What's you favorite quote or saying?

A good martial artist does not become tense -- but ready. Not thinking, yet not dreaming. Ready for whatever may come,
Bruce Lee.
As long as they do not know the real Way, everybody may think their path is sure and is a good thing, but from the point of view of the straight way of mind, seen in justaposition with overall social standards, they turn away from the true Way by the personal biases in their minds and the induvidual warps in their vision.
At Gemini's suggestion:

"Judge an instructor not by their successes, but rather by those of their students."

It's a paraphase of a quote I had read somewhere; I *think* it might've been out of a short-lived magazine, MA Training.
"From whom much is given, much is expected."

I have always felt that we are all here for a reason. Each of us has been given certain gifts by our creator. It is incumbent upon each of us to
make the most of what we have been given and in doing so, leave the planet
a little bettter when we ultimately leave than it was before we arrived.
I think if there is a final judgement, it will be centered around what we did with what we were given.
As I like to say after falling for a feint:

"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."
Some of my own, aside from the ones on my signiture:Go ahead and hate me, I love you all anyways,You don't get it do you? Alright, I'll explain it. You're makeing fun of ME, and I'm laughing at YOU, because you're so stupid you acctuly think I'm OFFENDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!I didn't not fight him because I'm a coward, I didn't not fight him because I DON'T want to go to JAIL!!!!!!People like you are the reason I have social issues.One by a guy I know named Mike. This is (distrubingly) all proper english.If a person is smart, and people are stupid, how many persons does it take to make a people?I think the answer is 2, but i felt like shareing that.ohhh, two more by me;Hay, I'd watch if i were you. I may be a lowly mion, but my master is probably the Anti-Christ!!!!!!That Is a joke, mike is NOT my master, or the Anti-Christ... I think.Hay, that was mean!!! I need a hugg...(insert name of either offender, or cute girl within ear-shot).John sorry my computer is being evil... or something
One from overseas. I had said it as a joke, and my buddy and I still laugh about it. We were on guard duty at night, and were watching some locals ride down a nearby street.

My friend: "You know, if we start taking fire, I call manning the two-forty."
Me: "If we start taking fire, I call screaming like a little girl and running to get help."

To put in context, I could've responded in a similar fashion if someone said that they'd take on anyone if a brawl at the mall erupted. :)
After experiencing what goes on on these forums, I would now say that my most favorite quote or saying, which is directly connected to this forum, is one from one of it's members..RoninPimp, which is:
"Anonymous negative feedback is a sign of cowardice."

Amen to that!

Thanks RoninPimp!!!!

P.S. As to the questioning of my quotes, I did not make them up. They are very serious quotes that people lived and died by in the city where I came up, back in the day. Still do!
Jonathan said:
Without the players, there wouldn't be a game to hate. ;)

Good one, but remember the game can force the player into someone he is not. :)

Some others:

To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge. - Benjamin Disraeli

Patterning your life around other's opinions is nothing more than slavery. - Lawana Blackwell,

The words that enlighten the soul are more precious than jewels. - Hazrat Inayat Khan
HKphooey said:
To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge. - Benjamin Disraeli

Yep. Some favorites.
"He who professed to be wise, became a fool."
"A fool is he who knows not, that he knows not."

I see alot of that here. Unfortunately, it's often from re-reading my own posts! :p

On these boards, I'm aware that I know more many. But more importantly, I know that I know considerably less than some. I seldom hold tight to an opinion on the arts because I've learned too often that my opinion is based on my experience. As my experience changes, often, so does my opinion. Then I look back and realize I must have sounded like an idiot.

"It's better to keep you mouth shut and appear an idiot, then to open it and remove all doubt."
"It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but even more to stand up to your friends."
J. K. Rowling
i believe it actually says, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends!

and that was dumbledore!

Sam said:
i believe it actually says, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends!

and that was dumbledore!


I may have quoted it slightly wrong... but I ascribed to the author, not the character; too much grad school and formal papers must be catching up with me!
A favorite of mine (though not my own)
"Friends help you move, real friends help you move bodies"

and some I came up with related to self-defense

"Don't do something unless the cost of doing nothing is higher than the cost of what you are about to do"


"It's going to hurt, just make sure it hurts them more"