Compare that question with this one presented by Jarrod, where he talks about students declining rank.
Most of the comments indicate that refusing rank is disrespectful, and would even lead to the teacher-student relationship being terminated.
Is there a connection? Perhaps students are getting promoted before they have their basics mastered?
The guy that I do BJJ with...although I havent trained with him in a while....has always said that if I was interested I could test. I acknowledge this, however, I'm more content with just training. Who knows...maybe down the road, after getting back into the swing of things, I'll take him up on that offer. There was no disrespect either way.
I suppose we can look at it like this...some say that they're content to wait until the teacher puts them up for promotion. That is the way I look at it. I'm happy training and learning. Rank isn't a priority for me, so when it happens, it happens.

I have a good relationship with all of my teachers, so yes, there have been times when I've expressed concern about not being ready. A good example of this was recently when I, along with 3 other Arnis students, tested for our Arnis Black Belt. The 4 of us had tested a year ago, for the prob. black, so about a year and a half later, the official 1st degree test comes up. The other 3 had the chance to work together alot more, so yes, I expressed some concern that there was a few things that I would've liked to have brushed up on. However, my inst. reassured me, that we were all ready.
Test day arrives, the atmosphere was much more relaxed than the first test, and sure enough, aside from a few brain farts, we pulled everything off with no issues.
I think alot of times, it comes down to the money. I have taught for a long time, and had to deal with those parents who wondered why their kid, who started with Johnny, wasn't advancing with Johnny. Sorry, but I can't promote someone who isn't performing like they should. People have a choice....get pissed and leave, going to a school that hands out ranks along with a side dish of fries or start busting your *** and make yourself better. Sadly, there are some who cater to the belt and fry crowd, thus, belts are dished out when people are not ready.