What is your governing body?

This line is, of course, the key. Without students, the art (whichever art you're in) will die. Only those instructors who want the best for their students will provide the art to continue to live and grow; the rest will produce students, yes... but not students who will help the art to live and grow.[/quote

Nicely put
Dont got one, dont want one, dont need one

ITF Forms

so sorry, and I am not trying to pee in anyone's cornflakes, but large orgs serve no purpose I can see other than taking your money.............
Wow we actually agree on something. I was part of the World Youn Wha Ryu Assoc. but big business and greed pressured me into starting my own assoc. The World AMP-RYU Association. I use the palgwe forms up to 3rd keup, koryo at second keup, batsai at 1st keup and chulki form 1 and 2 at first dan. After that I have a mixture of chinese, okinawan, sholin temple and kungfu forms up to 9th degree. This is the way I like it. I can keep my monthly dues cheaper because I keep my own testing fees, amoung other things like no association fees ect. I personally know when "my" students are ready to test and me and my fellow instructor, masters grade each individual test. Just my opinion and my way
I guess my governing body is my student, because everything I do is in there best interest at all times.
Thanks for your input and I understand your position regarding Orgs.

However some of them can help your business aquire proper insurance that building propreitors require to allow operations to take place. One other point to consider is that an Org can provide the Credentials needed to compete in tournaments that lead up to the Olympics, if you want to offer that opportunity.

I want the best for my students, that's all .

Proper insurance isn't that hard to aquire, there are several nartial arts insurance companies online without having to pay monthly,yearly whatever fees. Good insurance companies offer great insurance for as low as $7.95 per student per year, which is extremely cheap! Also you have to remember the olympics are only for a very very select few, sometimes(most of the time) not even the best martial artist. Remember the olympics don't make a martial artist, great practice makes a martial artist. If that is what your into great, but I won't trap my students in with false hopes, that is for gymnastics schools not MA Schools. Just my opinion.
My immediate governing body is my instructor, Master Terry Batch VII dan. What he says goes, as far as I'm concerned. He and his school, and therefore myself, is a member of the US-ITF under Master Robert Wheatley who is a phenomenal Taekwon-Doin who works very closely with Grand Master Choi, Jung Hwa of the ITF.


Proper insurance isn't that hard to aquire, there are several nartial arts insurance companies online without having to pay monthly,yearly whatever fees. Good insurance companies offer great insurance for as low as $7.95 per student per year, which is extremely cheap! Also you have to remember the olympics are only for a very very select few, sometimes(most of the time) not even the best martial artist. Remember the olympics don't make a martial artist, great practice makes a martial artist. If that is what your into great, but I won't trap my students in with false hopes, that is for gymnastics schools not MA Schools. Just my opinion.

We don't pay anyone money for membership, just our insurance fees to be members of a (state) Provincial Association, it's non proffit( $20.00, or $18.00 U.S. ). I looked around and it was the best deal, where I live. Now I have to face the fact that they have opportunity, where they had no chance before.
Wow we actually agree on something. I was part of the World Youn Wha Ryu Assoc. but big business and greed pressured me into starting my own assoc. The World AMP-RYU Association. I use the palgwe forms up to 3rd keup, koryo at second keup, batsai at 1st keup and chulki form 1 and 2 at first dan. After that I have a mixture of chinese, okinawan, sholin temple and kungfu forms up to 9th degree. This is the way I like it. I can keep my monthly dues cheaper because I keep my own testing fees, amoung other things like no association fees ect. I personally know when "my" students are ready to test and me and my fellow instructor, masters grade each individual test. Just my opinion and my way
Wow! This seems a fairly recent developement. In any case, I am curious: do you consider yourself a taekwondo association with the Chinese and Okinawan material offered as advanced material, or do you consider your association to be the custodian of a separate art?

Wow! This seems a fairly recent developement. In any case, I am curious: do you consider yourself a taekwondo association with the Chinese and Okinawan material offered as advanced material, or do you consider your association to be the custodian of a separate art?


I am a student of martial arts, I like and have studied many different style in which I like different techniques. So there for I teach Tae Kwon Do as a basis for my instruction. But I incorporate other styles as well. YounWha will forever be my association but I can't take the Big Business thats involved. I just like to have control over my own students.
I would like to add that when a club owner is above 4th Dan it becomes easier to cut out the "Orgs". It's understandable in our style why there might be some affiliation with a higher Master until that point.

It's good to have control over your money and to be able to put it back into the school. I mean , paying an org high yearly fees and money for rank certificates that don't mean anything anywhere else is insane. It's hard enough to pay the bills.

I do give a Kukkiwon because they are really cheap to aquire and they are recognized anywhere the world. We tend to go to a lot of outside tournaments and when one of my students gets carded, they have to have it or it goes no further.

We still do the ITF forms and I miss the point sparring at those tournaments, we still go to some Karate games but our insurance is not valid.

When I moved to the WTF I had to start all over again because the Master of the ITF based school did not even get an ITF degree for us. So 17 years for nothing because they can be transferred. I would imagine that they don't cost that much.

However considering the fees that we hear are charged for Dan at most clubs. Would it really cost that much? Students that move away may have to pay all those fees again. Where a Kukkiwon Dan ($70.00)is yours for life and I can compete and take part in TKD programs. The reffs come from the association and it's fair judging at the tournaments, impartial. I mean you want the best ones to represent your country. We have had them and it's exciting to be part of their success.
WJTF - World Jang Song Tae Kwon Do Federation.
This was set up by our Grandmaster and it consists of a couple of school near Chicago, IL and one in Iowa.
USAT - USA Tae Kwon Do
The USA Olympic people.

