What would we do if the lights went out?

Yes but that is not what is being compared. I cant ask first responders from Katrina what their take was.

So it was a sneaky way for kong soo do to side step that there was evidence against without actually addressing the evidence.

So yes stories on the ground have worth but we never actually got any.

It was the stories on the ground from many different disasters that were collated to give the evidence that the reports I was quoting. It wasn't anything that was hypothetical but hard evidence. Evidence from Katrina was included.
It was the stories on the ground from many different disasters that were collated to give the evidence that the reports I was quoting. It wasn't anything that was hypothetical but hard evidence. Evidence from Katrina was included.

If there was counter evidence he would have a run though. But there isn't any. So you are correct.

Otherwise you can play against probably here as well. That is why people take out insurance. So there is a bit more to the discussion than playing the percentages.

Are you arguing against preparing for a disaster of some sort because it is unlikely?
Ok. Being set up to look after your self helps emergency services dedicate more time to those who cant.

Yes, exactly. Being part of the solution and not part of the problem. Additionally, being well prepared allows you flexibility in helping others. If you're got nothing, you can't help anyone.

Have your car full of petrol. Keep it full rather than empty. It doesn't cost any more and gives you a few days grace should service stations go down.

Yes, and as an option, you can buy an inverter to hook to your cars battery. A car is usually more fuel efficient than a generator and runs quite a bit quieter.

Have some cash. Same reason.

A barbecue is one of the easiest survival cookers for the home. When the power goes out. Cook from the fridge then the freezer then the stored food.

With warning. I fill up bottles of water and throw it in the freezer makes it run more efficiently keeps it colder longer.


You can alfoil your windows for insulation.

Making a micro-climate in your home is an excellent option. Emergency space blankets can be purchased rather inexpensively and can reflect away long and short wave radiation i.e sun light. Conversely you can reflect you own body heat back towards you in a cold environment. No reason not to toss one or two in a glove box as well since they are so small, light and compact.
Being prepared for an emergency just makes sense. Whether it would be an earthquake, ice storm, power outage, fire, tsunami, war, etc. Having some tools available, food stores, water, etc. would be really good. Most emergencies probably will not affect you more than a few days but... if it goes longer it sure would be nice to have some stores that you could use. Every government that I know has come out in recent times advocating having some storage of basic necessities. I consider myself a survivalist in that I train to know how to do things in an emergency situation. I also have goods stored in case of an emergency as well as survival tools such as first aid kits, knives, firearms, etc. You can take it as far as you would like but as long as it is within reason and your budget then good for you!
Are you arguing against preparing for a disaster of some sort because it is unlikely?

Not at all, I'm arguing against making it such a way of life that you forget to live in the present. This 'prepping' stuff seems to have become a fixation for too many, prepare by all means then leave it alone, it's not an everyday hobby.
I'm also very fed up with the constant slagging off of the 'current generation' which never seems to include the person saying it! Young people today are portrayed in such a bad light yet it's rarely true. In the UK thousands and thousands of young people take part every year in the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme which includes expeditions and the preparation of them, thousands more do expeditions in this country and abroad with Scouting, Guiding, Boy's and Girl's Brigades and military cadets, all doing survival skills, people watch the countless Bear Grylls and Ray Mears programmes, a good many do have an idea how to survive in a disaster. People who are keen on this prepping stuff seem to have a very low opinion of everyone else.
Not at all, I'm arguing against making it such a way of life that you forget to live in the present. This 'prepping' stuff seems to have become a fixation for too many, prepare by all means then leave it alone, it's not an everyday hobby.
I'm also very fed up with the constant slagging off of the 'current generation' which never seems to include the person saying it! Young people today are portrayed in such a bad light yet it's rarely true. In the UK thousands and thousands of young people take part every year in the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme which includes expeditions and the preparation of them, thousands more do expeditions in this country and abroad with Scouting, Guiding, Boy's and Girl's Brigades and military cadets, all doing survival skills, people watch the countless Bear Grylls and Ray Mears programmes, a good many do have an idea how to survive in a disaster. People who are keen on this prepping stuff seem to have a very low opinion of everyone else.

