Originally posted by DoctorB
I asked a very specific question:
**I have read through Norshadow's original post several times. **Would you be so kind as to explain to me EXACTLY where, why **and how Norshadow was out of line?
Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Hey There DocB,
Thanks for trying to get an answer, but it seems that nothing has come from your inquiry. I have laid out for awhile hoping to allow this whole thing to pass. Nothing to be gained since quite, reasoned discourse is not favored on this forum.
The facts seem to be unchanged regarding the idea that Datu Kelly Worden, PG Tom Bolden, PG Billy Bryant, PG Doug Pierre and yourself were among, if not the first Modern Arnis people to be recognized by ay an outside organization for honors back in 1993 and 1994.
This not being disrespectful toward any other Modern Arnis instructors, because there have been several who were recognized in the late 1990's and beyond. Nor does this earlier set of awards invalidate those awards gained later by others.
My point then and still is that PG Bolden, PG Pierre and yourself will be at the symposium and that you all have received a very well deserved acknowledgement from Datu Worden. This would seem to indicate that the quality of instruction at the Modern Arnis Sympoium will be of the highest quality. Therefore, I am of the opinion that people should make every effort to attend... IF they are interested in seeing varied approaches to Modern Arnis from senior people who studied under Profesor Presas.
Your article in the July 2003 issue of Inside Kung Fu is excellent. No negative statements or put-downs were made. I like the fact that you stated that the symposium presenters "...cuts across nearly all factional lines within the art." That is a beautiful statement of fact, yet you avoided raising or lowering any group in relationship to another. That is a very positive and diplomatic presentation.
I also liked the way you phrased another statement in the article.
"These people (the instructors) have agreed that showing the diversity and variety that developed within modern arnis is the best thing that could be done toshow our collective respect for the late founder and grandmaster as well as the art that he created."
Very well stated, DocB. Thanks for writing that article. A public policy statement such as yours puts the whole symposium idea into clear perspective. The symposium is about the art and the people who study the art. And the article title is as good as it gets and says everything in just four words - "Meeting of Arnis Minds".