We do WTF style stuff. The WJTF has an open TKD tournament every year in the spring in Rockford, IL if anyone is interested.
WJTF - World Jang Song Tae Kwon Do Federation.
This was set up by our Grandmaster and it consists of a couple of school near Chicago, IL and one in Iowa.
USAT - USA Tae Kwon Do
The USA Olympic people.

We do WTF style stuff. The WJTF has an open TKD tournament every year in the spring in Rockford, IL if anyone is interested.

Who is your instructor, igillman? I may know of them.
I am independent. I have no governing body telling me what I have to do when I teach my students. That said, I follow the Kukkiwon guidelines and issue Kukkiwon dan certificates and Chung Do Kwan certificates.

I do however belong to several organizations/associations for competition purposes: The USA Taekwondo (USAT) and Michigan Sport Taekwondo, Inc. which is the MI association to USAT.
I am independent. I have no governing body telling me what I have to do when I teach my students. That said, I follow the Kukkiwon guidelines and issue Kukkiwon dan certificates and Chung Do Kwan certificates.

I do however belong to several organizations/associations for competition purposes: The USA Taekwondo (USAT) and Michigan Sport Taekwondo, Inc. which is the MI association to USAT.
If you issue KKW dan certs, I assume then that you are a 4th dan or higher KKW practitioner. Not a bad way to go; you have the independence, but your certs carry weight outside of just your school as well.

Grandmaster Tae Eun Ha, 7th Dan TKD. He used to teach the Korean military.

Master Cho runs our school now after Chae Soon Jung left to set up her own place.

Sorry I don't know these folks. Two schools I was a part of did some things with Sam Ahn, back in the day.
The club I'm in is called Acme Taekwondo, and it's under the Singapore Taekwondo Federation is the only recognized organization governing the WTF/KKW-style in Singapore. It is affliated with the ATF, ATU [can't remember which is which between ASEAN/Asian Taekwondo Federation/Union] and the WTF. Our ranks are within the STF itself, but we can apply for international dan certification issued by the Kukkiwon. We do the Taegeuks and WTF-style sparring. The general manager of the STF is GM Lim Teong Chin, unsure of his rank now, but the last time I checked he was 8th Dan. The president of the STF is Milan Kwee. We also have international referees like Lee Thiam Huat who refereed at the Olympics last year.
As various TKD associations splinter and reform, keeping track of which association people belong to, and which major variant of TKD they perform, gets harder and harder.

What is your governing body? Which variation of TKD (pattern/form set) do you practice? Or, if you practice more than one, what is your primary set?

I am a member of the Yomchi TKD Association, which is currently celebrating its 10 year anniversary (founded May 21, 1998). We practice the Ch'ang H'on tul set.
WTF style with Taegeuk forms. Kukkiwon certifications are slightly more expensive than others and have very specific/relatively tough guidelines on the testing procedures to pass [I think the forms must be Taegeuk, but there might be another type they're accepting now for color belt forms only; I'm not sure as I got mine a long time ago]. Luckily, Kukkiwon certifications are only a one-time fee for life and are definitely worth the money because they're probably the most widely accepted at TKD schools/competitions around the world. If you transfer schools, your black belt is [almost] 100% guaranteed to transfer automatically, and you don't have to waste the time/money starting over. I mean, as a Korean sport, the Kukkiwon in Korea is the official TKD headquarters of world, so it makes sense. I would think these certifications are probably the closest you can get to a "gold standard" and are unlikely to see a decline in worldwide acceptance anytime soon [I'm also guessing there won't be significant changes in their procedures/qualifications either]. Not sure if you're looking into adding on to your current certifications or just curious about what others are doing.
Welcome to MartialTalk. You might consider going over to the Meet & Greet and tell us about yourself.

WTF style with Taegeuk forms.
There is no such thing as WTF style. Which also no longer exists, having changed their name to WT. WT has no schools, no curriculum, and awards no rank. It is a sports governing body for Olympic-style competition. No more, no less.
Kukkiwon certifications are slightly more expensive than others
Also not true. KKW certification is something like $100. That's comparatively inexpensive.
and have very specific/relatively tough guidelines
Again, nope. The KKW has specific curriculum requirements, but they are not at all tough. That is one reason why there are so many baby black belts in the KKW system.
For that matter, although the KKW "requires" the taegeuk poomse, there is zero enforcement, and there are tons of KKW black belts who don't know anything at all about the taegeuk forms.
Luckily, Kukkiwon certifications are only a one-time fee for life
More accurately, it's a one time fee for each rank. You pay for 1st Dan. And again for 2nd Dan. etc.
And this is true of every rank in every school in every system I ever heard of. Rank doesn't expire.
I looked it up...
KKW fee for 1st Dan is $70.
2nd Dan is $90.
3rd Dan is $120.
4th Dan is $150.
5th Dan is $300.
6th Dan is $350.
7th Dan is $450.
8th Dan is $550.
9th Dan is $700.
So at lower ranks, this is a fair bit cheaper than what I've seen reported here. Now, bear in mind that this is the KKW fee. Individual instructors can, and often do, add their own fee to this. Especially if it is a commercial school.
The Moo Duk Kwan system I am a part of is higher than this in the low ranks, but 7th and above is awarded based on service to the art, and there is no fee.

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