Why Ann Coulter is great.

Say what you will about Coulter`s opinions and politics (She`s blunt, abrasive, opinionated, and sometimes even cruel) the one thing that you can`t deny is that she bases her columns on fact. She footnotes all of her opinions with the relavant stats and info, usually either from official government offices or direct quotes from the people she lambastes. I only agree with about 1/2 of what she says, but I do find the way that she bases it on supportable fact very refreshing. I hear alot of people in the media put her down, but no one ever seems to dispute the facts that she uses as refferance. Alot of people take the time to say she`s mean......they never seem as willing to try and prove her wrong, which is a shame because it would make thier own opinions weightier and much more interesting to hear.
Say what you will about Coulter`s opinions and politics (She`s blunt, abrasive, opinionated, and sometimes even cruel) the one thing that you can`t deny is that she bases her columns on fact.

Fact? I recall in one of her books that she is an evolution denier......who the hell in the 21st century doesn't believe in the empirical evidence of evolution...if you deny evolution you are a fantastist ....Coulter is a total loon.

If you read that book you might understand why she believes that evolution is still theory, and not fact. i remember it having to do with large gaps in the fossil record, and something to do with the different parts of the eye that would need to simultaneously be adapted in order for the eye to have survived as an evolutionary advantage. That may have been another book, now that I think of it. Her opinions on evolution are once again based in scientific theory, just like evolution.
If you read that book you might understand why she believes that evolution is still theory, and not fact. i remember it having to do with large gaps in the fossil record, and something to do with the different parts of the eye that would need to simultaneously be adapted in order for the eye to have survived as an evolutionary advantage. That may have been another book, now that I think of it. Her opinions on evolution are once again based in scientific theory, just like evolution.

Intelligent design is what you are referring to, that example of the eye ball has been refuted by the scientific community and it has absolutely no credibility.

Sorry Biicihak....Anne is completely off the reservation on evolution, so is any denier of the FACT of evolution.....it's not a "theory" as you are using the word in the vernacular, it is a scientific theory as robust as any in science as say quantum theory (which was used to develop the microchip in the computer you are using) or relativity theory which is powering the computer I am using to to reply to you now.

If you reject evolution you should also reject DNA as evidence because DNA is the mechanism by which evolution works....in fact you could say evolution is based on better evidence than gravity...we don't have a proven mechanism by which it works.
Actually according to Ann’s facts, Canada sent troops to Vietnam, we didn’t.

Her idiotic remark that Canada use to be a good friend of the USA and that we were lucky to be allowed to exist on the same continent as the USA really pissed me off at her.

Look there are some smart, intelligent Conservatives in the US, why do you guys need to flock to the loudmouths all the time?? McCain is an intelligent, well spoken man, he would have been a great President, he is a much better role model and leader of the conservative movement then certain nut jobs.

BTW “theory” in a scientific sense explains how something works, not that it is unproven. We have the theory of gravity, not because we don’t know it to be true, but because we are only 95% sure of how it works.

A gap in the fossil record?? We have 3.1 billion years of life and evolution to sort through, unless you are taking a sample every couple of generations, there will always be a gap in the fossil record.

A lack of evidence does not automatically mean the only remaining answer is god, that’s a copout.
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McCain would have been slightly better than Obama but not by much. By continually trying to be loved by the democrats and the main stream media he made it clear that he was too willing to compromise with the democrats on issues like taxes, and immigration.
Ann Coulter does for conservatives what people like Al Sharpton does for progressives. She stirs stuff up and likes saying outragious things for the attention it gives her. It amazes me that anyone would take her seriously as a spokesperson for conservatives.
Actually according to AnnÂ’s facts, Canada sent troops to Vietnam, we didnÂ’t.

Her idiotic remark that Canada use to be a good friend of the USA and that we were lucky to be allowed to exist on the same continent as the USA really pissed me off at her.

Look there are some smart, intelligent Conservatives in the US, why do you guys need to flock to the loudmouths all the time?? McCain is an intelligent, well spoken man, he would have been a great President, he is a much better role model and leader of the conservative movement then certain nut jobs.

BTW “theory” in a scientific sense explains how something works, not that it is unproven. We have the theory of gravity, not because we don’t know it to be true, but because we are only 95% sure of how it works.

A gap in the fossil record?? We have 3.1 billion years of life and evolution to sort through, unless you are taking a sample every couple of generations, there will always be a gap in the fossil record.

A lack of evidence does not automatically mean the only remaining answer is god, thatÂ’s a copout.
According to a show I watched recently, Canadian Troops aided in the evacuation.
According to a show I watched recently, Canadian Troops aided in the evacuation.

Canadian troops as part of the UN Peace Keeping force, wearing the blue beret rather than their Canadian ones.

"1973 - Vietnam. International Commission for Control and Supervision (ICCS). 248 personnel helped monitor the ceasefire and return of prisoners to Vietnam. Completed in 1974."

According to a show I watched recently, Canadian Troops aided in the evacuation.

The point is according Ann, we had combat troops in Vietnam, we never did.

"Between 28 January 1973 and 31 July 1973, Canada provided 240 peacekeeping troops to Operation Gallant, the peace keeping operation associated with the International Commission of Control and Supervision (ICCS) Vietnam, along with Hungary, Indonesia, and Poland. Their role was to monitor the cease-fire in South Vietnam per the Paris Peace Accords."
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McCain would have been slightly better than Obama but not by much. By continually trying to be loved by the democrats and the main stream media he made it clear that he was too willing to compromise with the democrats on issues like taxes, and immigration.

And that sums up the problems with the system nowadays. When somebody is willing to listen to the other side, he is labelled as soft.
I donÂ’t disagree with your argument but it transcends political movements.

A similar manner of arguments can be made from any and all sides of any issue, political, political parties, religion, academia and anything else you can think of.

I consider myself a conservative but Ann and I have very little in common, in fact in many regards she is an embarrassment.
I agree. It's called character assassination and it's common on all sides. IMO, recognizing it is important, and what's said about Ann Coulter is less interesting to me than what a thread like this says about its author. When someone lauds Ann Coulter (or anyone else who has made their living in such a manner) in ways such as posting a thread entitled "Why Ann Coulter is great." it really only says to me that this is a person who can't see it for what it is.
Coulter is great, simply because she drives the left barking mad.

:) She doesn't bother me. I think she's kind of hot. She's clearly also smart and sharp witted.

I also think she doesn't believe most of what she says. As I said before, she's playing a game that she's very good at playing. But it's still a game.
And that sums up the problems with the system nowadays. When somebody is willing to listen to the other side, he is labelled as soft.

And if, in light of new evidence, changing times or compelling arguments, their position evolves, they are a flip-flopper.

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