Put hot sauce in an anchovie, they don’t come back for seconds after that.
Never thought of that. Them suckers eat anything.
I was attached to the Federal Reserve Banking System for years. Their building in Boston is a cool design. More or less in the shape of an H. The horizontal part of the H is a lower roof connecting two towers. It’s patrolled several times a shift.
One summer a pair of gulls made a nest up there. Far away from the path of the patrol.
But every time one of us would go there, they’d attack. Then one day….
Peregrine Falcons were brought into Boston in the 1970s to combat the growing pigeon problem. A nest was put on top of The Custom House Tower. It was very successful.
Their population thrived and they were fun to watch. One year two peregrine falcons made a nest at the top of our building, on the Bank President’s balcony. The same year that we were having the seagull problem.
There are as many cameras at The Fed as there are in Vegas. When you hold over a billion in currency you have a lot of cameras.
I got to work one day and they called me to the control center. They said “you’re going to love this.”
Six different cameras, all that can be replayed
in slow motion, caught it. One of the seagulls was taking off from the lower roof about ten minutes after going at one of the cops from second shift.
This dark missile of a bird hit that seagull at two hundred mph. There was an explosion of white feathers. Then the Peregrine flew to the President’s balcony to feed the chicks.
That guy from second shift went up to watch that seagull become antipasto. He reportedly watched and said, “your boyfriend is next, *****.”