what would happen if...?

can you or anybody explain this to me please


I'll take a stab at this. I'm guessing that he is speaking of the use of force laws for his state. I could google, "Use of force laws in CT" which is my home state, and come up with this.
When I teach "desparate knife-disarm" moves (and I always make sure that people understand it is a desparate move) -- I don't teach them to try to take the knife unless the attacker has been severely weakened by your initial attack.

That is, first you gain control of the knife - (control-redirect-counter-disarm.) then you get it out of the way, (usually Krav-Maga-style pushing the kife behind them) then you knee/kick/head butt/bite/chew/claw etc. them repeatedly until they can either a.) no longer breathe b.) no longer stand c.) no longer see or d.) no longer resist in general. Then you move to the disarm stage. "Defanging the snake" is a lot easier when they're barely functioning.

Then when you take their knife away, they can't counterattack. They'll be too busy trying to figure out why they can't inhale.
I'll take a stab at this. I'm guessing that he is speaking of the use of force laws for his state. I could google, "Use of force laws in CT" which is my home state, and come up with this.

*Possible derail of thread*
For the MTers who live in or near Oregon; I did this for our state and found that by the letter of the law, we are not a 'duty to retreat' state, but having a reasonable ability to escape the conflict will most likely come up if you find yourself in court due to a "use of force for self defense" issue.
*Derail ended*

Thanx MJS.

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