actually the biggest body counts so far are awarded to the various socialist and atheist movements of the 20th century. These movements killed a lot of people around the planet and their totals are going to be difficult to beat. One hopes, anyway.

Pagans helped a little as well.

Yes, indeed, they died like flies...
Actually the biggest body counts so far are awarded to the various socialist and atheist movements of the 20th century. These movements killed a lot of people around the planet and their totals are going to be difficult to beat. One hopes, anyway.

Pagans helped a little as well.
What's an atheist movement? I've never heard that one before.
The various socialist movements of th 20th century were all atheist in nature. The national socialists in germany were anti-religion, especially the catholic religion, although the ss had a pagan side to them. The soviets in Russia, China, Cambodia, Latin America were also atheists. The Japanese socialists in world war two had a belief that the emporer was a god, as well as shinto, and budhism. So, atheism and a little paganism helped rack up the biggest body count in history. So far.
The various socialist movements of th 20th century were all atheist in nature. The national socialists in germany were anti-religion, especially the catholic religion, although the ss had a pagan side to them. The soviets in Russia, China, Cambodia, Latin America were also atheists. The Japanese socialists in world war two had a belief that the emporer was a god, as well as shinto, and budhism. So, atheism and a little paganism helped rack up the biggest body count in history. So far.

your weird history cocktail is making me nausious.

Are you not ever tired of this nonsense?

naturally Japanese and Cambodian point of view will differ from, say, American and German versions.

And for the last time: If somebody believes the emperor is god make them hardly a socialist!
In Stephen Ambrose's books, Citzen Soldier and D-Day, I don't remember which one it was, he mentions that the Japanese government had a 70% tax rate at the time of ww2. He stated that they believed that the government had the right to direct the efforts of the people to the betterment of the people. That is why the Japanese were socialists.
The various socialist movements of th 20th century were all atheist in nature. The national socialists in germany were anti-religion, especially the catholic religion, although the ss had a pagan side to them.

And you think Hitler , his henchmen and any other Europeans came to be genocidal anti semites because of atheism.....or could growing up in a society where anti semitism was promoted and accepted by Christian churches for over 1500 years have had something to do with it?
critical thinking is a good thing. It sounds to me like you need to do some non partisan research into what atheism and socialism really mean. You might also consider looking up paganism. Calling shinto and buddhism pagan religions is a little silly.
...he mentions that the Japanese government had a 70% tax rate at the time of ww2. He stated that they believed that the government had the right to direct the efforts of the people to the betterment of the people. That is why the Japanese were socialists.

By that criteria, the United States was socialist at the time too. From 1939-1944, the top rate was 75%. From 1944-1945, the top rate was 94%. Both rates only applied to incomes above a certain level. Greatest Generation = Commies?

The term truly has lost all meaning. To you, "whatever I don't like" = "socialist".
Pagan:"By the fifth century CE, its meaning evolved to include all non-Christians..." I believe shinto, Budhism, and emporer worship fit into the "non-christian" category. Yes, I think that FDR was a socialist. Look at the massive government take over of the most basic business activities. In particular the case of the man who was forced by FDR's government to not grow food for his own use. That isn't free market capitalism. You could almost say that world war 2 was the war of the socialists, as governments around the world, with great control over their populations went to war with each other. FDR was hemmed in by 200 years of checks and balances on the centralization of power in the government. The other socialists of the time were not, and they rampaged around the world.
Empty hands, I am not fond of several people here on martial talk, but I don't consider them socialists, yet.

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