There is definitely that element of escapism where people think that they will finally cool due to the power of their preps come the apocalypse.

Socrates I Think it was,famously complained about the younger generation.
Where I grew up in the Peak District we got mains water and sewage in 1996, mains electricity in 2000 and the telephone in 2003. I don't think I have forgotten how to live without yet. I still don't trust the funny tasting water that comes out of the tap but electricity is nice to have without a generator chugging away in the yard. I can still make a fire (without matches given enough time), forage, grow food and hunt so life would be relatively comfortable until the canned food ran out. We lost power a couple of years ago due to snow bringing the power lines down and we were out for a week so I had to help out at the next farm, milking over a hundred cows by hand. It certainly improves your grip strength - recommended for grapplers!
Tez, I love ya, truly I do. But you keep hitting a couple of things. One of which only you are bringing up;

Not at all, I'm arguing against making it such a way of life that you forget to live in the present. This 'prepping' stuff seems to have become a fixation for too many...

No one in this thread has mentioned prepping to the extend that you don't live you life, except you. Is there a show called Doomsday Preppers were they go nuts? Sure. But that's on T.V. and in no way, shape or form represents the vast majority of 'preppers'. The bulk of the 'preppers' I know are just regular folks that want to be prepared in case of an emergency. Anything can be taken to the extreme. Martial arts can be taken to an extreme. Or it can be something that we do and enjoy without it 'consuming' our every waking moment.

Sensible, realistic and common sense are the simple watch words.

Secondly, you keep on about us 'slagging' on the current generation. To be clear, there are idiots and freeloaders in every generation. And I can't speak for the U.K., but in this country the number of 'sheeple' is quite alarming. They don't know their own countries history, they are 'entitled', the want others to hand them a living and don't care where the money comes from and getting a good education and working hard for a living to become successful is a foreign concept...or a dirty word.

Is that all the youth? No. But it is a large % of them in this country. I just posted this on the SEP board in response to someone's post:

People like this are part of the 'entitlement' generation. They aren't interested in getting a good education, working hard and becoming successful based upon their own merits. They would rather be handed their living with no questions asked. They have no issue with giving up personal freedoms in order to not have to work hard. There is no other way to say it except they are ignorant, misinformed, freeloading sheep.

Remember the woman celebrating cause she was going to get her 'Obama phone' and 'Obama money'? She was asked who was going to pay for all that and she didn't care as long as 'she got hers'. Or the surfer dude that surfs all day cause he gets welfare and would rather surf than look for work? This is their limited way of thinking unfortunately. They don't care where the money is coming from, as long as they don't have to work for it.

Jesse Waters has his segment 'Water's World' on Bill O'Reilly's show. He was doing a segment where he was doing the 'man in the street' interviews at a well known college campus. These college aged kids were so ignorant it seriously wasn't even funny. One girl thought America was founded in 1940. They didn't know who JFK or Regan were. They didn't know squat about this country or real life. I rewound it and asked my son who was around 14 at the time to come watch it. We've homeschooled him since pre-school. I replayed the segment. He got all the questions right and actually thought this was a comedy skit. I had to explain it wasn't a skit and these were real college age kids that were responding to the questions.

So it should come as no surprise the direction this country has taken with a 'willingly ignorant' segment of the population that is willing to give up freedoms (they don't realize they have or appreciate) in order to be handed something they didn't earn.

They are selfish, self centered and know more about rap singers and former porn stars turned celebrity than they do about their own government.

