pinky strike?


3rd Black Belt
Jun 17, 2004
Reaction score
Little Tokyo
there is a move i have seen and i found it very weird and ineffective. its called in japanese a "shishinken" (pinky strike). you make your hand into a fist with your thumb resting on top of your fingers instead of across (which we do for a thumb jab strike/boshiken or an altered fist/koppoken), then you stick out your pinky finger and you strike. can't find any use for it except for picking out little green enemies. ;)

would like to know if any of the modern folk use this technique/strike?

So do you strike with the pinky or the thumb? Because I'm not sure, but maybe if you strike with the thumb, it has something to do with elements or polarity to have the pinky extended. I don't hink I'd strike with just a pinky, though...even if you're some kind of iron man, you would still be open to finger locks, I'd imagine, even if you don't break your finger on the strike.

I've never seen the move though, so don't consider my opinion too valid.
from what i've seen the strike is with the pinky.:idunno: i would think you could easily break your finger... or get it broken off.

From what I know, the Shishinken (pinky strike) is one of the fists of the Ken Juroppo. Other than that I couldn't say. Would like to keep my pinky though I will say that. Those little green enemies are pesky, little critters!

In To-Shin Do I've used the Shitoken (Boshiken), Shikanken, Koppoken, Kitenken (or shuto as we call it), Fudoken, Shitanken, Shakoken, and Happaken. Never the Shishinken. Been interested to find out who has used it and its application.
It looks like you already named an application:

"picking out little green enemies"

Sounds like a finger stab to the nostril - but do it to that of the opponent, and not yourself.

I have used this fist in a couple of freeform applications, both were grappling tricks, and were targeted at the neck/throat. One was from a lapel grab, the other had my other fingers occupied holding a short sword, leaving the pinky finger to jab.

As a devastating move, no, try another finger, but for a quick hidden distraction strike - it comes in handy.

I haven't used it as such, but I have seen it used as a strike to the groin to an opponent to the rear (haibu yori) - involves ninpo taijutsu - seems effective in certain situations.
True Story

I had a shishinken shoved into the corner of my mouth, I was already in some considerable pain so it was open(maybe a reason to smile at your enemy but not too widely). Anyway the fingernail(a woman did this) peeled off a nice amount of my gum,she came and flicked it at me after she had finished teaching. That was painful I can say and quite strange to have another persons finger in my mouth. Next(in a moment?) she made a fist scratching the inside of my mouth and stretching my cheek(more pain) in another moment she threw me onto my head,in a relatively nice way thank god.
The point of the story is that even the smallest of things can make a big difference, and besides that it should be noted that just because something in another art is listed as a weapon it does not necessarily mean it is used for striking with(yea I know it says "16 striking treasures" or some such)
Enson said:
there is a move i have seen and i found it very weird and ineffective. its called in japanese a "shishinken" (pinky strike).
Actually, it means "Needle Finger Strike"; there's one really easy way to learn the intended application...find an X-Kan instructor that knows it and train under them until you've learned what you need to learn.

Otherwise, please continue with current application:
Enson said:
can't find any use for it except for picking out little green enemies. ;)
Rinse and repeat...
Well, you can pick your enemies and you can pick your nose, but don't pick your enemy's nose. :)
Shizen Shigoku said:
It looks like you already named an application:

"picking out little green enemies"

Sounds like a finger stab to the nostril - but do it to that of the opponent, and not yourself.

I have used this fist in a couple of freeform applications, both were grappling tricks, and were targeted at the neck/throat. One was from a lapel grab, the other had my other fingers occupied holding a short sword, leaving the pinky finger to jab.

As a devastating move, no, try another finger, but for a quick hidden distraction strike - it comes in handy.

I haven't used it as such, but I have seen it used as a strike to the groin to an opponent to the rear (haibu yori) - involves ninpo taijutsu - seems effective in certain situations.
i can see your point. never thought of it that way. i would use another finger if i was doing so.
maybe an eye gouge or something similar can be used in the works. still would use another finger because my pinky is too weak.:)
There are people whom train their fingers (including the pinky) to actualy peirce apples. Its unusefull, but not impracticle. :asian:
There are people whom train their fingers (including the pinky) to actualy peirce apples. Its unusefull, but not impracticle.

Touch'O'Death said:
There are people whom train their fingers (including the pinky) to actualy peirce apples. Its unusefull, but not impracticle. :asian:
Not True. Very Useful.

What If I want to Core an Apple but have no Tupperware party to go to to purchase an Apple Coring Knife??? :D
Shishinken is very handy for canned beer when the tab breaks off. In a similar vein, I use a shuto to take the top off a non twist-off bottle of beer if I don't have an opener handy... :D

The needle finger strike, or shishinken, is use for, and only use for, striking hard to reach spots. For example, pressure points and in between the ribs. Yes, it is not totally practical but then again it is as practical as a flip. So it is up to you to judge if you need it or not. Still that is the reason to use it.