Which Martial Art and Why?

Which Art do you study?

  • Tae Kwon Do

  • Jeet Kune Do

  • Arnis/Filipino

  • Kenpo/Kempo/American

  • Mixed Martial Arts

  • Tai Chi

  • Other Okinawan

  • Other Japanese

  • Other Chinese

  • Other Korean

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Which martial art do you train in?
Muay Thai, and Brazilian Jui Jitsu
Why did you choose this art?
Well I have done several other MA's and thought I would try a new one out and love both of them
What do you like about it?
The practicality of them in all honesty. I compete at an Amateur level and both have been incredibly useful.
What do you NOT like about it?
Hmm, I dunno the gym fees I guess, but in all honesty I love everything out of both of them.
Which martial art do you train in?
-Nihon Goshin Aikido

Why did you choose this art?
-Took a martial art as a teenager and always wanted to get back into it, but it had to be different. Went to a demo and saw people getting slammed, flipped and rolling around. Very different and I joined.

What do you like about it?
Not many moves to take care of the situation. If I ever get it figured out it should work well when I am old and muscle has gone bye, bye.
Also, incorporates striking to loosen up an opponent if necessary (not every technique can be done perfect all of the time). So all the heavy bag work is not going to waste.

What do you NOT like about it?
Takes a long time to learn and get the mechnics down. Trying to blend and not use any muscle is a lot more difficult then I thought. When it is dead on people fly, slam or are in pain. My aching joints can verify that :)
Which martial art do you train in?
Uechi Ryu (other Okinawan)

Why did you choose this art?
I've been wanting to try a martial art as a way to focus and unleash my more aggressive/physical side in a controlled manner, and also as a way to support my goal to get in better physical and mental health. I spoke to a Shaman friend of mine, as she is very versed in martial arts, and I didn't want a popcorn dojo (McDojo). I also wanted to make sure that my current physical shape allowed me to start and grow. She recommended two senseis, and the responses I got from this one (and his supporting teachers) was phenomenal.

What do you like about it?
I love the katas, which surprised me. I find I am more focused, more centered in my interactions, and feel better physically and mentally when I practice these daily. I like the teacher becuase he mixes practical daily usage/knowledge with the more esoteric info. The relaxed atmosphere with the underlying push to improve is perfect for what I'm looking for. The art itself? The moves flow, they make sense, and they are firmly rooted. From what little I have learned, Uechi is all about controlling the center and staying firmly rooted. This appeals to me on so many levels!

What do you NOT like about it?
That the beginning class only meets once a week. That I have so much to learn! That my body have a lot of conditioning to work on...but hey, that's all part of the fun and challenge, right?

In other words...I have all the enthusiasm and silliness of a beginning...but I think this was the perfect art for me to start with!

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