Despite my reputation, I'd rather not.Again, I saw it as a jest. If you did not see it this way, the proper thing to do was to report the post and not come back with an insult.It is, and your goal is laudable. I fervantly hope to see you succeed. The example has to start at home. To say the Ninjutsu forums have been a hot bed of controversy would be an understatement. I have not seen much "discussion"; I have, however, seen an immense amount of cyber dueling. Educate, don't argue. I 100% agree with you. But again, the example must start with the members of the forum.
The only people that can make this forum safe for those of you studying this western ninjustsu or American or whatever you like to call yourselves, is you. When you engage in debate without seeing an assassin behind every post, things will get better. If I see a level of professionalism from the regular posters of this forum that is not being met by the visitors or then see deliberate sabotage, then I can take action. As it stands now, I can only react to the fires as they flare. Bob has gone a long way to give you guys a forum and he would like to see it succeed. I will work with you, but you have to meet me half way.