What Would You Do?


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Saw this sidebar ad on facebook and clicked it out of curiosity.
The ad is for Front Sight Firearms Training course.
The questions on the page of the link are interesting. Without copying/pasting the individual questions give your best short answer to them.
I think the results would be interesting. For me... hrmm well lessee, since I do not have a firearm and cannot LEGALLY own one, my options are limited to what I have at hand. I do have a large 10 inch hunting knife kept with a nice keen edge to it in my vehicle within a seconds reach and my folder.
With all of these scenarios... definitely I'd cheat.

1. Seeing that I am going to be eventually cut off from my vehicle I would have to gauge how far it is from my present location to the nearest building, then how close those a-holes are to me and whatever obstacles that might possibly be in my way. If (knowing my ability to run vs the distance to be covered) I wouldn't be able to make it then head for the nearest two cars parked side by side (if possible) and use that as a potential barrier obstacle for THEM as they would have to get into that narrow space to get to me, woe be to them if they do it one at a time. Woe also be to them AND me if they go in on opposite sides and I'm stuck in the middle... my folder would have to be my serviceable weapon as I do not have a firearm (and cannot legally own one due to being young and stupid at one time in my life). The rest is going to be improv and two guys are going to the E.R. and I'm talking to investigators at the station.

2. If my car is still drivable then back up and get the hell out of there and call 911. If not stay in the vehicle and hopefully it's not too banged up where there's access. If it is really fubared and I'm not hurt then the drunk guy is going to go down with my big knife (that I keep in my car) if he doesn't calm down to reason.

3. Look for an out and hope she can keep up (holding hands). Otherwise find a place to put our backs to a wall and prevent any rearward attacks and do my best... hopefully she'll be feisty and have some training as well. The odds will be evened up a bit.

4. Hold up the cell phone and lie, saying I gotten through to 911 about 10 minutes ago and have a wrecker and an officer on the way... all the while dialing 911 for real and hoping there's a signal that works. Stay in the car with the doors locked and have my big knife within reach. If the exterior of the car is breeched (via broken windows) then one or two of those four are going to die and the other two maimed at best.

5. Drop the phone and head to her room and go by what I see. The guy is dead either way.

6. Kill whomever is in the house that isn't a PART of the household and use whatever weaponry is available to do so.

As I've said I've no firearms (presently) that I can own legally thus have to use what is available to me legally; knives, my two hands (and feet) and my wits.
By the way-- I scored well enough on the other quiz to warrant the guy sending a free gift... but then again he may have rigged it to ensure that even if you got ONE answer right you still get the free gift... :lol: (hey a guy has to make a living right?)

What about you on the six scenarios?
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#1 - Fortunately where I live concealed carry is legal, I am licensed, and do carry a firearm (Glock 22 Gen4). At first however, I would scan for any plausible escape routes, look for obstacles to put between me and the approaching men, if I feel the threat is real, 911 on my cell, and prepare to make lots of noise.

#2 - Remain in the vehicle, call 911. Scan the drunk for potential weapons, be prepared to defend via firearm if necessary. If the drunk is unarmed, staying in the vehicle should suffice. If the vehicle is breached, then any force required to neutralize the threat.

#3 - Give them the money, while preparing for any escalation.

#4 - Offer false information that help and police have already been contacted, should the situation worsen, once again a legal gun State.

#5 - I have an alarm so there is now a piercing sound and the police are already in route. My daughters room is upstairs, and she is well versed with her safety plan. There is attic access from her room, that locks from inside the attic, with a specific place for her to hide. While highly unlikely, should bad guys linger, Remington Defender 12 gauge.

#6 Centralize and secure the family, and defend with the required amount of force.
1, 2, 4 nothing but observe. Lets not be too hasty.

3, depends on how much money. If it was a lot i would attempt to follow them after handing it over with the plans of getting it back one way or the other. If i was armed i would just say no. If it was a few bucks and i wasn't armed i would just let them have it and file a police report later.

