What do you carry in your car? for protection?

One of my other passions is geocaching (check out geocaching.com and terracaching.com for more info). Since caching usually involves hunting around in rocks, brush, etc. where critters live, I have my Magic Wand of Poking. It's a 1/2 inch diameter piece of pipe, about 28 inches long.

Sounds like an Escrima stick, you say? Well, how about that? And I leave it in my car, nestled right down by the side of the driver's seat. I also have a 5 cell Maglite in the car, because some of those caches are in dark areas.
I carry a GLOCK 22C or a GLOCK 27 depending on my concealment needs. An Emerson folder on my person as well as a Swiss army knife. I also carry a NightOps Gladius Tactical light. In the door I carry a maglight and a Navy survival knife in a sheath and an expandable ASP baton.

I'm thinking about putting a mount under the backseat of my truck to tuck away a double-barrel 12-gauge stage coach model with an 18 1/4 inch barrel.
In the door I carry a maglight and a Navy survival knife in a sheath and an expandable ASP baton.
If you have a decent sized Maglite isn't the baton a little bit redundant? You've already got one tool for each hand. The Maglite is at least as effective a thumper as the ASP. It's quicker to deploy. It has other uses.

I'm thinking about putting a mount under the backseat of my truck to tuck away a double-barrel 12-gauge stage coach model with an 18 1/4 inch barrel.
How quickly could you get at the scattergun if it's under the back seat? I'm assuming you have a crew cab or similar.
If you have a decent sized Maglite isn't the baton a little bit redundant? You've already got one tool for each hand. The Maglite is at least as effective a thumper as the ASP. It's quicker to deploy. It has other uses.
I'm a fan of redundancy.....plus, after being a cop for 11 years, i've grown accustomed to carrying light in left hand, gun/impact tool in right. I consider the Maglite my 'quick jab' weapon/illumination device, to be soon followed by the hammer from the right.....a little impromptu siniwali!

How quickly could you get at the scattergun if it's under the back seat? I'm assuming you have a crew cab or similar.
Since I carry a GLOCK on my hip, I wouldn't have the shotgun for immediate use.....more of a survival tool should circumstances present themselves where I expect I might have to soon repel boarders.....what exactly would that be? Who knows, but when the crap hits the fan I feel much more comfortable with a 12 gauge in my hands.
I'm a fan of redundancy.....plus, after being a cop for 11 years, i've grown accustomed to carrying light in left hand, gun/impact tool in right. I consider the Maglite my 'quick jab' weapon/illumination device, to be soon followed by the hammer from the right.....a little impromptu siniwali!

Since I carry a GLOCK on my hip, I wouldn't have the shotgun for immediate use.....more of a survival tool should circumstances present themselves where I expect I might have to soon repel boarders.....what exactly would that be? Who knows, but when the crap hits the fan I feel much more comfortable with a 12 gauge in my hands.

No one argues with a shotgun... ;)
A hunk of rebar and an old cell phone charger.
Moldy Twinkies. Ya never know what's in 'em.

Moldy Twinkies? Those things have the shelf life of gravel and are the only food product that is determined by the FDA to actually be undead. What have you done to them to make them molder? Did you infect them with the Andromeda Strain?
Moldy Twinkies? Those things have the shelf life of gravel and are the only food product that is determined by the FDA to actually be undead. What have you done to them to make them molder? Did you infect them with the Andromeda Strain?
If I told ya ...

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