Em MacIntosh
3rd Black Belt
Which martial art do you train in?
Why did you choose this art?
What do you like about it?
What do you NOT like about it?
What MA do I train in? I say I study JKD but many here would dissagree. JKD is just a name.
Why did I chose this art? I've been doing JKD long before I'd heard the name and when I discovered it I just thought, "hey. That's what I do!"
What do I like about it? The fact that it's not an art. It just is. I just am. It fits anyone because it's how something works for you, not how well you can do a technique or apply someone else's concept. Once you do it, it's your move. Doesn't matter who discovered it.
What do I not like about it? Hypocricy. JKD is bigger than Bruce Lee. It's not a martial art but a concept. Sure there are reccomended techniques but even these might not be your thing. When people feel that JKD isn't being studied properly, many criticise rather than attempt to correct. It has been commercialised a lot too. I call it "what works for me" rather than JKD but I say Jeet so people know what I mean. Let the name Jeet Kune Do be forgotten. Don't preserve it with patterns and stagnation in hopes to honer the late great one. No one person or group of people can advance or improve JKD. It's an individual thing and only an individual can improve his/her own jeet. Again, just my theory. Just remember, I'm a warrior on a spiritual quest. I'll kill you if you don't beleive like I do!