5 last time i thought i heard something outside i didn't call 911 i went outside with my .45 and slipped around the house ever so quietly looking to see if anyone was there. But to go along with the question. Assuming it isn't a swat team with the wrong address. Do what it takes to make sure the family is safe. what happens at that point depends entirely on why the child was screaming. 6. provided it isn't a swat team with a mistaken address again probably start shooting.
3, depends on how much money. If it was a lot i would attempt to follow them after handing it over with the plans of getting it back one way or the other. If i was armed i would just say no. If it was a few bucks and i wasn't armed i would just let them have it and file a police report later.
Yeah all of that would work... provided you get some "old school" type robbers/muggers.
But I think that statistics would show that a majority of robberies/muggings are done by gang members.
Those boys don't play by the old rules. They will hit you hard without warning, without any b.s. "gimme your money!" Chances are they wouldn't even say a word. They launch right into you without preamble and start whaling on you (and your lady) then when you're down grab whatever is valuable and MAYBE take off and call it a good night. Or they'll just shoot ya (pop a cap in yo ***) and your lady and make off with your valuables.
Thus, the rule of the street, trust nothing and no-one and be alert to anything and everything.

Gone are the days of going for a nice romantic moonlight walk in the park with a gal you're working up the nerve to ask her to marry ya. Hell, probably can't do that in broad daylight anymore either.
Yeah all of that would work... provided you get some "old school" type robbers/muggers.
But I think that statistics would show that a majority of robberies/muggings are done by gang members.
Those boys don't play by the old rules. They will hit you hard without warning, without any b.s. "gimme your money!" Chances are they wouldn't even say a word. They launch right into you without preamble and start whaling on you (and your lady) then when you're down grab whatever is valuable and MAYBE take off and call it a good night. Or they'll just shoot ya (pop a cap in yo ***) and your lady and make off with your valuables.
Thus, the rule of the street, trust nothing and no-one and be alert to anything and everything.

Gone are the days of going for a nice romantic moonlight walk in the park with a gal you're working up the nerve to ask her to marry ya. Hell, probably can't do that in broad daylight anymore either.

Not so sure. I lived in a less than nice area once and had one help give me directions and another ask if i needed help because he actually thought my car broke down. I have known drug dealers, prostitutes, and gang members. I get along with all sorts of people, perhaps because i believe each persons actions are theirs alone to decide and don't get influenced by them. Not to say i will go looking for them to make friends but i get along fine.
I really never had a problem with gang members......Have said thankyou to more than one at times. Course that was in the mid ninetys in l.a. and when i lived in n. lasvegas.

where i am now there isn't much of that. We do have some of the drug dealing and prostitution but it is, generally speaking, rural suburbia. Occasional bust of someone growing pot or burgular ring or girl picked up for prostitution. Few people recently picked up for trafficking coke or something and some home invasions that you can count on one hand. The problem with rural is home invasions are easier. Less people around. Not too much of it however. Alot of it my depends on who you are and what you do to them. My aunt for instance had one show up at her sliding glass door a few years back and he was a bloody mess. Apparently over a girlfriend so the posse was out hunting him. Little time in the hospital and then i think my uncle bought him a bus ticket out of town to cut the kid a break. Figuring if he didn't they would catch up with him again. That was in vegas. I never even saw anything on that scale where i am now. Most i had where i am now is one drug dealer (a aquaintance not a friend) putting a knife to the throat of another in my driveway.

One heard the other was over here and followed him over and the conflict ensued. I proceeded to ream him out verbally for putting the knife on the other and telling him he was going to kill him. His response "well i had to let him know how it is".. My response "i really dont care if you kill eachother but you do not do it on my property, with me watching, and around my family. YOU DUMB SON OF A *****. The last thing i need is to be dragged into court as a witness because of you guys being morons. " And i really was, well, pissed they even brought that to my house. It hasn't happend again since. And i had another say he was going to kill me "i am going to put a bullet in your head" blah blah, whatever. he owed me money. But when he showed up i was out waiting for him. He didn't dare get out of the car. I have learned to avoid such types of people now since i noticed the potential threat to the family they create and it is difficult to not have them involve you. Seems one way or the other, no matter how hard you try, they somehow involve you.

suppose it is all in how you look at it.........
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1) Be afraid. Make weapon ready. Continue walking to my car, try to scope out a defensible position to fight from, escape route, witnesses, brightly-lit area, etc. Weak hand on car panic alarm switch on remote.

2) Immediate punch out.

3) Get in front of companion, try to move back into restaurant, make weapon ready, hand over wallet.

4) Evaluate the situation and react accordingly.

5) Arm myself, begin room-clearing and loudly announce to family members to get to rally point. You do have rally points don't you? You do practice room-clearing in your home don't you?

6) End the incursion with extreme prejudice.

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