Try this little experiment, I've done this and wasn't pleased with the results. Ask any group of people the following questions:
  • Can you name five professional foot ball teams?
  • Can you name five professional baseball teams?
  • Can you name five professional basketball teams?
  • Can you name five famous movie stars?
  • Can you name five famous rap stars?
You'll likely get close to a 100% response to your questions. Now ask these two questions:
  • Who are your two state senators?
  • Who is your congressman/woman and what district to you live in?
See if you get a response....or a blank stare!

Now you know why this country is in the shape it's in.

When you see college age students that think this country was founded in 1940...something went wrong somewhere. That is my opinion and my view and I will simply speak my opinion and view as I see and experience it.
In the USA I see groups of armed thugs roaming the streets stealing, committing rape, killing,and trying to subjugate everyone else to their authority if a big permanent disaster happens. If you do not think this will happen look to the LA riots for an example or look at the police (of FBI) records to see the number of Gangs in the USA.
Yes in the country it will be different but in the inner city I foresee the gangs trying to dominate whomever is left alive.
In the USA I see groups of armed thugs roaming the streets stealing, committing rape, killing,and trying to subjugate everyone else to their authority if a big permanent disaster happens. If you do not think this will happen look to the LA riots for an example or look at the police (of FBI) records to see the number of Gangs in the USA.
Yes in the country it will be different but in the inner city I foresee the gangs trying to dominate whomever is left alive.

Will there be cells of lawlessness, sure.....will it be wide spread....I don't share your belief here....I have been in storm restoration efforts throughout the country and what i have seen in devastated areas is overall community engagement.

There will still be a police force/military in place.....There will still be community leaders..... yes the lack of food/resources will cause issues, but I have generally witnessed human goodness prevailing in times of need. Even in the US....Even in large cities.....I do not recall riots in NYC when most of the eastern grid went black in 2009....lots of gangs in NYC....How many earthquakes on the west coast??? What about hurricane Sandy's impact on a significant area of the east coast for months?? gangs are in every city and even in the rural communities to some degree, this said generally communities coming together to help one another....Families help families....

At least this has been my experience.
Tez, I love ya, truly I do. But you keep hitting a couple of things. One of which only you are bringing up;

That's because I think for myself.

No one in this thread has mentioned prepping to the extend that you don't live you life, except you

So, we can only discuss what other's have brought up and not bring anything up ourselves? Are you saying I can't discuss anything other than what is dictated to me?

but in this country the number of 'sheeple' is quite alarming

Now, only people who know nothing about sheep will call people 'sheeple', it indicates a deep ignorance of sheep behaviour, they are actually as intelligent as dogs, they protect their young ferociously, they circle together for safety with the young in the middle, they can be very individualist and quite stubborn, the rams are known to kill people protecting the herd. We had a farmer killed by a ram a couple of years ago. They form strong social bonds with no dominance ( ie no bullying), they look after each other in fact. If you want an animal who can forage in deep snow, protects their young, can find water and shelter in most types of country, can live in places not many other animals can, sheep are the animals you want.

When you see college age students that think this country was founded in 1940...something went wrong somewhere.

That will be your education system not the young people that are to blame.
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Secondly, you keep on about us 'slagging' on the current generation. To be clear, there are idiots and freeloaders in every generation. And I can't speak for the U.K., but in this country the number of 'sheeple' is quite alarming. They don't know their own countries history, they are 'entitled', the want others to hand them a living and don't care where the money comes from and getting a good education and working hard for a living to become successful is a foreign concept...or a dirty word.

Is that all the youth? No. But it is a large % of them in this country. I just posted this on the SEP board in response to someone's post:
I agree with Tez completely. I don't think this generation is any more or less capable than any other. There are some "entitled" young people, but I've been very pleased at the quality and caliber of the young people my kids go to school with, as well as the young people entering the workforce. Overall, they are hard working, creative and eager to please.
So, we can only discuss what other's have brought up and not bring anything up ourselves? Are you saying I can't discuss anything other than what is dictated to me?

Didn't say you can't bring things up. But it is evident that you have a very narrow view of 'preppers'. You are broad-brushing an entire community of individuals.

