Instructor Only Board

I like the idea at face value, but I wouldn't limit it to business issues (already a forum for that) and I'm not real keen on the validation part. Simply because, though I am an instructor, I have no way (other than the patch on my dobak) to prove it. We don't use certificates and my Sabumnim isn't a fan of MA forums, so validation that way would be out the window. Maybe it just sucks to be me. That would be a shame because I have such "teaching method" discussions with my Sabumnim at least twice a week. I would definately enjoy hearing other opinions on such topics. That said, I have to agree with Andrew that as soon as someone starts with the McDojo stuff, flags go up. Don't need it. Don't want it.

Also, it's not like this is carved in stone. If it gets started and needs to be altered, just do it. If it turns out to be too much of a burden, can it altogether. We tried, it didn't work, it's gone. End of story.
Andrew Green said:
One thing I want to object to before this goes anywhere, this should be about business matters. Not general discussion.

Otherwise it just becomes an elitist club and a lot of good information could be removed from the public forum, not good for the rest of the site...

Andrew, I really don't mean this as any kind of slight, I just want to know where you're coming from on this issue, are you an instructor or school owner yourself?

I don't want this to be an elitist club. I don't want it to be about general discussion either. I specifically said more than once that those issues already have forums to discuss them in. What I want is a place where instructors can go to speak with other instructors about issues specific to martial arts instruction without intrusion from either non-instructors who lack the perspective of the instructor, or students who might, to their detriment, misinterpret a discussion which is way over their heads. My reasons for this are very pro student, not elitist. That doesn't mean it couldn't devolve into that, which is why I advocated for strong moderation from my very first post.

Gemini said:
I like the idea at face value, but I wouldn't limit it to business issues (already a forum for that) and I'm not real keen on the validation part. Simply because, though I am an instructor, I have no way (other than the patch on my dobak) to prove it. We don't use certificates and my Sabumnim isn't a fan of MA forums, so validation that way would be out the window. Maybe it just sucks to be me. That would be a shame because I have such "teaching method" discussions with my Sabumnim at least twice a week. I would definately enjoy hearing other opinions on such topics. That said, I have to agree with Andrew that as soon as someone starts with the McDojo stuff, flags go up. Don't need it. Don't want it.

Also, it's not like this is carved in stone. If it gets started and needs to be altered, just do it. If it turns out to be too much of a burden, can it altogether. We tried, it didn't work, it's gone. End of story.

I don't think the validation part has to be too extreme, although others might disagree. I really think even one simple step would be enough to weed out the casual lurker, and that's really all I'm concerned about. I don't think validation should be based on style, lineage, number of students, politics, ring record, or anything else other than whether or not you teach other people martial arts in any way. Maybe that is too broad. I don't know. I'm just putting the idea out there because I've wanted to for so long.

You mention that you have talks about these types of issues with your instructor on a regular basis. I do to. That's all I'm talking about. A chance to have the kinds of discussions instructors have in the office with each other, only with a larger pool of brains to pick from. I'm not advocating a forum for complaining about students behind their back, and the secrecy isn't to keep knowledge hidden. When we have a staff meeting at the studio, it is only for the staff. It isn't open to any student who wants to sit in. It's not a matter of secrecy, it's a matter of developing our selves and our program so that the student can benefit from the end result. That's all I want here.

As I said in the beginning, I like the idea at face value. It appears we're looking for the same thing. You've got my vote.
kroh said:
Hey there...

Ther are a lot of good points both pro and con. The thing I would like to know is whether or not propective instructors would be allowed? For the person who might be in front of a class someday and hopes to teach, would they be allowed in and thus be able to benefit from eveyrone's experience? Or would it be for said instructor who teaches at school or has their own place?

Do we exclude the newbie because they haven't done it yet and would like some advice on what to do and what not to?

Just a thought ...
Walt :idunno:

This is a good question. I don't know what we do with people who are on the cusp of being instructors. Than again, there is a large difference between someone who walks the lines and gives pointers on front kicks and someone who is responsible for curriculum development, planning classes and special events, interpreting and addressing the challenges of individual students, and finding ways to communicate technical knowledge to auditory, kinesthetic, and visual learners simultaneously. I don't know where you draw that line, although I'd be inclined to say wait until someone is at least assisting. I would say exclude people who, "might someday maybe want to teach something to someone if time allows," but include those who, "have a serious interest in what is involved in transmitting knowledge to the next generation of martial artists." The problem there becomes one of subtle judgement calls by the mods, which would lead to feelings of being slighted for some. I don't have an answer, but it is a good question.

hammer said:
I think it is a great idea! How would you verify who is an Instructor??

* must have a website
* introduction of a known Instructor
* credential verification
* a subscription
* password authority
* age 18 plus
* References

Just a few thoughts


I think, and I kinda hate to say this, but I think ultimately it would require some kind of subscription fee. Any plan like this will require alot more work on the part of the staff at Martial Talk, or any other site which decided to host such a forum. I think the only way it would be feasable would be if the people participating paid some kind of monthly or yearly fee. However, if it was reasonable, I for one would gladly pay it for access to such a site. Although admittedly I am not yet a supporting member of Martial Talk, (but at least I feel guilty about it).

As far as the vetting process, I would like to think a simple application would be enough, perhaps including the phone number of your school so the staff at Martial Talk could call and veryify that you are a real person and not an internet entity. Beyond that, I'd accept the honor system, but perhaps others feel the need for greater verification. I don't think it should ever be based on style or lineage. The issues I would like to see discussed are not unique to kenpo, they deal with the pupil/mentor relationship and I believe are universal to martial arts instruction.

Thesemindz said:
Andrew, I really don't mean this as any kind of slight, I just want to know where you're coming from on this issue, are you an instructor or school owner yourself?

students who might, to their detriment, misinterpret a discussion which is way over their heads.
I'd give them a little more credit.
Andrew Green said:
Otherwise it just becomes an elitist club and a lot of good information could be removed from the public forum, not good for the rest of the site...

Here's the thing Andrew, the topics I would like to discuss will never see the light of day on a public forum. If a student of mine found his way on here and misinterpreted a question meant for my peers, and not my students, and quit Karate, that would be my responsibility. I simply won't take that risk, and I don't believe I'm alone. Right now there are issues which arise from time to time which I confer with my local colleagues on and than simply drop, because there is no secure way to confer with my more far reaching equals and betters. My students lose out on the knowledge that I could garner from minds greater than my own. I will not post delicate subjects where my students could read them, period. It is not like I have a new issue which needs immediate attention every day, but it happens, and there isn't a place to go. I think Martial Talk could provide such a place. I think eventually, someone probably will.

Andrew Green said:
I'd give them a little more credit.

Thank you for answering my question. Please don't think that I think my students are idiots. I have many bright and capable students who are very commited to their training, but white belts are not ready for black belt material. Neither are they ready for more advanced concepts, nor do they understand the unique challenges that one who has trained for years in any skill or discipline faces, especially when those challenges relate to communicating that skill to others. They haven't even aquired the skill yet, much less the knowledge neccessary to pass it on. We all had to walk the path to get where we are, and some day they may get here too. I also recognize that I have much farther to go. I hope that you can sense my sincerity. I don't want an elitist place where high ranking students can go and talk about how much better they are than their students. I want a place where instructors can overcome their own limitations, with the help of their peers, without fear of embarresment or reprise.

I cringe in fear at the very thought of having to be the person who decides who is and who isn't a legitimate instructor.

On the other hand, the recent WMAA camp ( had two sessions for school owners, by Matt Dorsey and our own Bob Hubbard, that were deemed useful.

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