Kembudo-Kai Kempoka
Senior Master
Hey J.K.
Didn't you train at moo (pronounced similar to no) for over a decade?
Also, if you are so well informed; why didnÂ’t you tell them that Olaf and Margitte parted company decades ago?
Why on earth would you tell people he was from Germany when he clearly stated that he was from Poland?
Why did you not inform people that he is over eighty years old and the promotion and teaching of Moh Kempo is now left up to a board of senior black belts?
Why did you not mention the Calgary policeman (and Moh Kempo black belt) who successfully defended himself against a knife wielding assailant who attacked a cab driver and then him?
Why did you state that Olaf had ‘wiped the map’ with GMEP when that wasn’t the story at all?
They were training together and Olaf (at five foot six and one hundred and twenty pounds) knocked down the considerably larger GMEP. At that point GMEP got right back up and asked Olaf what he (Olaf) had done.
Why would Olaf claim that he was awarded an eighth degree black belt if he could ‘wipe the map’ with the man? (Maybe because there was mutual respect between them)
Did you ask Ed Parker Junior if he had any knowledge of his father teaching Margitte Hilbig during the sixties?
Why didnÂ’t you tell the man that the old business model has been done away with?
Why did you feel it necessary to embellish?
You can polish a turd until it's nice, bright, and shiny. But it's still a turd.