Who is this?

Ok, hint: :rolleyes: He and his band was part of the 60's "British Invasion" ...
Gemini said:
Mick Jagger
dang, my clues are simply too obvious I think... :D :lol:
Ok next kid...
Rocky beginninds smoothed out.


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Diana Ross.

I hope I'm wrong. To think DR lookjed like Joe Lewis as a kid. hahahaha.
Dragon Fist said:
I'll take a wild quess, is it Tina Turner,,,<snipped>
Rough beginnings with abusive husband Ike Turner but smoothed out after her divorce and embarked on her solo career which saw much success.
Good job.

Next Wonder Kid...
Hint (ennything else would make it too obvious)

He's a musician


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DING! Dats right wabbit! :D

Next kid... actor... lots of women drool


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If this were a game show Martial Tucker; you'd be right up there with that guy from Jeopardy :lol:

Next kid wonder...
He's a musician ... current today but more popular in the late 90's


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MACaver said:
If this were a game show Martial Tucker; you'd be right up there with that guy from Jeopardy :lol:
Well, your hint was pretty helpful. Actually, I started to guess someone else (younger) and realized looking at the haircut and the giant lapels that the picture was probably taken in the mid-70's, making the guy most likely in his early 40's. That, plus your hint made this one pretty easy.
The Kai said:
Marilynn manson
Yeah ole' white eye himself. Such a nice looking kid... when did he get so weird. :rolleyes:

Next kid... another musician... ..... I think I'd better lay off the hints... geez :uhyeah:


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