People like this are part of the 'entitlement' generation. They aren't interested in getting a good education, working hard and becoming successful based upon their own merits. They would rather be handed their living with no questions asked. They have no issue with giving up personal freedoms in order to not have to work hard. There is no other way to say it except they are ignorant, misinformed, freeloading sheep.
Remember the woman celebrating cause she was going to get her 'Obama phone' and 'Obama money'? She was asked who was going to pay for all that and she didn't care as long as 'she got hers'. Or the surfer dude that surfs all day cause he gets welfare and would rather surf than look for work? This is their limited way of thinking unfortunately. They don't care where the money is coming from, as long as they don't have to work for it.
Jesse Waters has his segment 'Water's World' on Bill O'Reilly's show. He was doing a segment where he was doing the 'man in the street' interviews at a well known college campus. These college aged kids were so ignorant it seriously wasn't even funny. One girl thought America was founded in 1940. They didn't know who JFK or Regan were. They didn't know squat about this country or real life. I rewound it and asked my son who was around 14 at the time to come watch it. We've homeschooled him since pre-school. I replayed the segment. He got all the questions right and actually thought this was a comedy skit. I had to explain it wasn't a skit and these were real college age kids that were responding to the questions.
So it should come as no surprise the direction this country has taken with a 'willingly ignorant' segment of the population that is willing to give up freedoms (they don't realize they have or appreciate) in order to be handed something they didn't earn.
They are selfish, self centered and know more about rap singers and former porn stars turned celebrity than they do about their own government.
Try this little experiment, I've done this and wasn't pleased with the results. Ask any group of people the following questions:
- Can you name five professional foot ball teams?
- Can you name five professional baseball teams?
- Can you name five professional basketball teams?
- Can you name five famous movie stars?
- Can you name five famous rap stars?
You'll likely get close to a 100% response to your questions. Now ask these two questions:
- Who are your two state senators?
- Who is your congressman/woman and what district to you live in?
See if you get a response....or a blank stare!
Now you know why this country is in the shape it's in.