Actually if you focus on dan tien you feel and notice results. Including more energy. Tingling sensation going through your body. Hands tingling an after awhile it will feel like a wave or analog wave pulsationg through your hands and feet. The use of Dan Tians have different purposes...the lower dan tian in my opinion is where you distribute the power.
As for western thought lets make it simple.
Can you explain what air is? what does it look or taste like. Surely you can feel the air...But is it really there. I mean you can see it. You may see dirt or dust particles carried in the air but you can not see actual air. You may say water vapor being carried by the air. But you never see the air. So one can say the air can be felt but not seen. So the Chi can be felt but not see.
According to KJV Bible the Spirit is the wind air and breath. With out the spirit you dont have life. Also you can not see the spirit. No one has ever seen the spirit in all of history. But the average Westerner still believes they have a spirit. The spirit is Methaphyiscal not western science. Wester Science can not tell you what the spirit feels like,what color it is,what it looks like. Does the spirit have a taste. What about the soul can you tell me what the soul is? what about emotions what do they look like? What color are the emotions? Do they have a form or taste. What about your thoughts. Were do they come from? How is it possible for the human body to think talk and move?
Can science prove these they have theories for the soul,spirit,thoughts,energy.
The Chi is consider energy. With out energy we do not have life. How do your cells get energy. From the air and sunlight we get energy. Thats why some Tai Chi people always say to do forms in a park with lots of trees to take in all that oxygen and chi. Also we get energy from certain foods. So in eating you also obtain energy. Certain movements also help cultivate chi as well..
When you do push ups you cultivate chi. When you meditate and breath your cultivating chi. When you run an breath you are cultivating chi.
As for the heaven gate or Third Dan Tien. We know in the west that the peniel or optic nerve is attributed to many things that have been unexplained. In many Western Cultures they speak of Pitutary Gland behind the skull. Its known as the Third Eye.
If you doubt the lower Dan Tien it doesn't mean it doesnt exist. Like many people deny the existence of Yahweh but he still exist. Our western view of the soul and spirit comes from a eastern religion of the hebrews. The hebrew word for Soul is Nefesh and the Hebrew word for spirit is Ruach.
TheActually proper english translation for nefesh is Seat of emotions,loins,thoughts etc.
The Actual proper english translation for Ruach is Wind, Breath or Air!
So in the west we translates words an loose the actual meaning of them. We need to keep the original meaning an stop trying to hellenize everything or make it into western ideology. Westerns have alot to learn from less develop societies. This whole Superior Western view is wrong. In fact Science doesnt have all the answers. If it did there would be an answer to what the Spirit is!
So if there is no such thing as Chi because science can not explain it then that must mean you do not have Ruach and Nefesh?
Do you agree skinters?
to me all this dan tian,chi etc is just another name for proper relaxation and body mechanics .
a good book worth reading is the inteligent warrior by steve jones,he talks a lot about the use of centre,and chi.
one of the things i picked up on is where to you keep the mind focus etc,some believe to keep the lower part of the abdomen just below the navel .this is fair enough and not a bad idea,but if you try to keep the mind inprisoned in the lower region of the abdomen,the idea of keeping it there will prevent the mind from operating anywhere else,and will result in the opposite to what is originaly intended.
when you put your mind and focus in a particular area say the arm the arm then becomes imprisoned and the rest of the body feels inconvenienced.the thing is to let the mind completly fill up the whole body,let it flow through your entire being.the localization of the mind on one particular area means it is frozen.
i could go on,but to me your body is one unit each part relying on the other to complete an action with good balance and form,martial art or otherwise.