Master Black Belt
Currently I study Shaolin Kempo at USSD.
What Do I Like About it?
I like the mix of hard and soft techniques. The studio is open 6 days per week from 12 noon to 9pm. My instructor.
What do I not like about it?
The commercialism in the organization, the fact that the serious students and non-serious ones get promoted at the same pace, the price $165.00-$225.00 PER month. The way they try to make the Masters out to be super human, the fact that belt tests are designed more to test your endurance than your skill and that if you can endure the workout then you get promoted which makes those of us who really work on our skill wonder why we bother sometimes ( I remember actually failing my first green belt test in Shotokan years ago). The fact that some belt tests will last for two hours, while others, for the same rank, will last for six.
How did I get into it (two year contract and all)?
It had been so long since I studied that I thought that's all that was out there besides Tae Kwon Do (which seemed pretty commercial to me also, and I didn't want all of the kicking). I didn't see any Shotokan studios to study at in my area, and the San Soo Kung Fu place I wanted to study at had closed down.
What's the Upshot?
I still enjoy practicing Martial Arts after all these years. After My agreement is finished here, I plan to look around and see what else is out there.
What Do I Like About it?
I like the mix of hard and soft techniques. The studio is open 6 days per week from 12 noon to 9pm. My instructor.
What do I not like about it?
The commercialism in the organization, the fact that the serious students and non-serious ones get promoted at the same pace, the price $165.00-$225.00 PER month. The way they try to make the Masters out to be super human, the fact that belt tests are designed more to test your endurance than your skill and that if you can endure the workout then you get promoted which makes those of us who really work on our skill wonder why we bother sometimes ( I remember actually failing my first green belt test in Shotokan years ago). The fact that some belt tests will last for two hours, while others, for the same rank, will last for six.
How did I get into it (two year contract and all)?
It had been so long since I studied that I thought that's all that was out there besides Tae Kwon Do (which seemed pretty commercial to me also, and I didn't want all of the kicking). I didn't see any Shotokan studios to study at in my area, and the San Soo Kung Fu place I wanted to study at had closed down.
What's the Upshot?
I still enjoy practicing Martial Arts after all these years. After My agreement is finished here, I plan to look around and see what else is out there.