Now, only people who know nothing about sheep will call people 'sheeple', it indicates a deep ignorance of sheep behaviour...

That is an American expression, just as 'slagging' is a British expression. We don't really use it here, but I know the meaning your trying to convey. Just as most folks will know what I mean by the reference of 'sheeple'.

That will be your education system not the young people that are to blame

That is one of the problems. It is not the only one however.
Didn't say you can't bring things up. But it is evident that you have a very narrow view of 'preppers'. You are broad-brushing an entire community of individuals.

There's an entire community of people who devote their time to 'prepping'? ROFLMAO, you are joking right?

I don't have a narrow view of them, I don't have a view at all. Everyone needs a hobby. I just suggested that spending all one's time worrying about something isn't sensible. There is a saying 'don't trouble trouble till trouble troubles you', sure get your stuff together but then forget it, get on with life, it's like the spare tyre on your car, make sure it's fit for purpose then forget it until you need it. You don't have forums, shops, magazines about spare tyres......... or perhaps you do :D

As for 'sheeple' it's an inaccurate made up word which doesn't convey a truthful meaning so basically it's rubbish. If you think that your young people are inadequate etc etc then you can only blame those who brought them up, acted as role models and generally shaped their views on life, the universe and everything, you can hardly blame them.
There's an entire community of people who devote their time to 'prepping'? ROFLMAO, you are joking right?

Yes, there is an entire community of people who devote some of their time to prepping. And we enjoy discussion gear, DIY projects, hunting, first aid and a host of other related topics. Just like there is an entire community of people who devote some of their time to the martial arts. Neither is a joke.

As for 'sheeple' it's an inaccurate made up word which doesn't convey a truthful meaning so basically it's rubbish.

You are entitled to your opinion. It is used to convey a specific meaning and does so quite well.

People unable to think for themselves. Followers. Lemmings. Those with no cognitive ablilities of their own.

Now I'm done with talking about the meaning of a word and other rabbit trails and would prefer to return to the OP topic. You may continue as you wish.
Will there be cells of lawlessness, sure.....will it be wide spread....I don't share your belief here....I have been in storm restoration efforts throughout the country and what i have seen in devastated areas is overall community engagement.

I truly hope you are correct on tthis and that I am wrong
Yes, there is an entire community of people who devote some of their time to prepping. And we enjoy discussion gear, DIY projects, hunting, first aid and a host of other related topics. Just like there is an entire community of people who devote some of their time to the martial arts. Neither is a joke.

You are entitled to your opinion. It is used to convey a specific meaning and does so quite well.

People unable to think for themselves. Followers. Lemmings. Those with no cognitive ablilities of their own.

Now I'm done with talking about the meaning of a word and other rabbit trails and would prefer to return to the OP topic. You may continue as you wish.

You may think it's amusing to call people names but it's hardly kind nor correct. You are calling more than a community names you are maligning a large part of your country yet you take umbrage that I find a few people intent on 'surviving' bemusing. To take such a superior attitude towards your fellow countrymen you must indeed be something special, most people I find and that includes your countrymen I've found are decent human beings who want to do the best for their families, keep food on the table, a roof over their heads and to live in peace with their neighbours, to call them sheeple for these wishes I think is not just unfair but untrue. They don't 'prepare', well do they have to, perhaps they, like me would prefer to live a civilised life in a civilised society rather than as a wild animal doing whatever is needed for survival, perhaps we want society to go forward not backwards. The quality of life is what matters not the quantity. the point too is that we live in 'free' countries where people fought to allow us to think and do within reason as we wish.
You say you are a community just like martial arts people but who on here among the martial arts 'community' is calling non martial artists sheeple? who is saying they are a generation who doesn't know their history? Who on here has written off non martial artists because they don't practise as we do?
You have taken the opportunity to not just give your views but to malign people as well, you prepare that's fine but because people don't they aren't any lesser people than you.