Who's Who in Modern Arnis?

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Blotan Hunka said:
Why did Kelly end his radio show?

Good Question - You might want to start a new thread on that question to maybe get more of a chance of someone who knows to see and answer. :)
Note: Let me state that I am not Politically Correct and if your feelings are easily hurt I suggest that you go on to the next “Vanilla” post and read no further…I hope that I am not banned for speaking out on this or physically threatened ; )

I would like to wade in on the matter of who’s who in Modern Arnis. I do not consider myself a Modern Arnis player, but I do have over 24 years of martial arts experience and have trained with several of the Masters in the Philippines in four different styles. I have also studied JKD, American Boxing, Thai Boxing, BJJ, etc. etc. Just so that you know I have some knowledge base to speak from: I was the Chief Combatives Instructor for USASFDK (Korean Special Forces), Martial Arts Coordinator for 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne), Fort Lewis, Washington and am currently the Bakbakan International representative for Washington State and owner of Progressive Martial Arts Inc. But, enough about me, if that’s not good enough for you; you don’t want to hear what I have to say anyway. See the note above.

As I said, I do not consider myself a Modern Arnis player (since I have just been studying for the past year), but I just have to wade in on the political garbage that I have read on this site. There are pretenders to the crown that would not be running their mouths if the Professor was still alive.

I have seen a question and answer session about Datu Kelly Worden. It was disingenuous to say the least! Professor Presas promoted Kelly Worden to the rank of Datu some 13 years ago. His ability to conceptualize, connect the systems, and his innovations “within” Modern Arnis led Prof. Presas to publicly state that he, Datu Worden, was the #1 Datu in America. If you ask Datu Worden he will tell you that he is #2, and that Datu Shishir Inocallo (being elevated before him) is #1 in the hierarchy.

I have also seen posts that Datu Worden’s style is something other than Modern Arnis. I can assure you that Datu Worden is, to his soul, a Modern Arnis practitioner and gives all the credit to Professor Presas for his exceptional abilities. At a benefit seminar for Professor Presas last year Worden told the attendees that he believed that the system should pass to Professor’s sons and that they had his total support. I have never heard Datu Worden speak of his “niche” in Modern Arnis, just the welfare of the art as a whole and Professors legacy in the continuation of the art. Believe me if you want to hear of Datu Worden’s accomplishments you have to ask one of his students. You won’t ever hear him bragging about himself or spreading the news about his many awards or honors.

I saw two Masters of Filipino Martial Arts, Roland Dantes and Christopher Ricketts; publicly acknowledge the skill and innovation that Datu Worden brings to Modern Arnis.

Professor Presas drew from all and gave to all. That’s what is special about Modern Arnis! I have seen a wide variety of styles, variations on techniques, and even subtle differences in anyos. Modern Arnis is, as another post said, what professor said it was!

Someone made mention of a possible taping of the anyos for Modern Arnis Practioners. Datu Worden has already done this. He has 25 videotapes that are currently published along with one that was co-produced with Master Roland Dantes. He has developed and patented the Impact Kerambit and no less than six companies currently carry his knife designs.

He is the chief instructor for 1st Special Forces Group and has been selected to produce a Combatives Manual, which will be the base document for Martial Arts Training for all U.S. Army Special Operations Forces. When you talk of contributions to Modern Arnis, or who is and who isn’t a Modern Arnis practitioner, I would suggest that you do a little homework before you make your announcements. His contributions to the art with the introduction of anyos for the staff, interpretation of those forms and application of the techniques were enough to cement his standing in Modern Arnis. Does that sound like Datu Worden wasn’t being Active? You be the judge…

Good evening, I really get a lot from these forums. Good reading

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