What's the difference between a Sifu and Sijo?

I know you weren't blindsage, others were. I originally asked the question because I didn't know what the title "Sijo" meant, now that I do I find no reason why he can't call himself a Sijo.
It doesn't matter if he calls himself Lord Grand High Master Sigung King of Wing Chun, He can call himself what he wants.

Sijo does seem a bit silly to me but that's me and I doubt that much matters
I know you weren't blindsage, others were. I originally asked the question because I didn't know what the title "Sijo" meant, now that I do I find no reason why he can't call himself a Sijo.

I read through this whole thing again, and I don't see where anyone was challenging him.

I see lots of "I don't get the titles thing," and how in China you just don't see it very much.

I also see a general, "I'm wary of such titles because they are abused outside of China" vibe.

But I don't see anyone challenging your instructor. In fact, if he has created something TRUELY unique, then I don't think anyone would think twice about it.

Quite frankly, I don't care. He could call himself Jesus the returned or the supreme buddha for all it matters to me. If he taught good stuff I would train, if not, I wouldn't. Titles mean nothing to me.

To quote Machiavelli, "It is not titles that honor men, but men that honor titles."
Titles can often get very confusing. My brother, for instance, is a doctor of biochemistry, and yet people assume he is a medical doctor!!

I know a certain wing chunner (or should I say wing tsunner..) has a 'Doctor' in front of his name and it is often used to draw gullible students in who assume that having a pHd means a damn....

It is nice to have tradition, but people shouldnt obsess too much with terminology. Im sure Ip Man didnt kick students out of his dojo if they forgot a name of a move or what to call him etc

Just enjoy your training!
... who assume that having a pHd means a damn....

Well I think having a PhD relevant to your discipline, biochemistry for example, means quite a bit. On the other hand, buying a PhD certificate from a diploma mill just to try and impress your martial arts students is another thing all together. But at least you didn't have to waste a whole day of training time having to drive such a person all around town to rent phony academic robes from a costume shop for a photo shoot... oh nevermind. Besides, Kamon, I have absolutely no idea who you are talking about!
Well I think having a PhD relevant to your discipline, biochemistry for example, means quite a bit. On the other hand, buying a PhD certificate from a diploma mill just to try and impress your martial arts students is another thing all together. But at least you didn't have to waste a whole day of training time having to drive such a person all around town to rent phony academic robes from a costume shop for a photo shoot... oh nevermind. Besides, Kamon, I have absolutely no idea who you are talking about!
An earned Ph.D. from a Ph.D granting department in a recognized field at a a research university is quite different from honorary degrees, diploma mill degrees and other marketing enhancers,... but martial arts acheivements should rest on their own merits.
Well said Joy. I believe most in China simply use Sifu from what I've been told.


Dr GGM can do whatever he wants I suppose, but you have to admit that if not for him some places wouldn't have ANY wc available
Oh no worries...that last bit after the periods was directed towards the mass of the thread participants. They've been hinting at a particular someone.
Well said Joy. I believe most in China simply use Sifu from what I've been told.


That is unless they are trying to sell it to Westerners then you might see (or hear) Grandmaster popup (Western Languages Only) but you will not hear it said in the dialect of the region :uhohh: another CMAist might hear

There is a sifu in Beijing that has (or had) a website that was in both Chinese and English. The Chinese site said he was a sifu the English site said he was a Grandmaster :D
Oh no worries...that last bit after the periods was directed towards the mass of the thread participants. They've been hinting at a particular someone.

Sorry about all that, it's off-topic anyway. Besides the "someone" I was thinking of is, in fact highly skilled, and he has tremendous depth in his understanding of the art. It is the other stuff that I was referring to. I believe your own teacher's si-gung, Tam was after all, a follower of that same "someone" for many years.
Well I think having a PhD relevant to your discipline, biochemistry for example, means quite a bit. On the other hand, buying a PhD certificate from a diploma mill just to try and impress your martial arts students is another thing all together. But at least you didn't have to waste a whole day of training time having to drive such a person all around town to rent phony academic robes from a costume shop for a photo shoot... oh nevermind. Besides, Kamon, I have absolutely no idea who you are talking about!

Oh yeah I wasnt saying that a pHD in general is worthless!! Certainly if you are studying something like biochemistry then a pHD is useful. However, my headmaster at school was a doctor of philosophy and people used to think he was great just because he had a pHD after his name!!

Certain martial artists have things after their names which have no relevance to the art they teach!!

One individual I always see in Combat magazine has something like 15 black belts and you kind of wonder what kind of styles they must be for someone to be able to get that many (especially as he is fairly young as well). Anyway, thats my rant over for the day....

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