I've been noticing a trend on several boards. If the conversation is getting hot or challenging, one party usually tries to take the thread off topic with, 'and just who is your instructor'? Or, 'what organization do you belong to?' Some are simply trolls looking for some sort of chink in the armor. Some don't know any better. And then you get the usual, 'what...are you afraid of something'. Usually put in to make you look bad and take the thread further off topic (which a lot of the time is their plan anyway).
I feel strongly that someone should stand on their own merits. They shouldn't try to ride the coat tails of someone else. One person may have a well-known and fantastic instructor...and they personally suck as a martial artist. They may belong to a reputable or legimate organization but do dishonorable things. On the otherhand, they may have a no-name instructor but yet be able to whip the crap out of most people. They may belong to a 'questionable' org or even no org and yet be upright people with good character.
It's like you aren't allowed to have an opinion if you don't first list your martial history!?! I think that's crap. My instructor isn't a member here. My organization isn't a member here. I'm a member here. I speak for myself and on my own experience, skill and opinions.
I think it should be that way for everyone. Speak for yourself.
Okay, rant over. I feel better now. :uhyeah:
I feel strongly that someone should stand on their own merits. They shouldn't try to ride the coat tails of someone else. One person may have a well-known and fantastic instructor...and they personally suck as a martial artist. They may belong to a reputable or legimate organization but do dishonorable things. On the otherhand, they may have a no-name instructor but yet be able to whip the crap out of most people. They may belong to a 'questionable' org or even no org and yet be upright people with good character.
It's like you aren't allowed to have an opinion if you don't first list your martial history!?! I think that's crap. My instructor isn't a member here. My organization isn't a member here. I'm a member here. I speak for myself and on my own experience, skill and opinions.
I think it should be that way for everyone. Speak for yourself.
Okay, rant over. I feel better now. :uhyeah: