What is a JKD certificate worth?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Aikia
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Aikia said:
I recently read where the award winning screen writer Stirling Silliphant was issued a certificate for 3rd level Jeet Kune Do from Bruce Lee. This is the same level as Dan Inosanto. For years I had heard that Dan Inosanto was the one and only person Bruce ranked at level 3. That raises certain questions regarding the meaning of being ranked at 3rd level and who is the senior student under Bruce Lee. Level 3 could not possibly be an "instructor" rank since Mr.Silliphant is not considered as a JKD instructor. New information continues to surface. Maybe there are others.
But is 3rd level equivilant to instructor? Or is it years? Or is it a number of methods?
The question then becomes would Bruce issue the level 3 certificate to Stirling Silliphant because he wanted him to be identified as "Instructor" of JKD? Others have commented that the level corresponds to number of years of personal training under Bruce Lee. In Mr.Siliphant's case this seems more descriptive.
Aikia said:
The question then becomes would Bruce issue the level 3 certificate to Stirling Silliphant because he wanted him to be identified as "Instructor" of JKD? Others have commented that the level corresponds to number of years of personal training under Bruce Lee. In Mr.Siliphant's case this seems more descriptive.
Like a "gimmie" or "honary"?
Bruce didn't seem like the type to give out honorary degrees. Ted Wong was given level 2 to designate two years of training. It seems consistent that level 3 means three years. Sounds a lot like the freshman,sophmore, junior year etc. only Bruce labeled it level 1-2-3. No one ,including the recepiants seem to know exactly what Bruce meant by issuing the certificates. Guess it only became important after Bruce died.
My JKD will not be your JKD, after we both reach profeciency in basic JKD techniques/concepts, and understanding of our weaknesses. But you are not understanding JKD concepts if you never trained in basic JKD techniques for sufficient time to learn what your weaknesses are. You can't just read up a bit on JKD and make an assessment. This is why JKD people want to train with and study other arts,.. to bring us out of our condition of ignorance. There are definite techniques Bruce believed one should train in and try to master before daring to cast them aside as not worthy. This is a major reason so few try JKD.. it is daunting and conceptual, and few really understand it even after trying it for a while.. and most cannot put into execution the flow from range to range, seamless transition from technique to technique in various arts, without stopping to think about "what's next?" This rigidity makes executing JKD impossible. It takes time and meditation on the concepts and natural ability. Bruce indeed said "not one in 10,000 men can do my art."

I think since it was Bruce Lee's art, and he acknowledged that it was HIS art, he wanted it to die with him, and he wanted us to find our own personal way or art. Martial arts seems so much more rigid when you are doing it someone elses way instead of the flowing way of your own mindset.
Feisty Mouse said:
b.i.t.s. - do you train in JKD?
Yes I have. I liked the footwork mainly. I didn't like the art overall though. I think Bruce Lee wanted us all to take what we like out of the arts and have our own way, so I took his footwork, which was fabulous.
achilles said:
I understand your point, but then to be consistant you must also say that Shotokan died with Funakoshi and no one can really teach that art. The same goes for Tae Kwon Do and definitely Ninjitsu.

I agree with you one this one. My own art will die with me as will anyone else's that made their own style.

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