I'm not "quelling" anyone. I'm seeing a heat level rise, and seeking to prevent a blow up that requires more drastic action.
I'm saying, if you, or -ANYONE- feels the need to get all Hot about it, take it private. Maybe other forums are more willing to serve as battlegrounds and political posturing, but not this one.
On Datu Worden - I do not know the man, nor do I know his followers. I'm happy to see a group of them here. The more the merrier.
There was a question on identity - I simply identified myself.
On my wording - perhaps I could have been a bit more tactful. I'm sorry. I am majorly exhausted from fighting a losing battle against nature. That, combined with several emails and phone calls about problems here contributed to a more reactive posting.
On my message: In the past, we have had 1 situation surrounding the MA succession issue that had resulted in 1 banned user, based on threats. I do not want a repeat of that. There has been a bit of concern over the perception of heat growing surrounding a few of the folks involved in this thread perhaps. My intent is to throw a little water on the hot areas, before things go boom.
Is this site factional? Yes. And grows more so as each organizations participation grows.
My primary 2 concerns are the smooth functioning of this site, and its growing usefulness to the martial arts community as a whole.
On the phone call
lease post the phone number...a toll free one preferred.
On banning someone:
If you (or anyone reading this) still have an issue with me, then please PM me and we can see if we can smooth it out. In the mean time, lets return this thread to its original intent.
I'm not "quelling" anyone. I'm seeing a heat level rise, and seeking to prevent a blow up that requires more drastic action.
I'm saying, if you, or -ANYONE- feels the need to get all Hot about it, take it private. Maybe other forums are more willing to serve as battlegrounds and political posturing, but not this one.
On Datu Worden - I do not know the man, nor do I know his followers. I'm happy to see a group of them here. The more the merrier.
There was a question on identity - I simply identified myself.
On my wording - perhaps I could have been a bit more tactful. I'm sorry. I am majorly exhausted from fighting a losing battle against nature. That, combined with several emails and phone calls about problems here contributed to a more reactive posting.
On my message: In the past, we have had 1 situation surrounding the MA succession issue that had resulted in 1 banned user, based on threats. I do not want a repeat of that. There has been a bit of concern over the perception of heat growing surrounding a few of the folks involved in this thread perhaps. My intent is to throw a little water on the hot areas, before things go boom.
Is this site factional? Yes. And grows more so as each organizations participation grows.
My primary 2 concerns are the smooth functioning of this site, and its growing usefulness to the martial arts community as a whole.
On the phone call

On banning someone:
I take this comment of yours as a challenge. There seem to be a few people here who think that if they say something “politically incorrect” that we will kick em off this board. We do not ban without cause. We have guidelines on why we would do so. You can disagree with me, argue with me, go against the “norm” here etc. I think a little controversy is good, as it creates new interest and we gain new members with more diverse experience. That’s not a reason to silence you, or anyone. All it does is make me a censor. Play within our rules, and you're welcome here. You don't like them, then you do not have to stay. Its a free site. As I've said many, many times, we welcome all for friendly discussion of martial topics.Now, you can most certainly ban me from this site for saying that, people can make a value judgment on that action if you choose to do so.
If you (or anyone reading this) still have an issue with me, then please PM me and we can see if we can smooth it out. In the mean time, lets return this thread to its original intent.