Although it may be true that martial arts promotes longevity, it may also be a correlation without causation; for example, people who like to do martial arts as a life-long activity may also tend to take better care of themselves in other ways as well. In any case, I hope it promotes longevity and I don't plan to give it up.
I do find that very fortuitously for me, Isshinryu karate remains practical as I age. We're not big on high kicks or fancy techniques; we tend to do things that my body is still more or less capable of doing. Double kicks and dropping to one knee is hard on me, but we don't do that very much; most katas are still in my wheelhouse.
I would like to explore Tai Chi at some point. There is no place near enough to me at present, but you never know.
I did take a local community course in a type of dance called "NIA Movement" for awhile and I found it quite beneficial to my karate. It helped my flexibility and my balance. Perhaps I'll look into a Yoga course at some point.
And of course, if I get to the point where I require a cane, I'll be checking out the various weapons styles that incorporate the use of a cane.