Which Animal Could You Beat in a Fight?

They will include polar bears when they take hold of Greenland, until then it’s for Scandinavians to fight.

Elks, elks also not on the Brit/Am list, that’s also a huge creature Scandinavians fight now and then, as a kid i once ran for my life with two full grown elks at my heels, that was when I got my cross country runner ability that served me well in the army.
don’t you have seagulls in Britain?
They’re vicious when protecting their little ones, kamikaze attacking from all directions
We have gulls yes (they are not seagulls, by the way, no such species exists and gulls are often found very far away from the sea-a bit of trivia for you!) They are much maligned (as are pigeons). We have encroached upon the former’s fisheries depriving them of their main source of food so they come inland and scavenge what they can and who can blame them? Despite the signs on the seafront, I do surreptitiously feed the young ones when I have chips ‘n’ cheese looking out to sea as I feel so sorry for them. I have put my martial tactics to good use in order to eat my chips in peace; palm tree to my rear to avoid over the shoulder snatches and I close the lid on my chips as soon as I’ve extracted a cheesy chips and gobbed it to avoid gull attention.

I feed the birds in my garden every morning including the wood pigeons. when they are adequately fed, they are beautiful birds with such attractive plumage!

But you’re right, one is in big trouble if they nest near one’s house and have young. You need to walk around with an upturned saucepan on your head! They become psycho gulls!😳
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Why are Americans more confident than Brits?
My spontaneous hunch is that it may partly be cultural.

I'm from Europe, and the caricature of american style is ofter a higher overt expressions of expressions and confidence, and we europeans sometimes perceive it as slightly superficial. So I am not sure it reflects actual self confidence, it might as well be a cultural thing that in a more competitive society where individual performance is more critial, like in US, it is more important to keep an overt confident facade, and slighlty "oversell" yourself; pherhaps also refelected in polls.

This is in stark contrast to other cultures, where modesty and "less is more" or valued higher. I think british fanct understatments and modesty, and the same is for Japanese culture, which is also evident in how US and Japanese companies market their products. US tend to exaggerate things a bit, and Japanese are more worred about loosing their face if caught with incorrect information, so they ofter understate things.
My spontaneous hunch is that it may partly be cultural.

I'm from Europe, and the caricature of american style is ofter a higher overt expressions of expressions and confidence, and we europeans sometimes perceive it as slightly superficial. So I am not sure it reflects actual self confidence, it might as well be a cultural thing that in a more competitive society where individual performance is more critial, like in US, it is more important to keep an overt confident facade, and slighlty "oversell" yourself; pherhaps also refelected in polls.

This is in stark contrast to other cultures, where modesty and "less is more" or valued higher. I think british fanct understatments and modesty, and the same is for Japanese culture, which is also evident in how US and Japanese companies market their products. US tend to exaggerate things a bit, and Japanese are more worred about loosing their face if caught with incorrect information, so they ofter understate things.
Modesty was inculcated into us as children. ‘Nobody likes a braggart’ was a regularly suggestion, but the one I liked was, ‘If you drive a Ferrari, you can drive at 30mph because everyone knows of what it’s capable’ 😀
Exaggerated overt expression of confidence and capacity, can also in psychoanalytical terms interpreted as a defence or denial mechanism or the opposite. Ie. you play tough maybe even to yourself if in denial, precisely because you are not.

So modesty and restrained behaviour can in such cultural thinking also signal that you are confident and capable. It's the saying also that the stronger you are, the kinder do you have to be. And the wisest men are ofte the most humble.
Exaggerated overt expression of confidence and capacity, can also in psychoanalytical terms interpreted as a defence or denial mechanism or the opposite. Ie. you play tough maybe even to yourself if in denial, precisely because you are not.
That can work in boost one’s confidence just as adopting a smile can make you feel happier!
So modesty and restrained behaviour can in such cultural thinking also signal that you are confident and capable.
To certain types of people, perhaps. Overt displays of verbal aggression (think drill sergeant) keep new and perhaps not the most (emotionally) intelligent recruits in line. I can’t see a drill sergeant being very effective amongst such types by standing tall, wearing a barely visible wry smile and maintaining eye contact for slightly too long whilst using a firm, confident voice 😳
It's the saying also that the stronger you are, the kinder do you have to be. And the wisest men are ofte the most humble.
I once saw a ‘martial arts t-shirt’ in the USA that had upon it the phrase, ‘It’s hard to be humble when you can kick anyone’s ***’. I don’t think you’d see that in England at least not anyone wearing one…maybe trodden into on the ground.

Let’s not forget, the USA is the world’s only superpower, with a superbly skilled and equipped army, strong economic strategies…the strongest in history… and the highest spirit in the polls since that poll…whatever it is…was first started, so they’re clearly doing something right!
My spontaneous hunch is that it may partly be cultural.

I'm from Europe, and the caricature of american style is ofter a higher overt expressions of expressions and confidence, and we europeans sometimes perceive it as slightly superficial. So I am not sure it reflects actual self confidence, it might as well be a cultural thing that in a more competitive society where individual performance is more critial, like in US, it is more important to keep an overt confident facade, and slighlty "oversell" yourself; pherhaps also refelected in polls.

This is in stark contrast to other cultures, where modesty and "less is more" or valued higher. I think british fanct understatments and modesty, and the same is for Japanese culture, which is also evident in how US and Japanese companies market their products. US tend to exaggerate things a bit, and Japanese are more worred about loosing their face if caught with incorrect information, so they ofter understate things.
Like the Dutch don’t like to call attention to themselves and Germans are quite corrective of others that break rules. Brits like to swallow mars bars whole apparently. Americans can be the worst of the bunch, with overt aggression bolstered by overconfidence.
That can work in boost one’s confidence just as adopting a smile can make you feel happier!

To certain types of people, perhaps. Overt displays of verbal aggression (think drill sergeant) keep new and perhaps not the most (emotionally) intelligent recruits in line. I can’t see a drill sergeant being very effective amongst such types by standing tall, wearing a barely visible wry smile and maintaining eye contact for slightly too long whilst using a firm, confident voice 😳

I once saw a ‘martial arts t-shirt’ in the USA that had upon it the phrase, ‘It’s hard to be humble when you can kick anyone’s ***’. I don’t think you’d see that in England at least not anyone wearing one…maybe trodden into on the ground.

Let’s not forget, the USA is the world’s only superpower, with a superbly skilled and equipped army, strong economic strategies…the strongest in history… and the highest spirit in the polls since that poll…whatever it is…was first started, so they’re clearly doing something right!
Have you listened lately to the morons that we elect as leaders? Clearly we are not doing something right.
don’t you have seagulls in Britain?
They’re vicious when protecting their little ones, kamikaze attacking from all directions

I loathe seagulls, can’t stand them. Been attacked several times. You’re not supposed to harm them, but you have a right to protect yourself.
I loathe seagulls, can’t stand them. Been attacked several times. You’re not supposed to harm them, but you have a right to protect yourself.
That’s how i feel about sea lions when I’m salmon fishing. The bastards have no compunctions about cutting your fish in half at the boat. A couple years ago we finally managed to get one 34 pounder away from a bull that followed us for 2 hours. He stripped us 5 times and then bitched us out after we beat him to it on the last one. We loved hearing him complain. I would never hurt one but damn they piss me off when they follow the boat.

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