What is "Anti-American"?

Someone, or some organization that would say/do something harmful to our nations image/security. Karl Rove, and the like...
Joking. That whole, we're currently up to our eyeballs in fallen trees. Ya gotta be here to appreciate the humor though. Sorry. :)

lol i can appreciate it!

but as for this thread, ive been called somewhat of supporting of un-american things... my company laid off about 500 people and we outsourced to kids in the philippines, i was then chosen to go there and train them, and when i came back, i got some dirty looks, since i was training people that took friends of my co-worker's jobs... granted outsourcing is another arugment in itself, but for being 26, getting a free trip overseas, everything paid for, how could i pass something like that up? if i didnt go there i would have never visited bangkok and saw the muay thai in person..i would go again in a heartbeat regardless of the controversey

it seems as though mainstream america just likes drama, and arguments, gives them something to do aside frmo watching dancing with the stars or american idol lol